This is serious, but I am very nettle. However, it never calmed him down. He didn't seem to know that he was injured. When we walked together, he started talking and laughing in a happy, careless, childish way, and immediately became old friends with me. Asked me various questions about myself and clothes, but never waited for answers-always endless, as if he didn’t know that he had asked a question, and didn’t want any answer, until finally he mentioned it He was born at the beginning of 513.

The cold makes me shudder! I stopped and said lightly:

"Maybe I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again, then speak slowly. What year was that?"


"513! You can't see it! Come on, my child, I am a stranger without friends; be honest and honorable to me. Are you right?"

He said he was.

"Are these other people in their right mind?"

He said yes.

"This is not a refuge? I mean, isn't this a place where they heal the mad?"

He said no.

"Well," I said, "Either I am a madman, or something terrible has happened. Now, tell me honestly, where am I?"

"In the Palace of King Arthur."

I waited for a while, let the idea faltering, and said:

"According to your thoughts, what year is it now?"

"528-June 19."

With grief in my heart, I mumbled to myself: "I will never see my friends again, and I will never see them again. They will not be born more than 1,300 years."

I seem to believe this boy, I don't know why. As you might say, I seem to believe in him-my consciousness in my heart; but I have no reason. My reason is straightforward. That is natural. I don't know how to satisfy it, because I know the testimony of men will not be useful-my reason is that they are lunatics and throw away their evidence. But all of a sudden, I happened to discover this, only by luck. I know that the only total solar eclipse in the first half of the sixth century occurred on June 21, 528 AD, that is, and started 3 minutes after 12 noon. I also know that there is no total solar eclipse that affects me that year, 1879. So, if I can stop my anxiety and curiosity from swallowing me within forty-eight hours, then I should make sure whether this boy is telling me the truth.

Therefore, as a pragmatic Connecticut native, I now leave all questions behind me until the date and time it specifies, so that I can transfer all my energy to the current situation, and stay alert and do a good job. Be prepared to make the most of them. Once is my motto, even if you only have two pairs and one jack, you must do your best to play. I am determined to do two things: If it is still the 19th century, and I am one of the madmen and cannot escape, then I will now be the owner of that shelter or know why. On the other hand, if it is really the sixth century, then I don’t want to be softer: I will lead the country in three months. Because I have determined that I will experience more than 1,300 years of development in the kingdom. I am not a person who can waste time after making up his mind. So I said to the page:

"Now, Clarence, my boy-if that might happen to be your name-if you don't mind, I will let you post a bit. What is the name of the phantom that brought me here?"

"My master and your servant? That is a good knight, Sir Kay of the great master Senechar, the foster brother of our king."

"Very good; go ahead and tell me everything."

He said a long story. But the part that interests me the most is: he said I was a prisoner of Sir Kay, and in proper customs, I would be thrown into the dungeon and left in the slums until my friend ransacked me, unless I happen to First rot. I saw the best performance at the last chance, but I didn't bother at all. Time is too precious. The page also said that this dinner will end in the auditorium. Once the social activities and heavy drinking begin, Sir Kay will bring me in to show me, and then King Arthur and his outstanding knight will be seated in the table game, and he will brag about him The merits of being captured by me may exaggerate the facts, but this is not a good way for me to correct him, nor is it too safe. When I finished the exhibition, I went to the dungeon; but he, Clarence, would find a way to visit me from time to time, cheer me on, and help me speak to my friends.

Tell my friends! I thank him; I can't do less; about this time, a fool said I was wanted. So Clarence brought me in, took me aside, and sat down beside me.

Well, it is a strange spectacle, and it is very interesting. It was a huge place, quite naked-yes, full of strong contrasts. It is very, very noble. It is so tall that the arched beams and the banners hanging from the beams floating above are floating in the dim light; there is a stone gallery at each end, towering high, with musicians on one side and women on the other. Dress in gorgeous colors. On the floor is a large stone flag made of black and white squares. It is affected by age and usage and needs maintenance. As for decorations, strictly speaking no. Although there are some huge tapestries hanging on the walls, these tapestries may be taxed as works of art; they are combat boots, and horses are shaped like children cut out of paper or made of gingerbread. Their man wears scale armor, which is represented by round holes, so the man's coat looks like it is finished with biscuit punching. There is a fireplace big enough to camp. Its protruding sides and cover are carved and columnar stone sculptures that look like cathedral doors. Standing along the walls are armed men armed with breastplates and amulets. The halberd is their only weapon-as hard as a statue. This is what they look like.

In the middle of this wrinkled and arched public square is an oak table, which they call the "round table". It is as big as a circus ring. There are a large group of people sitting around it, they wear all kinds of brilliant colors, it hurts to look at them. They wore a plump hat, but whenever someone asked himself directly to the king, he would lift the hat when he started to speak.

They mainly drink water from the whole horn; but there are still some people chewing on bread or beef bones. An average person has about two dogs. These people sat with an expectant attitude until the exhausted bones were thrown at them, and then they were quickly driven away by the brigade and divisions. Then there was a battle, full of chaotic head and body falls, Shimmering chaotic scenes. Tails, howlings, and barkings filled all the speech at the time; but it didn't matter, because counterattacks were always important. Men sometimes stand up to observe and bet better, while ladies and musicians stick out their railings with the same items. Everyone** from time to time. In the end, the winning dog stretches itself between its paws with its bones, then growls, bites, and uses it to oil the floor, just like the other fifty dogs are already doing. The rest of the court restored the previous industry and entertainment industry.

Usually, these people behave politely. I noticed that when someone says anything, they are serious listeners. I mean not to hit the dog. Obviously, they are as innocent as children. Tell the most solemn mode of lies in the most gentle and innocent way, and are willing and willing to listen to other people's lies and believe it. It is difficult to associate them with anything cruel or terrible; but they dealt with the story of blood and pain with ruthless words, and I almost forgot to tremble.

I am not the only prisoner present. There are twenty or more. Poor devils, many of them were maimed, hacked, and carved in terrible ways. Their hair, faces, and clothes were covered with black stiff blood. Of course, they suffered severe physical pain; no doubt, tiredness, hunger and thirst; at least no one gave them the comfort of washing their hair or even the mercy of lotion; but you have never heard of them. They groaned or groaned, and they had never seen any tendency to agitate or complain. This idea was imposed on me: "Rogues-they served others in their time; now it’s their turn, they don’t expect better treatment than this; therefore, their philosophical influence is not psychological training, intelligence The result of perseverance and reasoning; this is just animal training; they are white Indians."

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