There was crying from the north, and ignorant fear. The singers stopped in the midrange, the drummer stopped, and his hands were raised. Dane suddenly jumped off 67 and took him to the man. There was no time to lift his head from his knees, because the barrel of the torch hit him in the head and made him spin. Then, the drum shook in the arms of the astronaut near his chest, and his weapon was aimed at the frightened person.

The blast of the shock wave and the piercing sting of the running needles set off a burst of violent anger from the other end of the camp. Li Huai retreated a little later, and fell on one knee. His weapon was about to sweep the confused locals, and the drum was close to his body. Keeping the firing rod stable, his left hand went to work, not in accordance with the soft rhythm chosen by the Hartkan drummer, but through the hustle and bustle of the battle with a hard and powerful blow. Without forgetting the beat of "", he let go of it forcefully, so that the familiar---swiftly awakened the entire camp.

Li Badi's actions seemed to completely confuse Katkan's lawbreakers. They stared at him, the whiteness in their eyes was striking on the dark face, and their mouths were a little open. As usual, unexpected events caught them off guard. He dared not leave the party to see how the fighting progressed on the other side of the camp. But he did see the progress.

The medical staff did not step into the fire at the pace of their ordinary loose astronauts, but chanted with the pace of the dance, he was singing the drums of "Tara Bond". Li Huai did not understand these words, but he knew that they were beating back and forth in the drums, like weaving a net on a mountain platform, weaving a net between the singer and the audience.

Have them! Every indigenous lawbreaker was banned so that Dane put the weapon on his knee and also grabbed the lower beat with the fingers of his right hand.

---.... The innocent repetitive character tone 68 of the original song that recurred in his mind disappeared, and he somehow became intoxicated by the new threat of word of mouth.

The military doctor circled his circle twice. Then he bent over, took a hunting knife from the nearest Hartkan's belt, and pointed it towards the dark east. Li Huai would not believe that the medical staff knew the exercise he was showing now, because without an opponent to rescue the dancing fire, he fought with swords, pretended, percussed, twisted, retreated, attacked, always wrestled with drumsticks, but always There is no opponent. Play for longer. When he struggled hard, it was easy to imagine another battle with him. Therefore, when the knife pierced the knife violently. This was the end of his last attack, staring stupidly at the ground, half of the people expected to see the corpse lying there.

Tao saluted Dongfang with his sword again. Then he put it on the ground, straddling its gleaming length.

"Lumbrillo!" His confident voice **** the drums. "Lumbrillo-I'm waiting."

Dane vaguely realized that the noise on the other side of the camp had disappeared, and he reduced the drums. On its dome, he could see the outlaws of Catkan. Their heads jumped over time and swayed with the flapping of their fingers. He can also feel the voice. But what is the answer? Has that loose shadow thing been driven here? Or the man himself?

For Li Huai, the fiery red light was weakened, but it did not actually eliminate the flames that entangled and entangled the wood. The spicy burning taste is strong. How much is true after Li Huai, and the nerve product of his nervousness, can no longer be said since then. In fact, it is questionable whether all the witnesses there have seen the same scene. Does everyone, whether it is a Hartkan or Xanadu, only sees what his particular emotions and memories indicate?

Something swept from the east, and it was less tangible than the creatures born in the mist of the swamp. On the contrary, it is an invisible threat to the fire, and all fires symbolize the safety of mankind, the comradeship, the weapon against the ancient power of the dangerous night. Is the threat only in their minds? Or does Lumbrillo have some power to shape his hatred?

It's cold invisible. It weakened a person, stinged his brain, pressed his hands and feet, and made him weak. Try to soften him into mud, and then reshape it. When the emptiness night falls, the darkness, all the darkness opposed to life, warmth and reality, gather together to confront them.

However, still facing the invisible wave, his head was high. 70 Between those sturdy feet, the knife gleamed with its own light.

"Ah-" the voice was faint, piercing the creeping threat. Then he began to sing again, and the rhythm of his unknown words rose a bit from the tone of the drum.

Li Huai forced his heavy hands to continue beating, his wrists up and down to prevent the gradual exhaustion of strength and make him inferior to the man.

"I,, from another star, from another sky, from another world, please come out and confront my power!" Now, there is a clearer reminder in the demand, namely the number of orders.

Another black negative wave responded to him-stronger, rolled it up and smashed it. This is the force of a wave hitting the beach in the wild waves. This time Li Huai thought he could see the darkness. Before he began to materialize, he tore his eyes apart, concentrated on the movement of his hand on the drum head, refusing to believe that the hammer of power was rising to flatten everyone. He has heard that such things have been described. But they were told from familiar places on the Queen that these experiences were just stories. Danger is released here. However, when the tide swept him, the medical staff did not waver.

Moreover, it is its controller who advances in this wave of destruction. This is not a ghost drawn from the matter of the swamp. This was a man walking quietly, his hands as empty as they were, but he grabbed an invisible weapon.

Under the firelight, when the waves receded dullly, people groaned, lying face down on the ground, and slapped their hands on the ground vigorously. However, when coming from the shadows, one of them reached out and pinched his knees, with a small torturous convulsion. He crawled towards it, like the head of a dead ape, shaking his head on his shoulders. One hand patted the drum, and the other hand patted the drum, 71 he fumbled for his line of fire. He tried to warn loudly and found himself unable to make a sound.

Raised his arm from the side and made a circular motion.

The crawler, his eyes curled up on his head, until only the white man shone blindly in the limited light, following the gesture. He kept pace with the military doctor, walking towards, complaining that the hound couldn't heed the owner's lament.

Say: "That's it." "This is between you and me. Or do you dare not risk my authority? Your ability is too weak. Does he have to send another person to fulfill his wishes?"

The military doctor raised his hands again and put them down, curling inward until he bent down and touched their ground. When he straightened the knife again, he threw the knife behind him.

The thick smoke from the raging fire spun out with a long tongue, coiled on it, and disappeared. A black and white beast stood where the man was, with a tufted tail tied, and a gun mask with roaring hatred and **** desire.

However, Tao encountered this transformation in his laughter, whipping like a whip.

"We are all men, you and me. Meet me as a man and keep those tricks for those with impaired vision. A kid is playing, so-" The voice was hoarse, but it was. Without the huge, furry thing on his body, the gorilla's beast was stained by his enemies. After a while the Homo ape faced the Hartkan Lion. Then, the astronaut returned to himself. "The time for the game has passed, people of Catka. You tried to hunt us down to our death, right? So now death will be part of the loser."

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