A child is a child. No matter how clever, sensible and obedient she is, sometimes she will be strong, which will embarrass adults.

It is their patent and nature for children to be coquettish and play tricks.

After all, Cheng Yanyan is still young. She can't understand some things.

By Cheng Yanyan said, Cheng widow's face more red, red eyes, tears in the eyes.

Cheng Yanyan was frightened when she saw her mother crying. Wow, she started to cry. "Wuwu, mother doesn't cry. Yanyan knows that she is wrong. Will Yanyan give her elder brother to her mother? Will Yanyan be held by her mother? Mother doesn't cry. Yanyan will protect her mother when she grows up. " Cheng Yanyan climbs into the widow's arms and wipes her tears with her little hand, but the more she wipes her tears, it's like a flood breaking a dike.

Chen Xiaoyuan wants to persuade, but Xu Gang stops her. Xu Gang shook his head and said, "sister Cheng is a strong person and a strong person. No matter how aggrieved, no matter how hard or tired, they all hide in their hearts, never say, don't cry, they are very strong. In fact, it's not bad for your health.

Sometimes people cry when they should cry, laugh when they should laugh, and vent when they should. Don't hold it in your heart. If you keep it in your heart for a long time, you will get sick. Let her have a good cry. "

"En" Chen Xiaoyuan nodded. After a while, Xu Gang felt that it was almost over, so he took Cheng Yanyan back from widow Chen's arms. At first, widow Chen hugged her tightly, as if she was afraid that her daughter would be robbed. But later, I don't know what I want to do, I let go. Xu Gang wiped the tears from Cheng Yanyan's small face

and said, "mom is OK. I believe my big brother, mom will get better and even love Yan more than before."

"But mom cried My mother must blame Yanyan, she must not like Yanyan. "

"No, my mother also likes Yanyan, and she likes Yanyan very much. Yanyan is my mother's baby



"You promise?"

"I promise."

Xu Gang nodded, gave a kiss on Cheng Yanyan's small face and said, "everyone will like a smart, smart, lively and sensible elf like Yan Yan."

"En en en" Cheng Yanyan said goodbye to Xu Gang and immediately became happy.

"Little girl, my sister is the king of elves. If you want to be a elves, you have to worship me "Big sister" Gu ruoqian suddenly jumped out. Originally, she wanted Cheng Yanyan to worship her as a teacher, but she thought of calling her master big brother. If she called her master, it would be a mess.

Cheng Yanyan suddenly saw a one foot tall villain on Xu Gang's shoulder. She was startled and excited.

But Xu Gang understood her meaning and said, "do you want to take a little girl as an apprentice? Does she have a special constitution? "

Xu Gang remembers Gu ruoqian saying that her skills are not suitable for people to practice, and other skills are not fully remembered. Now she can take the initiative to say to accept the apprentice, of course, there are special reasons.

"The master is right. This little sister is a nine turn Xuanyin body. It's the most precious. It's even more precious than extreme Yin body and Xuanyin body. It's hard to see one in 10000 years."

"Jiuzhuan Xuanyin style..." Xu Gang shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

"Cluck, this is a legendary constitution of the underworld. It's extraordinary. There is a saying in the underworld, which is called jiuxuanchu. Heaven and earth change. It means this kind of jiuzhuanxuanyinti

"Nine mysteries come out, heaven and earth change Whatever the meaning of this sentence, it doesn't sound like a good thing. " Xu Gang pondered for a while and said, "don't tell the second person about it, otherwise, those Taoist scholars don't know what stupid things they will do."

"Well, I understand."

"Do you take a little girl as a sister or an apprentice?"

"I" Gu ruoqian hesitated. She looked at Xu Gang and Cheng Yanyan and hesitated.

Xu Gang said with a smile, "let's take it as an apprentice."


"Ha ha, it's nothing, but it's settled."

"Yes, master..." Gu ruoqian suddenly smiles, floats to Xu Gang's shoulder, sticks her mouth to Xu Gang's ear and says: "master, your idea is so evil, do you think..."

After listening to Gu ruoqian's words, Xu Gang is really a little sad.

He didn't mean it at all, OK. He only considered the special constitution of Cheng Yanyan, and his future achievements were limitless. If you are a master and apprentice, your relationship is closer than that of a sister, and it will benefit Gu ruoqian more in the future.

"Cluck, master, don't try to cheat me. I understand that. " Gu Ruo jumped from his left shoulder to his right shoulder and said with a smile, "you call your mother sister-in-law, but you let the little girl call you big brother. What do you mean? Do you have a ghost in your heart? "

"No Xu Gang shook his head. He would never admit it.

Even if there is, I can't admit it!

It's like watching flowers on horseback, walking, watching, talking and laughing all the way, which makes some people who secretly observe Xu Gang and others shake their heads.

At first, these people saw that the king of stone was very polite to Xu Gang and praised him. They thought that he was something extraordinary. He had more talent in gambling stones than others. Now, he is just a fool and a dandy.When someone is disappointed, naturally someone is happy.

Ni Kuangyuan also sent someone to follow him secretly. When he got the feedback, he couldn't help laughing three times.

"King Shi, you have been praised as a broken stone and a broken man. That's all. It's a real laugh that such a character should be regarded as a treasure by you. "

Gu Yansong also sent people. After receiving the report, he was silent for a while. He said "I know" and said nothing. There are also two people introduced to Xu Gang by the stone king and some businessmen who heard the gossip sent people to follow him secretly. These people are disappointed.

As for Liu kuangsheng, ou Yangqian and others, they did not send anyone to follow Xu Gang.

The stone king was a little worried, but he secretly sent someone to follow him. When he received the report, he was silent for a while before he showed a knowing smile.

"What? What's the good thing? " Ouyang Qian asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, I just think the little guy is a little more cunning than me. I think some people will be disappointed. " The stone King laughs. "You smile like an old fox. Are you so confident in him? The prize money of this gambling stone Grand Prix is not only the highest in all previous years, reaching a considerable amount of 100 million. The most important thing is that it can have more rights to purchase jade from Myanmar and Xinjiang. If it fails, the loss can be billions. Do you want to

well, really let him take your place? "

"Ha ha, it's decided." Shi Wang nodded and sighed: "although I am confident to bet with Ni kuangsheng, I am not sure that I can win. But Xu Gang is different. His magic is beyond your imagination. I believe in him

Ouyang Qian nodded and said: "since you have decided, I will not say anything. I hope you will not trust others."

Shi Wang said with a smile: "ha ha, at that time, you will be surprised."

"Ha ha, I hope it's not a shock." Ouyang Qian smiles bitterly. Ouyang Qian's words did not come true in her, but should be in some other people. And was greatly frightened, almost scared out of his wits.

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