However, when the treatment was different from that of ordinary people, these ancient martial arts masters were knocked unconscious by Hao Chuan. Hao Chuan threw these ancient martial arts masters into the system space and locked them up.

He moves very quickly and is very efficient. Although he occupies a large area in this courtyard, and there are nearly 200 ancient martial arts masters in black, there are few masters who reach the Xuan level, and even few masters at the Yellow level. Therefore, these more than 200 ancient martial arts masters have almost no enemies in front of Hao Chuan. In addition, Hao Chuan pushed in all the way from outside to inside, and met his opponents in twos and threes, so no one could compete with him at all.

To Hao Chuan's regret, the eldest childe is not here. However, to his delight, according to the ancient martial artists in black who were caught by him, someone will arrive here. These people may know the whereabouts of the eldest childe.

So Hao Chuan sat in the center of the courtyard, which was almost empty by him, and waited patiently for another group of people to come.

At this time, in the area closest to the core area of the capital, the eldest childe in white greeted a beautiful and graceful woman with a smile. The woman revealed a smell of dust.

"Sister Xianxian, I haven't seen you for a long time, and her bearing is becoming more and more extraordinary. It seems that she has made great progress recently. I'm glad to congratulate her." the eldest childe said with a smile to the girl named song Xianxian.

"What's the matter with you asking me to come here? If it's just to say that there's no nutrition, I won't accompany you." Song Xianxian looked at the eldest childe and didn't have a very polite attitude.

"Sister Xianxian is as straightforward as ever. I like it." eldest childe Chengfu is very deep and has no anger. He still looks at Song Xianxian with a smile and says, "I know there are some problems in your song family during this period, and now I have accurate information, and the spearhead is directed at this young man." he said, The eldest childe threw a comprehensive file to song Xianxian. There was a photo on the file, and the person in the photo was Hao Chuan.

"Are you going to use this news to show me a favor? Or are you going to use this news to sell me face? Just, I've already investigated this news. Song Xianxian looked at the eldest childe calmly and said in a flat tone.

"Of course not. This news is just to show sister Xianxian that at some time, our positions are actually the same. What I really want to discuss with sister Xianxian is that things in the ancient martial arts world, those old guys, have been rampant in the ancient martial arts world for too long. This time, I just have an opportunity. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to be in the ancient martial arts world There are some storms in the martial arts world, so that we outsiders can completely gain a foothold there and get more opportunities for longevity. What does sister Xian think? "

When song Xianxian heard the eldest childe say this, her body was shocked and said, "it seems that everyone is spreading that rumor recently, but I haven't believed it. Seeing that you are so confident, have you got the accurate news?"

"Of course! If I don't get accurate information here, how can I ask sister Xianxian to sit here and have a long talk?" the eldest childe showed a mature smile on his face. In his opinion, this little struggle in the real space is nothing more than a child's family. His real plot is in the ancient martial arts world, Because according to the information he has collected for so many years, in the ancient martial arts world, there is at least nearly 80% assurance that it can enable people to achieve some purpose of relative longevity. This alone makes the eldest childe decide to go all out to plan. After all, this temptation is too big for a short-lived person to resist. Even his dignity Special eldest childe, can't turn a blind eye.

"However, the strength of the three old-fashioned immortals is not what human beings can compete with. Even if you have a so-called fourth immortals to follow, in my opinion, his strength is not an opponent compared with the three old-fashioned immortals." Song Xianxian obviously has been moved, and she raised her biggest question in her heart, She wants to hear how the eldest childe explains this question to her, and then she can decide what position she should take on this matter.

"This is the opportunity I just mentioned. I got the exact news that at a certain time, God will enter a period of absolute weakness, and during this period, the man who claims to be the closest intends to fight with God, so can you understand my thoughts?" at this point, the eldest childe's face showed an extremely excited look, and he smiled: "I'm not sure whether the strength of the so-called existence closest to heaven will be affected because God enters the weak period. However, I'm sure that the three old earth immortals will be compressed to the critical point state when their own blood and Qi are pulled during the weak period of heaven. There is no doubt that we Outsiders have an absolute advantage, because there are enough people like us over the years. Therefore, we must not miss this opportunity. Otherwise, we outsiders, under the oppression of those three old guys, will never want to achieve the goal of longevity in our life! "

After hearing what the eldest childe said, song Xianxian also showed some indescribable special brilliance. She frowned and thought for a while, but out of prudence, she didn't give the eldest childe a positive answer, but said, "I'll consider it seriously. If there's nothing else, I'll meet the little thief first."

"Sister Xianxian, in any case, the hearts of our outsiders should first stand together. Well, you go. My contact information, you know, I'll wait for your reply at any time. We need you to join." the eldest childe looked at Song Xianxian sincerely and said sincerely.

"Well, I'll think about it carefully......" Song Xianxian's words haven't finished yet. In the distance, suddenly, a black figure rushed here at a fast speed.


The eldest childe kicked out without saying a word. The shadow was too fast to avoid the eldest childe's foot. Under the sharp foot of the eldest childe, the whole man stopped his running posture, spit blood and fly out.

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