"Oh, Goo Goo Xu Gang, save my child... " Cried the bird.

Xu Gang stares at the giant demon that is getting closer and closer in the sky, suddenly nods his head and says: "don't worry, I am here." With that, Xu gangmeng rose from the sky. He didn't know why he was so impulsive at that time, but the situation was too urgent for him to think much.

The body grows with the rise, reaching thousands of feet quickly. The destruction gun in his hand dances like a windmill, while the falling giant demon, thousands of meters high, is nothing for Xu Gang.

The "buzz" destruction gun attacks the giant demon again and again, pumping out the giant demon's huge body, leaving countless blood holes along the giant demon's body.

"Oh..." The giant demon's huge body twisted painfully, rolling in the air.

"This guy seems to have been blocked by the golden winged Mirs. It's really difficult to deal with him. This is the big monster of Taoist master level! I'm afraid that even the ancient crocodile Taoist master will not be defeated. Now he is really abused by himself. Ha ha ha... " Xu Gang laughs.

Although let Ming know that this is not his own record, but can hit and kill this level of big demon, for psychological satisfaction is still very strong. Xu Gang's destructive gun suddenly pierced the giant demon's head. The giant demon wailed and died.

Xu Gang's body became smaller, holding the body of the giant demon hill slowly down to the mouth of the giant bird.

"Goo Goo Thank you, Xu Gang The giant bird said gratefully, and swallowed the giant demon at the same time.

"Ow, ow, goo, goo..." Golden winged Mirs fly back, put the prey aside, a pair of sharp eyes staring at Xu Gang.

To tell you the truth, it's really uncomfortable to be stared at by such a pair of eyes.

"Human? who are you? Why are you here? Do you want to steal our children The voice of the golden winged Mirs rings in Xu Gang's ears. "That's not right. I know Auntie bird earlier than you. At the beginning, you chased her for more than ten days, but I saw her in my eyes." Xu Gang disdained to curl his mouth and said, "do you know? My aunt had a difficult labor before and was extremely weak. You threw such a big lump of things and almost killed her. Do you know? I have no conscience to frame your children. If you want to steal it, you'll have to wait until now? "

"Goo Goo, don't call me auntie, just call me sister." The giant bird ate the giant demon and had some spirit. He gently touched Xu Gang with his huge mouth and looked very intimate. Golden winged Dapeng was stunned. At this time, he found that the giant bird consumed a lot of life, and there was nothing left. It was very dangerous indeed. Even if the giant bird's vitality is tenacious, in such a weak situation, if it is hit by a giant demon falling from several kilometers high, it is almost 90% likely to die directly.

This Jin Peng is embarrassed, some don't mean: "sorry, human, I misunderstood you."

Xu Gang waved his hand and said, "I can't blame you. Another person won't believe it. In fact, even I felt crazy at that time."

The giant bird was stunned, then nodded with approval. At that time, he found that Xu Gang had changed into a bird. At that time, he felt very special, especially when he could change the size and shape of his body.

Although it is powerful and powerful, it also restricts the development of other aspects. Its body can't change freely, at most it will become bigger and smaller. It's very difficult even to turn into a man.

The stronger the physical body is, the more difficult it will be to change without responding skills and talents. This is one of the reasons why many giant demons prefer to keep their ontological state rather than change.

Another reason is that the noumenon state is the strongest state of the big demon, with amazing combat effectiveness. In the dangerous Outland, the strongest state is undoubtedly the best state. Even a giant bird is no exception.

Of course, in this state, the target is also the biggest, and it is easy to become the prey of the stronger.

The two of them chatted for a long time, but Xu Gang didn't listen to a word. However, looking at the reluctant appearance of the golden winged Mirs, it must be the giant bird who asked them to do something, but the golden winged Mirs didn't want to.

"Sister, what do you say to your brother-in-law? Why do you have to say birds? Don't ask him if he doesn't agree Xu Gang said in a dignified manner.

"Cluck, I didn't ask him. Four of my five children were saved by you. I want them to recognize you as godfather. What do you think? " Asked the bird, with his head askew.

"Godfather?" Xu Gang is really speechless. To a few birds when godfather, Xu Gang estimated that he must be unprecedented. But what can he say? The giant bird is obviously also to repay his kindness.

Xu Gang nodded: "good is good, but my godfather is really incompetent, cultivation is too low."

"Cluck, good brother, don't belittle yourself. Although your accomplishments are low, your strength is not bad at all. I didn't even catch you. " The bird laughs.

Xu Gang awkwardly scratched his head and said, "it's sister bird who let me. I just want to catch it, but I can't catch it by hand."

"Cluck, you can talk, but I can't catch you when you get so small.""Cough, as long as the whole body is shocked, vigorous Qi will be enough to shake me away." Xu Gang said with a smile.

"It's not that easy. If you hide, I can't reach you at all. It's just like the louse on my sister, but I've done harm to my sister, but I can't catch it. Fortunately, I was killed by my brother later. " The bird laughs. "Well, it really surprised me. I thought it was my sister's pet. " Xu Gang is indeed an accident. With the strength of giant bird, he can't help a few lice. It's really incredible. However, all things in the world have their own rules of existence, and they always have to face such and such troubles. It's not surprising that such things happen.

"Jin Peng, you brother-in-law, shouldn't you say so?" The giant bird looks at the golden winged Mirs.

Golden winged Mirs heart is very unhappy, but in front of his wife and children, he is not good performance, too stingy. Staring at Xu Gang immediately, he said, "naturally, we should show something. Your name is Xu Gang, isn't it? Go ahead and take whatever you want as long as I have it. "

Jin Peng is not happy with Xu Gang. He is obviously jealous. Xu Gang feels funny. It's really funny that this guy is jealous of himself. But think of the two sisters, quehongluan and queqingluan. They must be relieved. He immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know what I want. Let it go."

"Jin Peng, don't you have some retired Jin Lingyu? Just give it to my brother. And the nine thousand li flying skills of Kunpeng can be passed on to my younger brother. With these things, my younger brother has the power to protect himself in Outland. "

"Those jinlingyu are nothing, but Kunpeng's 90000 Li flying skill is the secret of our Pengzu Jinpeng. Besides, even if it's passed to him, he can't learn from any human." "Hum, don't cheat me if you don't pass on the secret. The nine thousand miles of Kunpeng is the unique skill of Kunpeng people. When did you become your Jinpeng people? If you don't want to pass it on, it's a big deal. I'll give my brother the Kunpeng of our Bai Peng clan. Although it's not as good as your flying skills, it's not too bad. What a cheapskate. "

"Who said I was mean? I'm afraid he won't learn. Since you let me teach, I'll teach, but don't blame me for not learning. "

"Well, as long as you don't make small moves and leave the key tips, my brother will certainly learn." Big bird a face not happy way, but secretly is to give Xu Gang a successful eyes.

Xu Gang can't help but suddenly realize that he, the bird sister, actually used the method of agitation. Just, Jin Peng's wisdom is so high, he can't see it?

Obviously, I still feel that I can't exert the real power of Kunpeng's flying skill even if I understand the cultivation method and use feathers to refine magic weapons. Hehe, Kunpeng will be surprised when he learns.

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