Looking at Ruiya's "bullied" submissiveness and frightened eyes like a frightened rabbit, Xu Gang feels that he is too evil.

However, this little girl really feels good to Xu Gang, a little bit of sun fei'er's shrewdness and autumn rhyme's cute. The only thing missing is that the girl doesn't seem to have a cold for Xu Gang.

Ruiqi has been paying attention to the movement here. At the beginning, she was really worried. However, as a strong Taoist, her senses are very sensitive, and her feelings are much deeper than Ruiya's. Although Xu Gang said evil, he didn't feel any evil hunger. On the contrary, there was a sense of justice and awe inspiring, which made her unable to understand. I feel that Xu Gang is so mysterious.

Everyone is curious. But when a woman is curious about a man, she will not know whether she pays attention to his every move, every word and every action. For Xu Gang's bad words and deeds, he is really disgusted, even abhorred. However, with the increase of contact, she suddenly found that Xu Gang did not seem to show that, but why did he deliberately disguise himself? It's like being afraid that you don't hate him, or that other people don't hate him.

His heart is very kind. Although there are many people who have been hurt, each one is well controlled and will not hurt the root, but he has to pretend to be extremely vicious.

"Reggie, hurry to choose someone. Remember, I like little Lori. Little Lori is my favorite. If you choose the wrong one, I will throw it out." The cry of Xu Gang's neck makes all people disgusted.

As a strong Taoist, it's easy to select tens of millions of people from the family. As long as the mind is swept away, you can peep into the inner world of the weak.

Ruiqi dare not choose those who hate Xu Gang too much, and dare not choose age. He was really afraid that Xu Gang would turn over.

Although he was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the ethnic group and follow Xu Gang, in fact, she was still a little unwilling. Regardless of this, Xu Gang suddenly jumped to Ruihong with Ruiya in his arms and said, "old man, you see, I've helped you so much and collected the two girls that no one wants. How can you thank me? I've already received my sister's dowry before, and I can't do without it, can I? Otherwise, it seems that you are too stingy. You are a senior, aren't you? "

"Well, no one wants it." As soon as Ruiya heard this, she began to struggle again.

Xu Gang slapped his hands at the lower part of the stock. When he hit ryarden, he did not move. The stock was numb, and tears fell down.

Ruihong said with a smile: "naturally, the dowry will not be less." Then he threw a ring to Xu Gang and said, "this is what the ancestors asked me to give you."

As a result, Xu Gang turned his lips and said, "they begged me to be so stingy. Forget it, mosquitoes are also meat. Who asked me to take this task? "

As soon as the words changed, Xu Gang said with a smile: "I heard that our ancient elite people are passed down from ancient times, and they are very good at planting and dealing with all kinds of plants." "That's nature. Although our ancient elves are not as naturally pregnant as the ancient natural elves, and they are not so talented and powerful in cultivation, our ancient elves are actually the descendants of the natural elves. Nature has also inherited some of the abilities of

nature elves. "

"Well, there must have been a lot of Fengqi trees among the ancient elves." Xu Gang said with a smile, "it's better to send me a hundred and eighty." Ruihong was stunned. He frowned and said, "I've seen Fengqi trees, but even our family has only two adult Fengqi trees. They are very old and precious. They can't be given to you. However, it is said that there are some Fenghuang and longzu, but the number is not much

"That's what happened." Xu Gang thought about it and said, "I don't want adult ones. It's OK to give me a few hundred for minors."

"Hundreds of them, you dare think. There are not a hundred plants in the whole territory. "

"How many? At least half of the meeting. " Xu Gang looks like a rogue, which makes Ruihong helpless.

Ruiya is held by Xu Gang. Although she doesn't know what they are talking about, she is not stupid. At this time, she calms down and stares at Xu Gang and her ancestors. It seems that she wants to see what's wrong between them. "I can't be the master of this, but it should be no problem to send you more than ten. But I have to remind you that Fengqi is very difficult to cultivate and the survival rate is very low. Even the ancient natural elves can't guarantee their survival. Now, it's good to have one of them grow up. Because now, there is no spring of life. "

"If there is no fountain of life, create one. Since ancient times, the fountain of life has not appeared out of thin air, it is also the condensation of countless life essence. Perhaps every spring of life is an era... " Then Xu Gang didn't go on, but Ruihong's body trembled a little, and he took a deep look at the line. He knew that Xu Gang's words were absolutely casual, but he didn't make peace with some vague records of his family. "Xu Gang, you are right." Ruihong said: "according to the original God's guess, the whole world is a cycle from beginning to end. Before an era, heaven and earth were chaotic, without heaven and earth, just a primitive point. At the beginning of the era, the point of the era will change, the sky will open, the earth will appear, the chaos will be divided into two parts, and all things will evolve, indicating the beginning of a new era. At the end of this era, heaven and earth are united, all souls are destroyed, and all things return to the original worldA little bit... "

Xu Gang was stunned. He seemed to think of something and didn't catch it.

"Well, it's just a guess. No one knows how."

Xu Gang nodded and said, "maybe this kind of speculation is right."

This time, it's Ruihong's turn to be surprised. Xu Gang took a deep breath and said, "everyone has their own opinions about the world. Who dares to say which is true and which is false? In different environments and rules, creatures have different understanding of the outside world. In this kind of rule environment, it's right, maybe it's wrong in another kind of rule environment. The life in our small world, the birth and death of the world, is the life of heaven and earth. Then, how do we know that we are not living in other people's small world

Ruihong nodded slightly and said with admiration: "I've lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and I've had countless experiences, but I've never heard of you, let alone thought about it. I'm ashamed. " "That's because you ancient elves are too conservative to learn from other races. The reason why our Terrans are developing rapidly and rapidly is because of learning. It's all inclusive, learning for practical use. "

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