He fell to sleep beside a stream. When he stood up, he was full of sunshine. What date is this and how long has he been sitting in the tower room? He is no longer sure of the time. He only knew he had to reach the ranch, tell his story, and defeat De Clay and other reactionaries in some way to prove the necessity of invading the north.

A familiar landmark rock point becomes the focal point. He got up, his chest bulged, and his breath whizzed past his anxious, sun-drenched lips. He didn't know that his face was now a mask of driven determination.


The cry reached his dull ears. Li Huai raised his head, saw the person in front of him, and tried to think that it might mean that the weapon turned to him.

A stone hit the ground only a few inches from his foot, and then another. He stopped.

"Neil Gak-!"

witch? Where is the witch? Li Badi shook his head. There are no witches.


Old death threats, but why—for whom?

Another stone smashed his ribs hard, making him back and forth. He tried to stand up again, saw a grin, and aimed at the target-finally realized what had happened.

Then, his head suddenly hurt, and he fell down-into the black well, this time there was no blue pillar to guide him.

A damp and rough thing clings to his face; Li Huai tried to turn his head to avoid contact, and became painful from a burst of pain, and gradually became dizzy, which made him worry that no matter what actions he took, Both will take another action. He opened his eyes and saw the pointed ears, the outline of the coyote's head between him and the dim gray sky, able to recognize\'.

The coyote's tongue was wet, and now it was slippery. The dull clouds above his head released the first heavy rain since Li Badi landed on Topaz. He shivered, because the dampness of his clothes made him realize that he must have been covering up with the full strength of the pouring rain for a while.

Struggling hard to bend his knees, but Nalikidyu\'holds his shirt and pulls hard so that he inexplicably sneaks into the hole under the tree branches, where the spray of water reduces a few drops of water.

There, the strength of the Apache once again made him useless, he could only bend over, kneel on his chest, trying to endure the pain of the head on the head, and the terrible floating feeling after any action. For this, he tried to remember what happened.

Meeting with at least four or five other people...and then the accusation of witchcraft, which was a serious matter in the past. past! For his companions, this is the past! Or the threats yelled at him by others-"\'\'"-literally means: "It will not dawn for you-death!"

Stone, the last thing Li Huai remembered was a stone. Slowly, his hands stretched out to explore his body. He has more than one bruise area on his shoulders, ribs and even his thighs. He must still be the target after falling and knocking the stone that knocked him unconscious. Throwing stones... outlawed! but why? Can't the hostility be allowed, -, even agree? Now he can't be straightforward.

Li Bai realized the warmth, not only realized the soft touch of the warm and warm body beside him, but also realized a kind of comforting spiritual communication, which he had nothing to say. \'Sit on him in a crowd, with his nose leaning straight on his shoulder. She breathed in a soft puff and stirred his damp hair. Now he held her with his arm, and the gesture caused Yin to whisper.

He had been curious about the actions of the coyotes in the past, and only expressed his gratitude to Nalikidyu's current company. After a while, her partner Li Huai squeezed under the circle of low branches, knitting with this natural wool together with them, stretched out his other hand, and pulled it affectionately over the wet skin of the Najin Tower.

"What to do?" he asked loudly. Decree could only take such severe action, and most of the clans firmly supported him. It is very likely that this reactionary is the new leader, and Li Huai's expulsion will only increase De Clay's growing reputation.

The trembling that began when Li Hao regained consciousness still shook him from time to time. Like everyone on the team, when he returned, he had received every vaccination method known to the space doctor, including several experimental methods. However, this cold virus can actually still make a person immobile, and there is no time for the body to tolerate chills and fever.

The movements of stroking the pain over and over again, caught his breath, took off his drenched clothes, and dried his body with a few leaves scraped from his thick carpet last year, knowing he could do anything. But the whirl of his head disappeared. So he got into the leaves until he found only his head, and then tried to fall asleep, the coyote curled up on either side of the nest.

He had dreams, but then he couldn't remember anything in those dreams, except for a certain amount of frustration and fear. When he woke up, he heard continuous rain again and it was very dark. He stretched out his hand-the little wolf is gone. His head became clearer, and suddenly he knew what to do. Once his body is strong enough, he will also restore his past instincts and customs. This situation is enough for him to challenge De Clay.

Li Wei frowned in the dark. He is three to four years taller than his enemy. But the advantage lies in having higher storage space and longer coverage. However, Li Huai was convinced that De Clay had never confronted Apache Fashion in his life. Apache Duel is not a meeting that anyone can easily participate in. Li Bai has the right to enter the reservoir and present such a challenge. Then you must see him or admit that you did something wrong. That part is very simple.

But in the past, such a duel had only one ending, which was fatal to at least one fighter. If Li Wei takes this path, he must be prepared to go beyond the limit. And he doesn't want to kill! In the above, the losses among them are too small, enough to cause greater losses than a real disaster. Although he did not like it, he did not nurture any hatred. However, he must challenge each other or keep the tribe in exile. Li Huai has no right to gamble over time and in the future unless he has learned something in the tower. It may be his life and skills, or yes, the bargaining against all of them-pollution-and their hometown.

First, he must find the current clan camp. If Nolan's arguments are included, they will move south away from the pass. And following will make him farther from Tagu. Li Badi grinned in pain, the pain on his face became sore. This is another time when a person wants to be two people. A scout is performing a sentry mission in the valley. The fighter jets move in the opposite direction and drive it out with De Clay. But since he is only one person, he will have to gamble on time, which is one of the trickiest risks of all.

Before dawn, Nalik Deyu brought her back with a bird-or at least there must be a bird among the ancestors of the creature, but currently the representative of this animal is only leftover traces of wings, its hind limbs and legs are well developed and functional Much stronger.

Li Huai skinned the corpse and automatically put aside some spinal quill pens to feather the future arrows. Then, he ate the raw dim meat strips and threw the bones to Nalik Deyu.

Although he was still stiff and sore, Li Badi made up his mind to leave. He tried to make psychological contact with coyotes and portray Apaches as clearly as possible through mental images, especially. Her consent was clear. She and her partner are willing to lead him into the tribe. He was relieved.

When he was struggling in the eerie drizzle, Apache again wondered why the coyote had left him before leaving Targu. What is the connection between the animals of the world and the remains of the long-standing starry empire? It was not accidental that he was sure that Nalikidyu and Naginata were not wandering in that misty place. He is eager to communicate directly with them, ask questions and get answers.

Without their help, Li Huai would never be able to trace the clan. Drizzle and torrential rain alternated, and heavy rain was enough to drive the tracker to the nearest shelter. The sky above is either dull bronze or dark. Even the coyotes faltered, often throwing a wide range of trails while Li Badi was waiting.

The rain lasted for three days and three nights, filling the river with rapidly rising streams. Li Huai can only hope that other people will have the same difficulties when he travels, perhaps even more so because they are carrying backpacks. The fact of their perseverance means that they are determined to stay as far from the northern mountains as possible.

On the morning of the fourth day, the bronze in the clouds slowly thinned to normal gold, and the sun rushed over the hills, where the mist curled like steam from a hundred bubbling pots. Li Huai relaxed in the warm welcome, feeling his shirt dry on his shoulders. There is still flooded terrain ahead, and the clan should continue to slow down. He had high hopes of catching up to them as soon as possible, and now his most scarred frustration has disappeared. His muscles bend, and he has tried his best to make a plan.

Two hours later, he sat in an ambush, waiting for the scout to enter his hands. Under the command of the coyotes, Li Huai circled the marching route, leading the team. Now, he needs a messenger to state his challenge, and the scout he is about to jump off is Manulito, one of Decree's supporters, which fits Lee Bad's purpose. When the other was the other way around, he put his foot under his feet and jumped up.

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