All of a sudden, Xu Gang's whole body was stiff. The Buddha wheel collapsed, the light of the Buddha disappeared, and the six word truth was dim. It was hidden in Xu's rigid body and disappeared.

The sound of danghun demons is looming, constantly reverberating in Xu rigidbody and spreading outward. Then, countless demons swarmed in and rushed into Xu rigidbody.

The whole process was completed between lightning and flint. Xu Gang didn't even have a chance to react.

Xu Gang's body is like the eye of a hurricane, constantly attracting the demons around him. With just a few breaths, the number of demons rushing into Xu Gang's body is no less than 10 million, and the number is still soaring. It seems that Xu Gang will never give up.

Xu Gang's body has become the nest of demons, in which there are countless demons.

Xu Gang's original white skin became dark and shiny, and his whole body was covered with a layer of light black air. He looked like a ghost, which was frightening.

Because Xu Gang was demonized, the nine heavenly realms were affected. Although no heavenly demons came in, the sea of clouds above the nine heavenly realms was covered by a layer of demons, and the whole world was extremely dark and uncomfortable.

"Xu Gang, surrender to me, I can give you everything you want. Beauty, money, power, status, as long as you want, I can give you A black giant appeared in Xu Gang's sea, floating in the air.

"Hum, do you think money and beauty are important to a monk?" Xu Gang sneered. "Well? Don't you have many wives? Aren't you lusty? Why don't you like beautiful women? You don't set up many companies and earn a lot of money. Why don't you like money? Why don't you like status and power when you set up an army, build a new country and call yourself a God The black giant doubts


"Ha ha, you only see what I've done, but you can't see through my heart. You want to confuse me. It's far from enough." Xu Gang said with disdain.

"Hum, you are really different. You are not only physically strong, but also experienced. What's more, you are a world leader." The black giant sighed: "I will tame you into a puppet, completely demonize you, and become the forerunner of our conquest of the world."

"It depends on whether you have that ability."

"You'll see. Children, drain his essence and blood, refine his spirit and disperse his popularity. " Ordered the black giant.

"Yes, drain his essence and blood, refine his spirit, and disperse his popularity." Hundreds of millions of demons, shouting in unison, are like countless viruses, melting into the four limbs, the five viscera, the eight channels, and even every cell, which makes Xu Gang feel cramped.

"Concentrate, gather Qi, consolidate the essence Hum, it's beimihong, the soldier who is fighting... " Xu Gang recites the truth silently, sticks to his body, heart and Qi, and doesn't give them any chance. "I didn't expect you to be so strong. It's so good. Since the ancient times, when the battle of the gods broke down, the flood and famine reversed, the complete heaven and earth collapsed, and countless universe were derived, there has never been a decent body refiner. It's really rare that you can cultivate your body to such a degree The black giant was very happy and said, "the more so, the more determined I am to refine you into a magic puppet."

"Yes? Then you can recruit more hands. The stronger the strength, the better. I'll give you a surprise. It's a big surprise. " Xu Gang said with a smile.

"I don't understand. You can still laugh in such a situation." The black giant stares at Xu Gang, then suddenly screams, which makes Xu Gang dizzy. When he opens his eyes again, everything around him changes.

"Mr. Lang, you are awake." A young woman with red lips and white teeth, graceful figure, apricot eyes like water and cherry mouth looked at Xu Gang in surprise, then rushed into Xu Gang's arms and said, "Lang Jun, you are almost scared to death."

"Who are you? Where is this? " Xu Gang looked around, a little confused. "Lang Jun, I'm your wife a Juan. Why don't you even know me? Have you broken your head?" The young woman said anxiously: "Mr. Lang, you forget that on our wedding night, you just lifted my cover, and suddenly there was an earthquake. The sky collapsed and the house collapsed. It was you who rescued me from the house, but you were hit on the head by a roof tile and were in a coma all the time. Lang Jun, are you dreaming? Otherwise, how can we call Xiuxian, Wanjie and the universe? "

"Is it?" Xu Gang's puzzled face said: "but how do I feel that I am dreaming now?" As soon as Xu Gang's words came out, the scene changed again. This time, he became a young master of a scholarly family and a rich family. Unfortunately, he was born from a poor family. He was abused and insulted by his brothers when he was a child, and even some family members bullied him. Finally, he could not bear it and ran away. Fifteen years later, Xu had just returned to his family to take revenge. "Kill, kill them. They are all your enemies. " There is a voice in Xu Gang's ear constantly instigating him to raise the butcher's knife, but Xu Gang is standing quietly, looking at these former bullying him, insulting him, looking down on his brothers, one by one looking at himself with fear, Xu Gang can't help thinking of

: "over the years, what I hate is just some children in those years, a group of cowards now.""You bastard, why don't you kill them?" There was an angry roar in Xu Gang's ear. Xu Gang looked around in bewilderment and said, "why should I kill them? Is it worth it? "

Xu Gang's words make the existence in the dark crazy.

The scene changes again. It's a nightclub. Xu Gang leans on the sofa, and the red, blue and green women on the dance floor embrace each other.

A enchanting girl suddenly appears in front of Xu Gang.

"May I have a dance, sir?" The girl's eyes are like silk, and she has the charm of soul.

"I, I can't dance." Xu Gang waved his hand.

"Sir, I'm joking. You're a good dancer. Why be so modest?"

"I, I really can't jump." Xu Gang shirked.

The girl said with a smile, "it's OK. I can teach you..."

The scene changes again and again, and Xu Gang is going through life after life.

"Xu Gang, can't you be normal?" A black giant appeared in front of Xu Gang and said angrily, "don't you have an unforgettable childhood? Can't you be a normal person? " "Am I abnormal? I don't think so. " Xu Gang said, "it's not me who is stubborn. It's mainly because the scenes and plots you designed are rough. People with a little experience know that they are fake. To tell you the truth, I've tried my best to cooperate with you, otherwise I would have helped you a long time ago. Didn't someone tell you that I am an expert in creating illusions. How can I be so easily charmed by you? " "In a word, the illusion you designed is too bad. Too unprofessional, you should go to the director training class to study hard. When you talk about the scene you designed, you don't even have a dragon set, the plot is too single, and there is no tortuous plot. Come up and go straight to the theme. Are you a little movie maker? Or do you watch too many little movies? Let me tell you, if one or two people finish the play, try to watch it less. If you watch too much, it will not only hurt your health, but also your IQ will decline. You silly fork. " "Ah, I'm so angry. I'm also Children, I ate him, and there was no residue left... "

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