Even though the void beasts are very fierce and the void beast tide is extremely terrifying, the huge gap in the level still makes these void beasts panic. The originally converging torrent is caused by Xu Gang's changing Kunpeng's breath of terrifying superiors, which leads to a commotion. It seems that Xu Gang's point is the dividing line, which separates the huge void The herd is divided into two, each running its own way.

The middle-aged man has been scared to death after Xu Gang's transformation. He thinks that Xu Gang himself is a monster. Xu Gang originally intended to erase his memory, but at this time he saved a lot of trouble.

The people of the Luocha nationality looked at the big bird falling from the sky in amazement, and the middle-aged man in a daze caught by the bird. "Hum, this guy is just a fool. He doesn't want to leave with his master and asks his master to save you." Xu Gang's changed giant bird said to the lady of Luocha: "I really don't understand what you've given him. It makes him so determined.

The host said, "let me help you. Now you can take them away." Xu Gang said that in the case, a hovering, flying towards the void herd, flapping his wings, tens of thousands of void beasts were slapped in a coma, and then disappeared.

Originally, Xu Gang didn't take these void beasts seriously, but the insect had a long nose and smelled the smell of void beasts. He even said that the evolution of void beast land was very good. Without bibimbap, she could only be a coolie to help collect rations. Luocha girl Ruhua looks at the huge Kunpeng in the sky. Her eyes are full of splendor. Instead of escaping, she flies away from the spaceship and towards Kunpeng. In the middle of the sky, she suddenly throws out a magic weapon with a lot of Buddhist inscriptions,

Dragon binding rope.

The "entanglement" rope spirals around Xu Gang's neck.

"Buzz" is just when the Dragon binding rope is about to reach Xu Gang's neck. A golden light suddenly swings on Xu Gang's huge body. The golden light diffuses and immediately pushes the Dragon binding rope away. The powerful force makes the Dragon binding rope lose its spirituality.

Seeing this, Luocha girl was stunned.

As the name suggests, the Dragon binding rope is a magic weapon that even the dragon can bind. It's impossible to catch the big bird in front of you. As for Xu Gang's cultivation, when she first saw her, she had already had an accurate judgment. She was just a primary Immortal Emperor, a little worse than herself. However, Xu Gang's breath is to let her some fear. However, she didn't mean to be afraid of

. At this time, unexpectedly found that Xu Gang had such a powerful big bird pet, suddenly had a different mind. Since all the people in the early days of Xiandi could accept it, as a Luocha, the cultivation of Xiandi in the middle period must also be accepted. So she didn't even think about it, so she chose to do it, but she didn't expect that it was so useless to tie the Dragon rope with confidence. "Sure enough, you're a real nuisance to the bus owner. If it's not for the host's affection for that half breed, and that silly boy's affection for you, I'll scratch you with one paw. " Xu Gangbian

Cheng Cheng's Kun Peng said loudly, at the same time, with a wave of his wings, an irresistible force came and directly flew out the Luocha girl like a flower fan.

"Dad, Dad We're going to eat something good, too. " Demon's small world, has been fed up with flustered animal's two small ROC birds discovered Xu just threw in several flying wolves, immediately came to the interest.

"Ha ha, OK, Da Niu, er Niu, dad taught you how to hunt today." Xu Gang laughed.

"Cluck, Dad, don't forget, we are the real pengniao, we have blood heritage, we are born to hunt." Peng Daniu circled.

"Dad, let us out. We're in a small world. We're almost suffocating."

"You bully all kinds of demon repair all day, can you still suffocate?" Xu Gang said with a smile.

"We don't have any. Big girl is the best. She won't bully people. "

"Er Niu is the best. She never bullies people."

The two birds firmly denied it. Xu Gang just smiles. These two little guys actually play word games with themselves. You don't bully people, but you bully demons.

With an idea, two little pengniao are released by Xu. Although it is a small ROC bird, but the reminder is still more than 100 meters. Appeared in the outside world, suddenly like runaway Mustang general, zahuan fly up. Flying wolf has disappeared. In front of him are a group of empty beasts like pigs. They look charming and lovely. But I didn't expect that this guy's fight was very terrible. He was not only strong in defense, but also good at swallowing

a talent. In its belly, there is another universe, which not only has a huge space comparable to the small world, but also has a strong digestion ability.

After all, the two pengniao are still small. Although they attack frequently, they can't help these empty beasts like pigs.

Xu Gang didn't make a move, but stayed nearby in case of an accident.

"Hum, hum..." The empty beast like a pig seemed to be very grumpy. He opened his mouth and bit at two pengniao. The little ROC is rolling in the air, avoiding the swallowing power from its mouth.

"Interesting." Xu Gang was delighted to see the game and enjoyed it. Xu Gang now understands that these virtual beasts are actually a group of beings between monsters and flusters. Ordinary void beasts have very low intelligence, but when their level reaches a certain level, their intelligence will awaken, and they will have the intelligence no less than human beingsWisdom. No matter how powerful the flusters are, they will not have wisdom. Wisdom acts on instinct.

Wisdom is the essential difference between monsters and flusters.

It's like monkeys and people on earth. If the monkey really has wisdom, it can also be regarded as a branch of the human race. Two pengniao busy for a long time, but a big pig did not catch, anxious two birds howl straight, and relying on defense, endure two birds harassment of big pig beast angry roar, rampage. As for a large number of empty pigs and beasts,

under the control of the king of beasts, they ran away and did not dare to get close, leaving only a few hundred to play with the two birds.

"Dad, these big stupid pigs are too hateful to let Niuniu catch them."

"Dad, big stupid pig's defense is very strong. Niuniu grabs it with all her strength, but she only grabs a few hairs..."

Two pengniao are very dissatisfied with the beginning of the complaint. "Ha ha, I think this empty pig is very unusual. It not only has the talent of swallowing everything, but also has a strong defense. It can attack and defend. It can be both a cannon and a meat shield. Good stuff. Unfortunately, the king of beasts has run away

, and it's not easy to control them. "

"Master, catch them. I can use parasitic war insects to invade their brains, so that I can control their reproduction and fight." Cried the worm.

"Do you still have the ability? Good, good. " Xu Gang was overjoyed, and then said seriously, "this war insect that controls the living creatures should not be used indiscriminately, otherwise I will not spare you."

"Don't worry, master. Insects know the weight."

"It's the best." Xu Gang nodded his head with satisfaction. Between waving, he knocked hundreds of pigs unconscious and put them away. Although this guy's skin is rough and his flesh is thick, and his defense is even stronger, there is a limit. In front of Xu Gang, he is naturally vulnerable.

"Dad, we're hungry. We're going to eat meat. Eat barbecue. "

"I'll go. You're pengniao. You eat barbecue..." Xu Gang is really speechless.

"Barbecue is delicious. Mom often cooks it for us, but Dad never cooks it for us..." Finish saying, return a face aggrieved appearance. "Ha ha, OK, let's call everyone out today. Let's have a barbecue virtual beast dinner." Xu Gang laughed, waved out a palace, and then called everyone out.

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