"Well, that's the face of a big family. I've learned a lot." Xu Gang walked out slowly from behind the crowd, and the people in front of him separated automatically.

"Who are you?" Dongfang Kun asked coldly.

"I'm Xu Gang." Xu Gang said lightly.

"Xu Gang, he is Xu Gang. He is really young..." Many families in the East began to talk.

"Xu Gang, get out of our Dongfang family. We don't welcome you."

"Yes, if it wasn't for you, how could our Dongfang family get into trouble with the Li family? You're a troublemaker. Get out of here as soon as possible. "

People from Dongfang family, Dongfang maniac and Dongfang Fengyun family immediately began to denounce Xu Gang. Of course, some people spoke well for Xu Gang, while others remained neutral.

But anyway, today's crisis is caused by Xu Gang. People in the Oriental family don't like him.

The ten God kings on the other side were very confident that they could completely suppress the Dongfang family. When they saw that the three God kings of the Dongfang family were fighting against each other, they were even more proud. At this time, they were wondering whether they would take advantage of each other's discord to kill the three and then destroy the whole Dongfang family.

As a big family that has lasted for endless years, it has a profound foundation. Even if it has declined, there must be a lot of good things. If it is destroyed, it can gain several benefits.

Just when several people were talking to each other, Xu Gang appeared, which was far beyond everyone's expectation.

There are ten gods on his side. How dare he show up like this? This boy is too brave.

Does he think the Oriental family can protect him? But the eastern family is clearly splitting up.

Everyone looked at Xu Gang as if he were a fool. He didn't understand. No one moved or spoke.

Those who really want to trouble Xu Gang are watching quietly, while those who should protect Xu Gang are denouncing. It's weird.

"Alas Dongfang Qian sighed: "Xu Gang, you shouldn't come out. You should leave with Cher. " "Ha ha, why should I leave? I, Xu Gang, am so old that I don't know what it means to shrink back and what it means to yield. In this world, there may be people who can kill me, but there is no one who can make me give in. Even God, it can't be. " Xu Gang looked at the ten gods on the opposite side and said with disdain, "when I first came to this world, I wondered why the strength of this world is only six. God man, lower God, middle God, upper God, God King, when the LORD God is the limit, there is no God or emperor, not to mention the judge and master, so the world is not the real god world. A group of frogs at the bottom of the well are just arrogant. "

"What, do you know the realm after the LORD God?"

"Are you from the outside?"

The ten God kings across the street were shocked by the information disclosed by Xu Gang. "Hum, why do you think, as a middle God, I can easily defeat the superior God or even the king of God? Because my cultivation law is sound, but your cultivation law is incomplete, which leads to your strength far inferior to mine. Don't talk about me, the real divine world,

any monk who comes down can be invincible at the same level. Do you believe it? "

"You are just pets kept in cages. Your life doesn't belong to you. When the host is happy, he can catch you to entertain guests, or steamed, sliced and rinsed the pot alive... "

In fact, Xu Gang's statement is not nonsense, not aimless at all, but based on the analysis of various signs.

He himself is the master of the universe and has a certain understanding of the laws of the world. In addition, before the confrontation with the nine universes, he once devoured some of the nine universes' laws, stayed in the thirty-three heaven world, and also devoured and copied some of the laws of heaven and earth. He is no stranger to the upper bound law.

Different worlds, universes and laws are different. Originally, Xu Gang didn't think much about them. But since he was nearly killed by the clover grass, Xu Gang suddenly became alert after waking up, and everything didn't seem so simple.

Xu Gang smelled the smell of a conspiracy. If Xu Gang practices according to the laws of the world, his future achievements will be limited. At most, he can only practice to the realm of the LORD God. At that time, even if Xu Gang finds that the laws of the world are missing, the way of heaven is incomplete and weak, it will be more troublesome to change. In addition, Xu Gang is invincible in this so-called divine world. It's hard to meet an opponent. As time goes on, his temperament will change, and he will be lost with the public.

Originally, the plan was perfect, but Xu Gang didn't find anything wrong. Unexpectedly, he met Baoxing and discovered clover.

The power of clover really awakened Xu Gang.

A wounded nirvana, even one tenth of the strength can not play out of the main God, clover spirit grass, unexpectedly burst out such a terrible power, it is too terrible.

Xu Gang realized that this is the strength of a real God. In this way, the strength of the God King should not be too bad. In fact, the God King of this world is really weak!According to Xu Gang's estimation, it is equal to Jinxian's strength. It's not even as good as Jinxian. It's better than Tianxian at most.

Another point is that there is a serious imbalance between the divine world and the 33rd heaven. How can a divine world without saints dare to invade Pangu universe?

All of these show that this divine world is not the real divine world.

Looking at everyone's shocked expression, Xu Gang was slightly surprised and said: "it seems that you are not stupid, and you also know something." "We do know." A Cui family God Wang inhaled deeply: "it is said that we used to be a prisoner's camp here. The whole universe is a big prison, including the corresponding lower universe. All creatures in this space are actually prisoners. According to the records of our ancestors, they all came from a place called Pangu universe.... "

"Prisoner, Pangu universe, it's like this." Xu Gang sighed in his heart. He felt a sudden realization.

Naturally, the place where prisoners are held does not need such a good environment for cultivation.

"In that case, why not just throw you all to a place where you can't practice?" Xu Gang's strange road.

"Because we're still useful." Speaking of this, the Cui family God King showed a trace of bitterness on his face and said, "we have had several main gods in the Cui family, but each of them has not been in the family for more than ten years." "There have been several gods in our Qiu family. They have been in the family for up to nine years. We have done a secret investigation and found that every ten years, there will be the disappearance of the LORD God, and then there will be a new king of God to break through and become the LORD God We are like domestic animals that are kept in captivity. When they grow to a certain degree, they will be taken away and slaughtered. "

Li's God King also looks sad and indignant, but he doesn't say anything, but his eyes to Xu Gang become a little complicated.

Up to now, Xu Gang completely understood that he had not escaped, but was put in prison by the will of the universe.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Gang sighed, "I'm from Pangu universe. The war between the two worlds has begun." After listening to Xu Gang's words, people's faces suddenly changed, and they were very sad.

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