"Very good. He and Escalta will stay here, and you will be with them."

"Not so! We must go to the tower-" Li Badi protested.

Jill Lee-interjected: "I think you think old weapons are too dangerous for us."

"Maybe they will be forced into our hands. But we must ensure that the demon army will not enter the tower on the way here."

"That's reasonable. But for you, brother, there will be no delay today or even tomorrow. If the wound opens again, then you may have a lot of trouble."

Although Li Badi was worried and impatient, he was forced to accept this. When he moved on the next day, he only got reports that Kedesa had been hiding by the swimming pool overnight and moved stubbornly back.

Three days later,-and entered the tower valley. Kadesa was in the northern foothills, and turned back twice from the west, the scout's apprentice. Just half an hour ago, the news that should be welcome was reported through the mirror: the red helicopters were cruising, just like the day they watched the hunters enter the high ground. It is very possible to see the fugitive and pick him up soon.

A party of three people was also found, looking at the helicopter. However, after sweeping the flyers in a wide range, they were taken to the pony and rode at the fastest speed. Their mounts could be managed on this rugged land.

Buck made a path on a slippery ground, and they studied it. The demons will have to follow this route to find the wrecked ship, which is covered by Apache sentries. According to the communication chain, the result of the trap is reported to the personnel of the tower.

Waiting is the most difficult. Too many incredible people do not allow ruthless thinking. The next morning, a message came from a hidden valley saying that Li Huai had been picked up by a red patrol and that Li Huai had been summoned to meet them.

"Now-the weapon on the tower!" Buck issued an order to Li Huai and responded to the report. The other knew that he could no longer postpone the inevitable. And only by taking action can he erase Kadesa's unforgettable psychological picture and once again fall into the shackles that she hates.

On the flank of Jill Lee-and Barker, he crawled back from the tower window, facing the illuminated pillar.

He crossed the room, reaching for the smooth rod with both hands, not sure if the weird transportation would work again. As his body was sucked on the pillar and descended through the well, he heard strong gasps from other people. Buck followed him, and Jill Lee-last. Then, Li Huai brought a table and a reader along the underground corridor to the room.

He sat on the bench, groping for a pile of tapes, and he knew that the other two men looked at him almost hostilely. He inserted the disk into the reader, hoping that he could correctly explain the direction of reading.

He looked up at the wall in front of him. Three steps...four steps, correct action-then unlock.

"You know?" Buck demanded.

"I can guess-"

"Okay?" Jill Lee-moved to the table. "what are we going to do?"

"This-" Li Huai came from behind the table and walked to the wall. He stretched out his hands, pressed his palms on the green-blue-purple surface, and then slowly slid them. Under his touch, the material of the wall is cool and hard, which is different from the scene of the pillar. Calm down until

A palm keeping a certain distance from the arm found the correct position. He slides his other hand in the opposite direction until his arm is flush with his shoulder. Now, his fingers can be pressed in those warm places. Li Badi tightened and pushed hard with ten fingers.


At first, one second, and then two seconds later, without responding to the pressure, Li Badi thought he had misread the tape. Then, before his eyes, a black line was cut vertically from the wall. He applied more pressure until his fingers were half numb. The line slowly widened. In the end, he faced a slit about eight feet high, slightly wider than two, so the opening remained there.

The outside light was cold, gray, like in a cloudy winter, and with it was the air drawn from the Arctic wasteland. Li Bai favored the still tense side, brushed the door in front of the others, and entered the gray and cold place.

"Wow!" Li Hao heard that Jill Lee's exclamation could have echoed it, but he was shocked by everything he saw.

The light comes from a row of fences far above the head and reaches the native rock on the roof of the warehouse. The boxes are neatly arranged, some are big enough to hold a tank, and some are not big than a man's fist. The symbols in the same blue-green-purple light on the outer wall glow from the side.

"What-?" Buck asked a question, then changed to another question: "Where do we start?"

"Go to the far end." Li Huai started from the central aisle between another time and space and one or more worlds. Using the same tape to give him a clue to open the door, he emphasized the importance of things stored at the far end, one or more objects must be used first. He wants to know the videotape. The feeling of urgency, almost despair, the mess of foreign words, the rapid arrangement of charts and pictures. The news may have been recorded with great threats.

There is no dust on the rows of boxes or the floor under your feet. A stream of cold fresh air blows out along the length of the large room at regular intervals. They couldn't see the next aisle of the cargo aisle next door, but the only sound was whispers and the faint sound of their own feet. They came to the open space behind the wall, and Li Huai saw that it was so important.

"No!" His protest was involuntary, but his denial voice echoed enough.

Six of the six tall boxes stand on the wall. From their depths, five pairs of black eyes stared at him coldly. These are the people on the boat Menlik dreamed of. Their bald heads were white, and their thin bodies had familiar blue-green-purple skin. Five of them are still alive, looking...waiting...

Five people-six boxes. This little fact broke the curse of staring at Li Badi. He looked at the sixth box on the right again. Looking forward to seeing another pair of eyes again this time, he was proven to only face emptiness. Then, when his gaze moved down, he saw what was lying on the floor there—a skull, a mass of bones, and broken materials that formed dusty rags over time. Keeping everything about the five celebrities makes their sixth place fail.

"They are still alive!" Gil Lee whispered.

"I don't think so," Buck replied. Li Bai took another step, reaching out to touch the transparent front of the nearest coffin box. The eyes of the aliens standing inside remained unchanged, and there was no sign that if the Apaches could see him, he would be able to return their interest. The five eyes that stared at the tourists at first stared at them without interruption.

But bad Li knows! Whether it was the sight of the street sleepers that clearly showed some information on the tape, or the remnants of the driving purpose that made them addicted to it, they have now come to mind. He knew the purpose of this room and its contents, why it was built, why its six guardians were kept as prisoners, and what they wanted from anyone who followed them.

"They sleep." He said softly.

"Sleep?" Buck caught him.

"They sleep in something like deep freeze."

"You mean they can get a new life!" Gil Lee cried.

"Maybe not now-it must be too long-but they would have to wait a while to recover."

"How do you know?" Buck asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think I understand a little bit. Something happened a long time ago. Maybe it was a war, a war between the entire star system, bigger or worse than we thought. I think this planet is An outpost, when the supply ship no longer appeared, when they knew that it might be cut off for a period of time, they shut down, piled up supplies and machinery here, then fell asleep, waiting for rescuers..."

"For rescuers who have never been in the future," Gil Lee said softly. "Is it possible that they can even be resurrected now?"

Needle was trembling. "I don't want to bring it."

"No," Buck said gravely, "I agree, brother. These people are not the people we know, I don't think they will be good\'-okay. They\'re many, these star characters, but This is not the power of the people. Except for lunatics or fools, no one will try to disturb their sleep."

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