Shit! This assassination was specifically aimed at yourself!

Hao Chuan's face was livid. Along the way, he just focused on protecting Feng Xin and thought Feng Xin was the target of the killer. Unexpectedly, the killer wanted to assassinate him.

"Are you all right? I've shed a lot of blood. I'll call an ambulance!" Feng Xin's eyes are full of tears. She's crying with rain. Her beautiful big eyes stare at Hao Chuan with panic and worry. This simple and kind-hearted girl is distracted by the bloody scene in front of her.

"Don't worry, I'm only suffering from skin trauma. Just wrap it up and don't call an ambulance." at this time, some of the passengers who came and went noticed the blood on Hao Chuan's clothes. Someone suddenly screamed, causing the attention of the airport police.

Seven or eight armed police officers rushed over, surrounded Hao Chuan and Feng Xin, and took them to the airport police room.

A police officer who looked like a captain checked the tickets of Hao Chuan and Feng Xin and confirmed their identity. When scanning Hao Chuan's ID card, the captain saw the remarks of "honorary citizen of Songhai city". He didn't show his attitude towards Hao Chuan, which was much better.

"How long will it take for the staff in the infirmary to get here? Go and urge them to speed up." the captain ordered one of his police officers to contact the staff of the medical team urgently, look at Hao Chuan and Feng Xin, and asked Hao Chuan: "your injury doesn't matter? Should I send someone to take you to the hospital now?"

Hao Chuan shook his head with a smile and said, "in fact, I am a doctor myself. I only suffer from skin trauma. I can't reach the wound myself. Otherwise, I don't need to bother the medical staff at all." Hao Chuan said, took off his T-shirt, pulled it directly into a long strip, tightly strangled it from the back wound, and then tied a knot on the front belly.

It's not a problem that the wound always bleeds. If there are no conditions, it must be compressed to stop bleeding.

The police captain watched Hao Chuan finish all this. He looked at Hao Chuan with a slightly serious expression and said, "is your current situation convenient for questioning? We need to record and participate in the investigation. The murderer's behavior is too rampant. This is a potential safety hazard in public places, and our police must pay attention to it."

In fact, under normal circumstances, the police captain doesn't need to talk so much. As the person in charge of safety here, he has the right to directly enter the investigation procedure.

However, Hao Chuan is an honorary citizen of Songhai city. Although the honorary citizen himself does not have any substantive rights, he can be officially recognized and specially added this remark to the ID card filing office. These things are enough to show how deep the strength and influence behind Hao Chuan is. Naturally, the police captain will not be hostile to young people with a strong background. So when talking to Hao Chuan, the police captain's attitude was very modest.

Hao Chuan nodded and said, "cooperating with the police is one of the basic obligations of the people. I will certainly fully cooperate with your investigation. Not to mention that I am still a victim. As a victim, I hope the police can solve the case as soon as possible and catch the perpetrators!"

"Thank you for your cooperation. First of all, please tell me what situation you have encountered or who you have offended? I think the other party has reached the level of secretly assassinating you. It can be seen that the contradiction between you is very deep. I personally suggest you think about this and see if you can provide any effective clues."

Without the police captain's warning, Hao Chuan had already thought about this.

Those who contradict him are basically the second generation of officials, the second generation of the rich, and the second generation of officials, Chen Zhi, who have been basically taken care of by him. Although he collaborated with Song Lin and severely overcame him at his opening ceremony of good antiques, it should not be too possible for them when he is in a mess.

The rest is Zhao Donghai, a human face and animal heart. After returning from Macao last time, Hao Chuan was assassinated for the first time. The main envoy was Zhao Donghai.

In the last assassination, he saw that those killers were professional Gang killers. This discovery once made Hao Chuan very alert to Zhao Donghai. Since this person can contact professional killers, it is enough to show that the energy behind him is much more than the average rich second generation.

After settling down for so long, he thought Zhao Donghai had stopped and gradually removed the layer of vigilance at the bottom of his heart.

However, today's experience made Hao Chuan lock the main messenger behind Zhao Donghai again for the first time. He knew in his heart that the son of Zhao Donghai had not stopped, but intensified.

Hao Chuan had a killing intention in his heart, but he didn't show it, nor did he directly say that the messenger he identified in his heart was Zhao Donghai. At this time, Hao Chuan had another idea in his heart. His mind turned, his eyes sincerely looked at the police captain and said: "I do have some enemies in Songhai city. I think these people may have something to do with this matter, but I'm not sure who it is. I need your help to check it."

"Oh? Who are they?" the captain of the police officer was curious. He must have a lot of background if he could be worthy of being against the honorary citizens of Songhai city. At this time, he had begun to retreat quietly. He was also an individual. Naturally, he would not show his thoughts, but would look very interested.

Hao Chuan narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "Chen Zhi, Mayor Chen's son, he misses my girlfriend and has been cleaned up by me several times. His hatred for me is estimated to be great."

Feng Xin, who was much calmer, heard Hao Chuan say he had a girlfriend. His slender body trembled. He raised his pale face and looked at Hao Chuan. His lips trembled and couldn't speak.

Hao Chuan didn't notice this. He then said, "Chen Zhi's good friend, Song Lin, is the son of the Song family who has heard of it all over the country. He has a business dispute with me. Some time ago, he and Chen Zhi overcame me me. This man has money and power and great energy behind him. I think his possibility is not small."

The little police officer in charge of recording is shivering. His face has begun to turn white. He looks at the police captain with the same good look in his eyes. He doesn't know what to do.

The police captain stared at him with a serious expression and said, "record truthfully!"

With the permission of the superior's order, the little police officer was relieved. He didn't dare to look up at Hao Chuan directly. The other police officers looked at Hao Chuan with very strange eyes. They didn't expect that Hao Chuan, an ordinary looking young man, was such an uncle level figure. What people did he offend? It's amazing!

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