Hao Chuan didn't worry about this problem too much. Tang Shiqi woke up a little longer than master caier expected. After two and fifteen minutes, Tang Shiqi woke up and turned around.

There is no doubt that after more than a month's transformation, Tang Shiqi has undergone earth shaking changes again. Her whole body reveals a cold and threatening atmosphere, and her temperament is more cold and gorgeous. It seems that she wants to get rid of the last trace of fireworks at any time. When people see it, they will involuntarily produce a sense of distance like a sting.

There seemed to be a huge gap between the two sides. Hao Chuan had experienced it the last time Tang Shiqi came out of this strange room. That time, Hao Chuan chose to compromise.

However, Hao Chuan won't compromise this time. He doesn't care how cold and threatening Tang Shiqi's temperament is. He shows a happy smile on his face. Hao Chuan strides over directly, grabs Tang Shiqi's shoulder and looks at her gently, as if he wants to melt the cold breath on Tang Shiqi with his deep feelings: "Shiqi, I miss you so much!" after that, Hao Chuan directly leaned over and kissed Tang Shiqi's ruddy thin lips.

This sudden kiss stunned several people at the scene, including Tang Shiqi. When Hao Chuan's lips were firmly pasted, Tang Shiqi opened her eyes and struggled twice. Then she held Hao Chuan's neck with her back hand. At this moment, the cold on her body seemed to melt completely. At this moment, Tang Shiqi, There is a thawing style of all things.

"This hooligan! He..... How can he kiss sister Shiqi?!" cai'er was surprised and angry. She stamped Xiaoman's feet. After scolding, she couldn't help smiling on her delicate and lovely face and murmured, "master, in fact, it seems very good, isn't it?"

Master cai'er didn't answer what cai'er said. However, there was a trace of memory on her face, and some memories of the past floated to her mind. "At the beginning, if you were as confident and brave as the young man in front of you, maybe we wouldn't end like this today!" this is what master cai'er said at the moment, and she didn't say it, But cai'er was sensitive to the fact that there seemed to be a particularly sad feeling on the master next to him.

"Master..... Are you all right?" cai'er looked at the master worried, held her arm and shook it gently.

Master cai'er looked down at cai'er, who raised his small face, gently shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm fine. Let's go and leave them here." then master cai'er took cai'er's small hand and took the lead in walking towards the tunnel exit.

At the moment, in the Lvdu Mingyuan villas, Hao Chuan appeared in Lvdu Mingyuan with Tang Shiqi. He didn't use the identity of Wang Gua. After receiving the news, he sat down in the small lock of the antique street in Songhai city and rushed over at the first time.

Although it hasn't been a long time since Xiaoxu was a green headed man, he has taken on the responsibility for so long and exercised him greatly. After this period of time, Xiaoxu is much more mature than when he met Hao Chuangang. Although his bull temper is still there, it has been erased by time.

At this moment, Xiaosuo looks at Hao Chuan, his eyes are red, and his body trembles. When the news of Hao Chuan's death in the capital spread to Songhai City, Xiaosuo's first reaction is that he can't believe it. The second reaction is that he is filled with great sadness that is difficult to describe in words. When he was with Hao Chuan in the past, Xiaosuo never showed too much respect in front of Hao Chuan, Sometimes, they even lose their temper with Hao Chuan, but in a way, their relationship with this model just reveals their extraordinary relationship.

Now Xiaozu sees that Hao Chuan is really standing in front of him and shows a familiar smile to herself. Xiaozu comes over with red eyes, opens his arms and gives Hao Chuan a big hug.

On this night, the atmosphere up and down in Lvdu Mingyuan was full of joy, and it was almost like firecrackers. Grandma Tang looked at her beautiful granddaughter, who was getting better and better, and her face showed a reassuring smile that she hadn't seen for a long time. The old man's mind was so simple that when she couldn't see it, she always had concerns in her heart, even if she spent only one second with her children, But in this short second, they will not hesitate to give all their love to their children.

In the evening, Hao Chuan asked Tang Shiqi to go back to grandma Tang to accompany grandma Tang who had been worried for a long time. He went back to the villa where he lived. Although the villa was empty and only he was alone, Hao Chuan looked at it and felt a sense of home. Now, a picture appeared in Hao Chuan's heart. He was thinking, what an exciting picture it would be if all the people around him gathered here after all the troublesome things were solved and the big guys were sitting together!

With this idea in mind, Hao Chuan suddenly made a decision. He decided to do the life and death test task that system consciousness bewitched him again, because Hao Chuan thought about it. This task really has a huge temptation that he can't avoid at present.

When leaving Qingshan Town, Hao Chuan asked master cai'er about how to enter the ancient martial arts world. After listening to Hao Chuan's question, master cai'er's body shook violently, and her face suddenly became very pale. She said to Hao Chuan: "Although I, cai'er and all the people who came out of that special world know what's going on, I can guarantee that no matter who you ask, you will never find the answer. If you don't believe it, you can try to deeply hypnotize me now, and then, I believe you will understand."

Cai'er's face is also a little pale. In her simple heart, cai'er has always naively thought that she can't tell how to get in that place, because if she says it, she may die immediately, but today, she didn't expect that the master gave a more profound and unpredictable answer, This makes caier's heart suddenly burst out of an unspeakable great fear. In her heart, the special world seems to suddenly turn into a devil who chooses people to eat, terrible and mysterious!

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