"Ha ha, have a good time, have a good time." When Li Daojun saw that Han Zi Daojun had left, he burst into laughter.

"Gangwazi, well done." Meng Chaofan patted Xu Gang's shoulder with a smile, and his eyes were full of laughter.

"Senior, what is the original fire? It makes you so nervous. " Xu Gang was still puzzled. "You should know that we taojun can open up our own small world, and some can even open up the big world. The world opened up by the Taoist can even be compared with the universe. Because of this, when we fight, we often use the power of the world. Because of the power of the world, we have stronger power and the power to destroy heaven and earth. " Song Daojun explained. Xu Gang nodded. He also felt in the battle that there was the power of the world in the power of Han Tsai Daojun. But this power of the world made Xu Gang feel that he was deliberately joining in. He felt that he had a clear sense of the world. He was not mellow. He felt a little like Xu Gang when he was in control of the universe. However, Xu Gang has re opened up the small world, but the power of the world is integrated into his own power, which can not be distinguished without careful discrimination.

Han Tsai Daojun obviously did not distinguish, and the rest of you Daojun did not feel the power of the world from Xu Gang's battle. From this point of view, Xu Gang's world power is more secret, more harmonious, and truly achieves the integration of the body and the world. Song Daojun pauses a little and continues to explain: "when we open our own small world, we will build it on the basis of our own road. Then, it is developed with the origin of the five elements, and the first ray of heaven and earth vitality is the original Qi. If this Qi belongs to

nature is fire, it is the original true fire. If it's water, it's original water, but no matter what kind it is, it has unparalleled power. "

"I see..." Xu Gang nodded and suddenly thought of the spring of life and the spring of death when he opened up a small world. I don't know if the water in it is primitive water.

Through song Daojun's explanation, Xu Gang knows the difference between his small world and those created by Daojun.

Li Daojun said: "the first vitality of heaven and earth in the small world is not necessarily the Qi of five elements. The first vitality of heaven and earth in my lower world is congenital sword Qi."

Song Daojun said: "yes, my first breath of vitality is Haoran righteousness."

"Ha ha, the first vitality of my little world is a murderous spirit." Guan Haiqing said with a smile.

Li Daojun said: "hum, when you became Daojun, you just killed him. The murderous spirit is too heavy. The first congenital spirit of the birth of the small world is murderous spirit and normality."

All of you talk about how to create a small world to Xu Gang. Li Daojun said: "Xu Gang, it's not urgent to create a small world. Your cultivation is still shallow. You can take your time. But you must want to create a small world on the basis of that Avenue, which is directly related to the strength of your small world and the strength of internal creatures. The living spirit in the small world is like the Legion you carry with you, which can be a great help to you when you fight against a strong enemy. Sometimes it can even save lives. "

Xu Gang nodded without explanation. Xu Gang is not a fool. He has long known that his small world is different. He is afraid that it will be more perfect. Maybe it can really develop into a real universe.

"Mr. Tao, General Xu Gang, excuse me. When the master leaves, let us take general Xu to the foreign battlefield. I don't know how many days it will take general Xu to prepare. We'll have to lead the way then." The boy of the two said respectfully.

Although the two boys looked like boys, they didn't know how many years they had gone back. They were also very strong and had the cultivation of Immortal Emperor.

Xu Gang can defeat his master, but they dare not neglect him.

Xu Gang slightly a ponder way: "three days later can set out."

"Well, we'll come back in three days. Senior, General Xu, I'll leave." The boy bowed and flew away.

Xu Gang and others just nodded and didn't talk much.

In the days that followed, Xu Gang was naturally pitying his own women and children.

"Xu Gang, can you not go? I'm so worried. " Hong Yunxia holds her daughter with a big stomach and a worried face. "What are you worried about? As you can see, I'm not even afraid of Daojun. When I go to foreign battlefields, I'm a high-end fighter. There are not many people who can help me. What's more, on the surface, I'm just a fairy king. I won't be valued by the other party. I have a greater chance of survival. You don't have to worry. Even against the fierce opponents, with my physical strength, it's impossible to kill me. " Xu Gang confidently said slowly.

"Brother Gangzi, we want to go with you. We don't want to leave you. " Autumn rhyme a face not to give up, tired of in Xu Gang's arms refused to come out.

"You are not afraid of people's jokes, even if you are dozens of years old." Xu Gang said with a smile, but his heart was warm.

"Hee hee, even if I'm 100000 years old, I'm tired of you. Don't try to leave me." Qiu Yun is coquettish.

"Xu Gang, the universe of ten thousand worlds can not be taken, but the nine heavenly realms are your small world. Why not refine it again? If you refine it again, you can bring us together. " "After all, jiuzhong heaven is just a small world with limited resources. I'm afraid it will affect your cultivation. " Xu Gang thought for a moment and said, "in fact, I have successfully created a small world. It's just that the area is too small, the resources are scarce, and the aura is insufficient. If some ordinary people live in it, it's OK, but I have to live in itPractice is absolutely impossible. "

"Really, can you live?" Autumn rhyme a listen, eyes can't help but get a bright.

Xu Gang nodded: "can live, but not suitable for long-term living."

"I don't care. Anyway, I don't want to separate from brother Gangzi. Brother Gangzi, let me move in, OK? That's good. "

"Xu Gang, can you really live?" Hong Yunxia is also a little excited. "It's natural for people to live there, but if you go in, you will not be able to practice before I become a Taoist. Your cultivation will stagnate, and the children's practice will be greatly affected, and even become ordinary people, unable to practice all their lives. As you should know, there is a crisis on the battlefield outside the territory, and I don't want the children to take risks. I've left one to be in charge of the universe. I believe that I will have my own power soon. You don't have to worry that no one will pay for it. "

"Xu Gang, I don't think it's better for you to stay alone." Long Caifeng hesitated.

"Why?" The other women were puzzled. Long Caifeng said: "the battlefield outside the territory is full of crises. I don't know what dangers we will encounter. Every point of strength is extremely important. There are more than a dozen elders in the universe, and there are a number of powerful immortal emperors you have just accepted. Even if you are a Taoist, you won't be able to win, and you don't have to worry about it. As a result, there is no need to keep the separation. "

"In addition, I think it's better for us to stay with you. As for the children, I'll leave them to your predecessors and their teachers. Maybe it's better for them to grow up without us. "

"This..." Xu Gang hesitated.

"I think it's good, but it's still based on the principle of voluntariness. If you can't bear to have children, you can stay." When Hong Xia touched her baby's belly, she felt her tears again.

"Brother Gangzi, can't we bring more resources? It should not affect children's practice. "

"Even if you stay with me, I don't have time for you. Moreover, the small world is too small, only a few kilometers, I don't want to hurt you

"What grievance does not grievance, as long as with you, is the greatest happiness." "Brother Gangzi, I really don't want to leave you..."

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