In the world of friars, there is no pity and sympathy, only the strong and powerful are respected. Two red also just feel, Dahong also didn't elaborate zongmen's embarrassment. Naturally, Xu Gang would not ask. Although they are not going to be held responsible, they are not going to help them.

Xu Gang thought for a moment and said, "since there is no transcendence over the existence of the Taoist, where do they get their sacred stone, sacred pill, artifact and so many precious materials? Don't tell me, the Taoist can refine these things. " Dahong said with a smile: "of course, it's not what the Taoist can have. These things are all from the divine world. Why are the top families out there so powerful? It's because there's a God behind them. With the support of gods in the divine world, you can reward many spirit stones, elixirs and artifacts in the divine world. That's why their people are so powerful that no one dares to provoke them. "

Speaking of this, Dahong is unwilling and helpless.

"Since you can send things down, can you send someone down?" Xu Gang said solemnly, "maybe there are some powerful gods in these families. At least there are some gods puppets."

"You can rest assured that those who are strong in the divine realm can never stay in the lower realm. As for the divine level puppets, they can only be quasi divine." Dahong is very confident.

"Oh, why?" Xu Gang is really curious.

"Because of heaven's rules, anyone who dares to appear in the lower world will be punished by heaven, and no one can be an exception." Red light said.

"In this way, even if someone destroys their orthodoxy, those masters above the divine realm can only watch." Xu Gang touched his chin, narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

Dahong was startled by Xu Gang's eyes. Suddenly, she felt inexplicable. Maybe when Xu Gang went outside, she would really do something like this.

Dahong is scared by her own ideas, which is really crazy.

She didn't even know how big the territory outside was. There were so many strong people. Even if Xu Gang is crazy and arrogant, he does not dare to really destroy the orthodoxy left by God in the world. Dahong said: "although those who are strong in the divine realm can't come, they can lower very powerful skills, elixir and artifact. If they are willing, they may even lower their separate bodies. As long as the cultivation of the realm is limited under the divine realm, it will not be punished by the heavenly rules. The power of a God's Tao master's separation is no less powerful than that of the supreme Tao, which is very terrifying. "

"It's not easy for these people to separate themselves." Xu Gang asked confidently. "Of course, it's not easy. If you're not careful, you'll be obliterated at the moment of coming because of the traction of your own breath. Therefore, generally speaking, the cultivation of God's separation is very low, and the lower it is, the easier it will come. For example, Tianzhao, which you killed before, is said to be one of the parts of Yin

Yang God Emperor. When it first came, it was just a little better than ordinary mortals. Later, it gradually cultivated to the present level. " "Why do they have to spend so much effort to separate themselves? Even if it's easier to send a very weak lower bound of separation, it's just a relative one, and the consumption is bound to be quite a lot. I don't think they just want to protect future generations. I'm afraid there's some secret in it. " Xu Gang has a keen sense of the unusual.

"This That's true when you say that. " Dahong is slightly surprised and thinks what Xu Gang said is very reasonable. "Well, I have a general understanding of the outside world. There is danger, but it is not necessarily death. It's settled. " Then he waved and said, "if you have any powerful magic weapon, seal, just greet me, but don't be seen by others, or the reward will be gone."

Xu Gang opened up a small world full of Buddhistic nature by himself, including a group of converted believers, and then signaled Dahong and others to do it.

"This..." Eight people, you look at me, I look at you, all a little do not know what to do. "I said, I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of? When you get to the place, you hand me over and take things away. As long as you don't tell me, who knows that you and I are cheating on them? What's more, they can't be said to be deceiving, they can only say that they have no ability to stay with me, right? " "Don't hesitate, come on, I can't wait," Xu said with a smile

After hearing Xu Gang's words, Da Hong and ER Hong's face suddenly turned red and turned white. Xu Gang thought that he was deliberately repeating their previous words.

"Elder martial sister, since Xu Gang has said so, we have nothing to hesitate about. Let's do it." Two red a clench teeth way.

"Well, we risk our fortune to enter Outland just for the rich reward? Now the opportunity is in front of us. How can we shrink back? " Dahong nodded slightly.

Of course, the six black robed men had agreed long ago, but they were still worried and didn't dare to be the first one.

Dahong Dahong throws out a bundle of immortal ropes and binds Xu Gang. Two red more ruthless, all of a sudden took out eighteen hands trapped dragon Fu, pasted on the bundle of immortal rope.

When the six black robed men saw Dahong and Erhong, they took out all kinds of magic weapons and talismans to seal Xu Gang completely.

After all this, the eight people looked at each other and felt like they were in a dream. It's not real."Come on, let's go back." It's a good day. Dahong took a deep breath. Then, without waiting for people's reaction, he had already steered the spaceship and left quickly.

Shortly after he left, several Taoist kings appeared in the same place, followed by the Buddha, Lao Tzu and others. After that, the feigned anger of the latter turned up and naturally sent people to chase and intercept.

Of course, it's all for show.

"This boy is going out at last. I don't know what it will be like to meet again." Buddha stood in the void, looked at the endless unknown, and said to Laozi.

"Boundless heaven. It's his destiny. We can't stop it. Since it's providence, I don't think it's a bad thing. " Lao Tzu said with a smile.

"You two old slicks, you know that this trip is full of crises. It's very likely that you will not go back. Thanks to you, you can still laugh." The devil day utters a word to strike a way: "be careful that kid dies outside, at that time you cry all too late." "Xu Gang inherits the supreme Qi luck of Pangu universe, the outer world, and the ancient Protoss Qi luck blessing, which is bound to turn misfortune into good fortune. Besides, outside, it's not as terrible as you think. If it wasn't for the seal array, do you think they could stop us? Since we can't even stop it, how can we stop Xu Gang? " "What, you say that boy can be compared with us? It's impossible. " Magic day some don't believe, but seem to think of what way: "no wonder you deliberately guide him to refine body, originally had a plan. Outside, the law of heaven and earth road is more perfect, the power of heaven is vast, and the pressure is huge. All the magic arts and Taoist Arts will be suppressed severely. Its power is not even 10% of that of Outland. However, there are few restrictions on the physical powers. In this way, the boy does have an advantage. "

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