"Devil, dare you..." The Buddha was shocked and angry. If you are attacked successfully in front of your own face, you will lose face. However, Xu Gang's strong strength makes him not worried about Xu Gang's safety.

"Ha ha, old bald donkey, don't worry so much. I won't kill him, just plant a devil's heart for him. Don't you say the devil comes from the heart? I'll give you a demon. Ha ha ha ha ha... " The devil laughs and disappears.

The blow was so sudden that Xu Gang was not on guard at all. Although hundreds of prohibitions were placed in front of the body in an instant, they still couldn't be stopped, and even the prohibitions didn't work at all.

"That's not an attack..." Xu Gang instantly understood that it was a divine idea.

"Boom..." A black gas diffuses in Xu Gang's mind in an instant. It seems to pollute Xu Gang's whole soul and body. "Gaga, boy, what a vast sea of knowledge, what a strong body. Gaga, I like it. Today, our Lord will transform you and make you my believer. I see how the old bald donkey and the ox nose can help me, ha ha ha... " With laughter, a series of demonic thoughts spread out and devoured Xu Gang's soul energy.

"Boy, you didn't stop me? Gaga, that's good. I like it. " Devil laughs.

Xu Gang pulled out his ear and said, "I'm not deaf. I can hear you. Why do you shout so loud? It's like what I've done to you. Don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all. "

"Son of a bitch, you dare to tease me. Don't kneel down to the Lord. " With that, the main authority of the stock market came down from the sky.

"Put that away. That's too weak for me. If it's your master, it's almost the same, but even if it's your master, I'm not qualified to kneel down. You're nothing Xu Gang sneered: "eating so happily, should you give me something in return?"

"In return? Gaga, you asked a demon for something in return. Are you crazy? " Cried the devil.

"Haha, even the devil, should have the minimum bottom line. Even the devil doesn't deserve to do, so it can only be called garbage. Are you going to continue to be a demon or a garbage Xu Gang said with a smile.

"Fart, what's the bottom line? Don't do whatever you want. " Said the devil in a loud voice.

"The devil is so good. What do you want to do. You can really do what you want first? " Xu Gang asked with admiration.

"Of course, if you are willing to worship me as your teacher, even the most powerful demons don't dare to provoke you. No one can help you

"Hey, hey, you're my teacher. You're still under pressure. How can you do whatever you want? It's still not free. That means that the devil is not as good as you said." Xu Gang said with a tangled face.

"Well, you haven't become a devil yet. How can you know the benefits of the devil. As long as you worship me as your teacher, you will find a way to do whatever you want. Say what you want, and I will do it for you. " The devil day entices a way.

"Really..." Xu Gang's eyes brightened, and then he said, "you won't be angry if I say it? Can you really help me? But I have too many wishes. "

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you don't have a wish. As long as you have one, I'll realize it for you." Devil sky laughs.

"Then I said Don't be angry

"Say, don't worry, say boldly, I'm not angry at all." The devil said happily. If you can really accept Xu Gang as an apprentice, you will surely make the Buddha and the old gentleman angry to death. Gaga, I'm really excited when I think about it.

"Then I said..."

"Oh, you son of a bitch, if you want to talk about it, you can talk about it, just like a woman."

"Haha, my first wish is to pull out Lao Jun's beard one by one. This old guy is so bad. I suspect that I was sent into reincarnation and fell into the Apocalypse continent, which he pushed behind."

Pluck Lao Jun's beard? The devil showed his teeth. Lao Jun is a strong man of the same level with him. It's not easy to win or lose when they fight each other. Is it so easy to pull out the beard?

Xu Gang continued: "the second wish, I am most tired of fighting, two groups of silly forks, fighting, the result is not the old man, children and women? Do you know how many unfortunate women a war can cause? Countless So I hope the world will be peaceful and there will be no war. "

Devil's face turned black and he stopped talking.

"My third wish, in fact, is to let you sacrifice in advance. Hehe, Shifu, you are so powerful that you must occupy a lot of beauties. How about giving them all to me? I don't dislike that they have been used by the master. "

"Go away Son of a bitch, are you kidding me? Laozi is the devil, not the Savior. Lao Tzu's woman, you dare think, Lao Tzu pulled out your skin. " The devil flew into a rage.

Who is the devil? This boy is the devil, and I have a devil's heart.

The devil cried.

"You see, this little wish can't be realized, and I'm still a fart devil?" Xu Gang turned his mouth.

"Well, you can't help it today. You can be a devil if you want to, and you can be a devil if you don't want to." The devil said angrily. "Hey, old man, do you want to use strong? It's not that I look down on you. You're just a little distracted. You want to demonize me too much. I think I'll demonize you. " Xu Gang finished, black light flash from behind, a giant magic ringSuddenly.

"What, you, you are still a magician. It's, it's impossible." Magic day to see that by the very pure evil gas composed of black halo, can't help but surprised open mouth.

"Isn't it amazing, incredible?" Xu Gang asked with a smile, and then his figure trembled, and another aura appeared. Hehe said with a smile, "hehe, maybe this can make you feel incredible."

"Buddha, Buddha wheel It's impossible for you to practice both Buddhism and magic at the same time. Buddha and devil are born to conquer each other. How can they coexist as one

"The Buddha and the devil are just two different cultivation systems, and they are controlled by monks and people. If you can't master your own practice, what else can you practice? "

"This..." Magic day seems to be hit by the head of a stick, the whole person numb. He has been practicing magic for many years, and he never thinks that Buddhism and magic can be practiced together, so he must focus on it. Only in this way can we coexist. However, it seems that Xu Gang's two methods are almost the same, and they complement each other, which has a different charm. What's going on?

"Ha ha, well, you don't need to demonize me. Let me devour you." Xu Gang a smile, suddenly countless slender roots stretched out, all of a sudden the magic day of this wisp of pure magic idea entangled, and then began to devour refining. "This, this is the power of chaos, I know. No matter it's magic or Buddha, it's not your major. That's it, son of a bitch. I was cheated by you. " Devil day suddenly realized of roar way, but still late.

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