The master of the Song family said with a serious face. In fact, with the huge information and reputation accumulated by the Song family over the years, it can not pose a great threat to the Song family. Although it will have a certain impact, the impact is far from fatal.

What can really pose a threat to the Song family is something from the national level. The key is to look at the national attitude. If the state really plans to take the Song family as a breakthrough after the destruction of the Han family, it will be no less than a disaster for the Song family.

While the members of the Song family's assembly hall were discussing in full swing, suddenly a son of the Song family ran in panic to report the situation: "master, it's not good, our internal library has been stolen!"

"What?! how could it be stolen suddenly? How big was the loss?!" the master of the Song family suddenly changed his face when he heard the servant's report. He knew that the collection of the library in the family was the strength accumulated by several generations of the Song family over the years. If something went wrong, the blow to the Song family would be self-evident.

"This..... Family leader, you'd better see it with your own eyes." the Song family man who ran to report the situation looked very strange on his face and his mouth trembled. It seemed that something incredible had happened, which made him a little unable to believe what he had seen.

When the Song family leader saw that something big might have happened, he hurried with all the members of the family council hall to rush to the house.

After seeing the theft of Neiku, all the senior members of the Song family at the scene were stunned.

Norda's inner storehouse was empty. There was no hair left. "What the hell's going on? Have you seen it on the second and third floors?" the master of the Song family almost gushed out his old blood, grabbed the collar of the person in charge of the internal warehouse and roared fiercely.

"No..... All gone......" the person in charge of underwear saw the ghost expression on his face. It was really unimaginable. He was responsible for counting the items in the library. He deeply knew how complex and huge the collection here was. However, how could so many things disappear silently? The most important thing is that the internal library, known as the world's most advanced alarm system, did not send any warning. It's really weird.

"Check, check it for me at all costs!" the master of the Song family had an iron blue face and blood in his eyes. Now he had an impulse to kill, and his voice was cold without any emotion.

When the senior members of the Song family were in a ghost mood, Hao Chuan returned to the hospital in a great mood. Today he was really full of goods. That old song with a bad conscience dared to Yin Lao Tzu. Do you think Lao Tzu is so easy to bully? Thinking of the Song family's expression after seeing the empty inner Library in his mind, Hao Chuan simply smiled and rolled up and down happily. Cool, it's so fucking cool.

After returning to the hospital ward, several policemen with ugly faces were standing here. They were civil servants who came to investigate the theft of emperor green in Hao Chuan's hands. According to the arrangement of the president, these policemen should first control Hao Chuan's actions and prevent him from having the opportunity to make an appointment with song Lao, but who knows that Hao Chuan is in the hospital ward, Used the absurd trick of running away, and succeeded impeccably.

"Your efficiency is getting higher and higher now. I lost hundreds of millions of things. Instead of investigating suspicious people for me, you have to stay in my friend's ward like a fool. What are you going to do?" Hao Chuan didn't bother to look at these police officers with eyes. After depriving them of their skills through life and death test tasks from the system, Hao Chuan has no pressure at all. Now he is the king divination divination,

In fact, it can be used but not used, because when a person's own strength reaches a certain level, all intrigues and tricks play no role in the face of absolute strong strength.

"You are too arrogant. Now we have reason to sue you for libel. We sincerely discredit the image of the hospital by losing things. Please follow us to the police station for investigation." the leading policeman looked at Hao Chuan and said with a thick face.

"Ha! Ha!" Hao Chuan's face showed an exaggerated expression, and his laughter was dry and sharp, full of strong irony, "Can you even say that? I really underestimated the thickness of your face. Well, ask your dean to come here. I have something to say to him face to face. Of course, it's okay if he doesn't come here. You directly tell your dean that his head is full of paste. I've given him the opportunity. He doesn't cherish it." Hao Chuan ignored the silly people's policemen and directly turned to the hospital staff in the ward.

After that, Hao Chuan directly took out his mobile phone and entered the live broadcast room. He changed the title at the first time. He saw a doctor at the Hualong Affiliated Hospital in Beijing and lost hundreds of millions of imperial emeralds. Now he officially entered the investigation stage... As soon as Hao Chuan's popular title came out, the flow of people immediately rushed in, and some portal websites responsible for squatting and waiting in his live broadcast room He was even more excited. No matter what happened, Hao Chuan's eye-catching title was enough to attract a lot of traffic.

Therefore, when Hao Chuan's live studio was opened, the title that Hao Chuan typed three minutes ago has been hot searched on major portal websites in a short period of three minutes. There is no one with this communication speed.

"Why? Do you want to resist the law?" when the police chief saw Hao Chuan's attitude, he immediately looked at Hao Chuan seriously, made a fair law enforcement style, and put pressure on Hao Chuan in the name of the law. But he doesn't know how popular Hao Chuan's live studio is in online social networking. What's more, Hao Chuan is now opening the live studio. The words and deeds of these small policemen have spread all over the country at the same time through live broadcasting equipment.

"I resist the law?" Hao Chuan looked at the police leader who was no different from an idiot, with an exaggerated expression, pointed to his head and shouted: "Officer, please use your brain before you speak. Now I'm a victim. I've lost hundreds of millions of original imperial green stone. Do you know Imperial Green? If you don't know, now open your mobile phone Baidu popular science to check and ask you to come here. It's just that you don't stand out for my victim. Dare you say I resist the law?"

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