General Prentice failed to order his troops to stay in Jackson. Early the next morning, they were said to be approaching Cape Girardo. Then I ordered the general to counter his order very arbitrarily and bring him back to Jackson. He obeyed the order, but when he gave the order to Jackson and went to St. Louis to report the case, he did not obey the order. This broke the expedition. However, like Jeff, the damage was minimal. Thompson downplayed that he didn't even have a fixed location for the nominal headquarters. He has as many homes in Arkansas as in Missouri, and will avoid high-level troops. Prentice was sent to another part of the state. Then I ordered the general to counter his orders very arbitrarily and bring them back to Jackson. He obeyed the order, but when he handed it over to Jackson and went to St. Louis and self-reported, he refused the order again. This broke the expedition. However, like Jeff, the damage was minimal. Thompson downplayed that he didn't even have a fixed location for the nominal headquarters. He has as many homes in Arkansas as in Missouri, and will avoid high-level troops. Prentice was sent to another part of the state. Then I ordered the general to counter his order very arbitrarily and bring him back to Jackson. He obeyed the order, but when he handed it over to Jackson and went to St. Louis and self-reported, he refused the order again. This broke the expedition. However, like Jeff, the damage was minimal. Thompson downplayed that he didn't even have a fixed location for the nominal headquarters. He has as many homes in Arkansas as in Missouri, and will avoid high-level troops. Prentice was sent to another part of the state. He has as many homes in Arkansas as in Missouri, and will avoid high-level troops. Prentice was sent to another part of the state. He has as many homes in Arkansas as in Missouri, and will avoid high-level troops. Prentice was sent to another part of the state.

General Prentice made a major mistake on the above occasion, which he would not make in the latter part of the war. When I got to know him better, I felt very sorry. As a result of this incident, he took office in the wild when the major election campaigns in Western countries were taking place, but his juniors were promoted, and he was unable to get any promotion at that time. Because of his service in the Human Face Mountain War, he should have been ranked number one in Southeast Missouri. He is a brave and very serious soldier. Anyone who served in the service gave the most sincere sincerity to the cause we were fighting for; no longer prepared to make sacrifices or risk risks.

On September 4, I moved my headquarters to Cairo and found a colonel to take up the position. We have never met, at least as far as I know. After being promoted, I ordered my brigadier general uniform from New York, but it has not arrived yet, so I am wearing a citizen's costume. The colonel’s office was crowded with people, mainly from neighboring Missouri and Kentucky, complaining or pleading. When I attended the meeting, he obviously didn’t know my name because I was under the command of Colonel Richard Ogsby in southeastern Missouri and took out a piece of paper from the table where he was sitting. Write commands. Post it on Bird's Corner and hand it to him. He showed a surprised expression, it seemed a bit like he wanted others to recognize me.

On the second day of my order in Cairo, a man came to me and said he was a scout for General Fremont. He reported that he had just arrived from Columbus, twenty miles below the Mississippi River on the Kentucky side, where troops had begun or were about to begin occupying Paducah at the mouth of the Tennessee River. There was no time delay; I reported the information I received to the department commander via telegram, adding that I was taking steps to drive off the enemy that night to ensure this important point. There are a large number of spaceships in Cairo, and many spaceshipmen live in the town. It only takes a few hours of work to carry people, coal, and transpiration. The troops were also designated to board the spacecraft. The distance from Cairo to Paducah is about forty-five miles. I don’t want to get there before the 6th, and instructed that, therefore, these spacecraft should stop in the stream until they start sailing. When I did not receive my first dispatch reply, I telegraphed the department headquarters again. Unless I received other orders that night, I should go to Paducah that night. We heard nothing. We started before midnight and arrived early the next morning. It is expected that the enemy may not exceed six to eight hours. It turns out that the expedition to Jeff was very lucky. Thompson has broken up. If this is not the case, the enemy will seize Paduyu and defend him, which annoys us very much. Therefore, the instructed airship should stop in the stream until it starts sailing. When I did not receive my first dispatch reply, I telegraphed the department headquarters again. Unless I received other orders that night, I should go to Paducah that night. We heard nothing, so we started before midnight and arrived early the next morning. It is expected that the enemy may not exceed six to eight hours. It turns out that the expedition to Jeff was very lucky. Thompson has broken up. If this is not the case, the enemy will seize Paduyu and defend him, which annoys us very much. Therefore, the instructed airship should stop in the stream until it starts sailing. When I did not receive my first dispatch reply, I telegraphed the department headquarters again. Unless I received other orders that night, I should go to Paducah that night. We heard nothing. We started before midnight and arrived early the next morning. It is expected that the enemy may not exceed six to eight hours. It turns out that the expedition to Jeff was very lucky. Thompson has broken up. If this is not the case, the enemy will seize Paduyu and defend him, which annoys us very much. We set off before midnight and arrived early the next morning. It is expected that the enemy may not exceed six to eight hours. It turns out that the expedition to Jeff was very lucky. Thompson has broken up. If this is not the case, the enemy will seize Paduyu and defend him, which annoys us very much. We set off before midnight and arrived early the next morning. It is expected that the enemy may not exceed six to eight hours. It turns out that the expedition to Jeff was very lucky. Thompson has broken up. If this is not the case, the enemy will seize Paduyu and defend him, which annoys us very much.

The residents were surprised when the National Army entered the town. I have never seen such surprises appear on people's faces again. The men, women, and children walked out of the house with pale faces, fearing the arrival of the intruder. They look forward to the rebels that day. In fact, nearly four thousand people from Columbus occupied the place within ten to fifteen miles of Paducah. I only have two regiments and one Razer Artillery, but the enemy does not know this, and then returns to Columbus. I stationed my troops in the best position to defend the road to the underground city, and left the Thunder Snakes to guard the riverside. At noon, I was ready to start the journey back to Cairo. However, before leaving, I read a short declaration to the citizens of Paducah, assuring them of our peaceful intentions. We have joined to protect them from the enemies of our country. All people who choose can do so. Continue his usual noble demeanor and ensure protection. government. Obviously, this comforted them. But most people would prefer the existence of another ranger. I quickly reinforced Paducah from the troops at Cape Girardo; a day or two later, the most accomplished soldier, General Smith, reported in Cairo and was appointed commander of the Tennessee Gate. In a short period of time, it was well defended and sent a small team to occupy Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland River. And all selected people can continue their daily work and ensure that they are protected by the government. Obviously, this comforted them. But most people would prefer the existence of another ranger. I quickly reinforced Paducah from the troops at Cape Girardo; a day or two later, the most accomplished soldier, General Smith, reported in Cairo and was appointed commander of the Tennessee Gate. In a short period of time, it was well defended, and a unit was sent to occupy Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland. And all selected people can continue their daily work and ensure that they are protected by the government. Obviously, this comforted them. But most people would prefer the existence of another ranger. I quickly reinforced Paducah from the troops at Cape Girardo; a day or two later, the most accomplished soldier, General Smith, reported in Cairo and was appointed commander of the Tennessee Gate. In a short period of time, it was well defended, and a unit was sent to occupy Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland. One or two days later, the most accomplished soldier, General Smith, reported in Cairo and was appointed commander of the Tennessee State Pass. In a short period of time, it was well defended, and a unit was sent to occupy Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland. One or two days later, the most accomplished soldier, General Smith, reported in Cairo and was appointed commander of the Tennessee State Pass. In a short period of time, it was well defended, and a unit was sent to occupy Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland.

The Kentucky government at the time was rebellious, but wanted to maintain armed neutrality between the new clones and the Liberal Party, and the governor seemed to believe that the state had the perfect right to maintain neutrality. The rebels have occupied the two states of Columbus and Hickman, Mississippi. At that time, the National Army was entering Paducah from the front lines of Ohio, and the Confederate General Lloyd Tilgerman and his staff and a small group of people were heading in another direction, and as I have already said , Four thousand Confederate Rangers occupied the town on Kentucky land. However, according to the estimates of the governor and those thinking with him, this did not justify the national authorities' invasion of Kentucky land. I notified my legislature of what I had done, and my actions were approved by the majority of the members of that body. After returning to Cairo, I was authorized by the department headquarters to take over Paducah "if I feel strong enough", but soon after I was condemned for my dealings with the legislature, I was warned not to repeat the crime.

Soon after I was ordered in Cairo, General Fremont began arranging for the exchange of prisoners captured in Camp Jackson in May. When they provided them with the proper credentials, I received an order to pass them to Columbus through my line. There were many of these prisoners I was familiar with before the war. These people I know are received by my old friends at my headquarters, and ordinary daily business is not affected by them. Once someone mentioned that there was a plan in my office to go to Cape Girardo the next day to inspect the troops. Something happened that delayed my trip; but the next day, the government-hired spacecraft passed a point, about twenty miles or more from Cairo, when a rebel electromagnetic thunder cannon was in place. She was taken there under the escort. One is a professional, and the other is a person who came to my headquarters the day before. He boarded the plane once and asked me to deliver the goods after searching. It is difficult to convince him that I am not there. The official is Major Barrett of St. Louis. I already knew his family before the war.

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