Before Xu Gang finished, the boy's face suddenly changed and became extremely ugly. Xu Gang noticed his change and couldn't help laughing: "what? Isn't she with you? "

On hearing this, he waved his hand and looked around. He whispered, "don't get me wrong, my Lord. She, she is a member of the orphan girl gang. Although they are all women in the gang, they are extremely vicious. My Lord, let's run. "

"It's just a few silver coins. At most, I'll give them." Xu Gang looks like a local tyrant who doesn't care.

"No, no, no, No. My Lord, it's just like brown candy. Once you give it, it will stick to you like a plaster, and you can't shake it off. " The boy explained quickly.

"It can be like this, isn't it a rogue?" "They are women, and they don't have too strong fighting power. Naturally, they can only bully honest and kind-hearted people in this way. When they meet those ferocious people, they absolutely dare not step forward. My Lord, it seems that they have taken you as a fat sheep. Let's go now. " Little boy

was a little worried.

"How could there be such a person? It's true that people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden. " Xu Gang sighed helplessly and nodded: "OK, let's go."

"Don't leave, my Lord. Please. If I can't get any more money, my elder sister will kill me. Take pity on me The little girl opened her dirty hands and reached for Xu Gang.

"My Lord, step back. Don't let him touch you. They have medicine in their hands. " Xiao Si reminds me in a hurry. Even if the little boy doesn't remind, Xu Gang also feels something wrong.

The little girl looked up at the boy with hatred in her eyes and said, "you're your guest, I'm my business. Why have you been against me so many times? Do you think our orphan girls are easy to bully? " The boy shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, my Lord is my guest. Since I've received the money, I'm naturally responsible for the guests. Otherwise, if the reputation is bad, it will be very difficult to do in the future. There are so many foreigners in Hesse city every day. Why do we have to lose our jobs? You have a hard time, I know, but it's better to be our guest? "

"Well, no matter what you say, you must give me an account of it." The little girl said angrily.

"Well, don't argue. Girl, although you perform well, you may cheat many people, but you can't cheat me. Because there is no despair and sadness in your eyes. So you don't have to blame him Xu Gang shook his head.

"I don't care what you say, but he let me know today, and he will pay the price." The little girl said stubbornly, "if you want me to let him go, you can buy me." "Hum, do you really want to bully me when I'm easy to talk? If I don't buy it, what can you do? " Xu Gang glared, but the next moment, Xu Gang suddenly changed his mind, nodded slightly and said, "but I'm not unreasonable. Here are five gold coins. Take them and buy some food for those children. Otherwise, don't make people regret it next time. "

Xu Gang raised his hand and flew out five gold coins, which landed in the little girl's palm.

Little girl slightly a Leng, then eyes flash surprised and excited. Two pairs of dirty hands, suddenly clenched, as if afraid of losing the same.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Go ahead, people should strive for self-improvement and don't give in to life easily." Xu Gang waved his hand and then said to the boy, "let's go."

Xu Gang greets the boy, and then runs directly across the street to the restaurant outside.

"My Lord, why did you give her the money? Are you not afraid to be entangled with her? " I don't understand.

Xu Gang shook his head and said, "he will not."

"No?" I don't know where Xu Gang's self-confidence comes from, but he naturally doesn't think so. Naturally, Xu Gang didn't give money because he was afraid. Instead, he found that in the alley behind the little girl, there were 50 or 60 ragged, yellow and skinny children. They were not only girls, as he said, but both men and women. They were very young. They are looking forward to it, and their eyes are full of


Xu Gang saw a kind heart behind her fierce appearance. What's more, Xu Gang didn't see the phenomenon of evil spirit condensation from the girl, which shows that the other party is not as vicious as Xiao Si said.

These are poor people. Although what she said about selling one's life to bury her father is pure nonsense, Xu Gang still chose to lend a helping hand.

Five gold coins are not many, but they are also many. A gold coin is equivalent to 100 silver coins, and a silver coin is equivalent to 100 copper coins. According to this calculation, what Xu Gang sent out was 50000 copper coins. And each copper coin can buy a steamed bread

Since Xu Gang wants to help, he can't just send a few gold coins. While giving the little girl gold coins, he also gave a piece of xuannvjing, which is suitable for girls to practice.

Xu Gang believes that as long as there is no brain problem, he will not ignore his good intentions.

However, before Xu Gang stepped on the steps of the restaurant, a discordant voice rang from behind. "Boy, stop for me." When Xu Gang heard the news, he saw two shreds with bare chests waiting for him angrily. Xu Gang said, "boy, do you know who that girl was just now? He is a little girl who escaped from our tea house. You dare to give him money. It can't be you who helped him escapeCan you run? " "Big brother, it must be him to talk to him. This time I finally found him. I can't let him escape. " Another scamp interface, and then ferociously said to Xu Gang: "boy, do you know how much it cost us to buy that chick back? A thousand or less gold coins, and people just let you run away. What do you say? "

"100000, you dare say it." Xu Gang sneered.

"Hum, if you don't take a good look at our loss, don't take a good look, brother."

"The tea house? It's the tea house. It's over. It's over. How can it be so bad luck? " The boy couldn't help exclaiming, scared to the extreme. What happened today? Didn't you go out to see the Yellow calendar? Why all the bad things happened to me. First it's the orphan girl gang, and now it's the tea house.

"What is the tea house?" Xu Gang askew his head and asked the boy.

Disappeared, pale and said, "it's the biggest brothel in Hesse city."

"Brothel? Damn it, love is a kiln. Thanks to the tea house, it's just fishing for fame. " Xu Gang disdains to turn his mouth.

The boy grinned with fright. Niang AI, these are the people in the red sleeve restaurant. They are all said to be fierce people. They can't afford to offend themselves. Otherwise, they don't know how to die. If it's really good to die, I'm afraid I can't die. Instead, I'll be sent to the molestation building, which will be miserable.

Xu Gang didn't know the boy's careful thinking. Instead, he said with great interest: "money is mine. I'll give it to whoever I want to give it to. It's none of your business." "Ah ha, boy, I think you are toasting instead of drinking."

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