"Other people's little girls obviously like you. Are you so cruel?" Long Xiao shakes his head and sighs, but his face is not smiling, a face of schadenfreude.

"Her mother's name is Cheng Jie. She's my woman." Xu Gang said a light, then no more words.

Long Xiao Leng for a while, smack smack way: "is quite troublesome. However, as far as I know, there are many such things in the history of your people. "

"One era, one change. The difference between civilization and primitive, between human beings and animals, is that they know self-restraint and desire control. If not, what's the difference between animals and animals? "

"Come on, don't tell me all this. In my opinion, the higher you are, the more beasts you are. " Long Xiao said, "I've seen a lot of your dragon dramas. They're all like this."

"Hey, it's all made up to cheat people, and you believe it."

"Deceiving? I can't. I think it's quite true. Although it's about life, it's also very useful for Long Sheng. " Long Xiao also took out a history book and said, "I've checked all of them. Many of them are true in history."

Xu Gang was speechless for a while. The TV series did a lot of harm to the dragon!

"I said, how did you make so little progress in your cultivation recently? You used to spend all your time watching TV dramas and hurt yourself. Do you think you are losing your mind? I said, "Lao long, you're not going to marry a star, are you?"

"Hey, hey, don't mention it. I'm really chasing a actress recently. She's a descendant of Eagle kingdom. She's blond and blue eyed. She's as cute as a kitten."

"Big brother, you are my big brother. Come on, that's why you're looking for me everywhere? "

"Of course not." Long Xiao shook his head, then rubbed his hands and said, "cough, brother, they say that the money of the universe is in the Ninth Heaven, and the money of the Ninth Heaven is in your hands, so, you know this."

"I said, brother, do you eat money? I've saved a whole billion on your card. Do you know what a billion is? If you change it into Earth Dragon coin, it will be 900 billion. Do you know how much it is? It's all over so soon? " Xu Gang airway: "take things for, or talk about."

"I'm not spending money, I'm not spending money. That's to say, I found a few pieces of ore from the upper boundary at the auction, so I fought with people and spent them all. "

"The ore of fairyland What kind of ore? It's so valuable. " Xu Gang was slightly surprised and said, "take a look."

"It's nothing. It's just a few pieces of refined raw ore of Xianjin. The purity is OK." With that, Long Xiao took out a piece of the ore he had photographed.

"It's really a good ore, with very close texture and solid and stable molecular structure, worthy of being the essence of immortal gold." Xu Gang nodded and then said, "do you want to refine the weapon?"

"No, I'm not." Long Xiao shakes his head.

"What do you buy without refining? Watch and play? What's the difference between this thing and a broken stone? " Xu Gang is angry, then stares at Long Xiao way: "you can't really be to buy back to put to see of?"

"I, as you know, the dragon people like to collect this, and I'm no exception..."

"What are you doing here? Do you think I'm enjoying my money? " Xu Gang said angrily, "if you want money, you can take care of it."

"No, No. I don't mean to say that I'm chasing spear Paris now. I always want to buy her some presents. " Long Xiao said with a sad face.

"If you want money, you can exchange things. Otherwise, there's no discussion. "

"Yes, you are. How much do you think these ores are worth Long Xiao a face flesh ache way.

"This is the essence of immortal gold. With my cultivation, I can't melt it now, let alone refine it into an immortal weapon. You're not going to let me hit someone with a stone? It's nothing to me. Don't

"You, say, what you want." Long Xiao asked, biting his teeth.

"What do you think I lack? I need nothing. I don't know what I need. " Xu Gang shook his head.

"You are my brother, I beg you, you can be kind, just choose a few, give me some money?" The Dragon roars helplessly way. "Hum, OK." Reluctantly, Xu Gang ran away with a few stones and said, "is there anything else? I really can't see it. Can't you get something decent? Don't fool me with a pile of rubbish, OK? Maybe you are the only one who can buy some useless stones at such a high price. It's a black sheep. "

What Xu Gang belittled is worthless.

On the other hand, Xu Gang gave orders to the intelligent brain system to pay close attention to the objects in the universe. He also asked Tianhe Group to collect information, participate in the auction, and release the acquisition information in the adventurers' Union.

Before, Xu Gang also got rings and other things from many monks in the upper world, but he didn't pay much attention to them. Most of them directly integrated into the nine heavenly realms, and never thought of refining a handy weapon for himself.

With the rapid growth of Xu Gang's strength, neither the flying sword nor the golden needle can meet his current fighting needs.

Because of this, Xu Gang used his fists directly in many battles. It's not that Xu Gang likes to use fists, but there are no weapons available at all.If it wasn't for Long Xiao, Xu Gang might not have realized the great opportunity brought by the arrival of these upper bound monks. It's so dense.

Recently, there have been too many things, which has left Xu Gang in a mess and he has no energy to think about other aspects.

"Lao long, I don't mean you. You are really not good at these things. If you have nothing else, I can only give you a hundred million. " Xu Gang said.

"A hundred million, how can I do that? I also need to buy a space warship to take her to the universe. A hundred million is not enough."

"One micro space warship, one hundred million, is enough."

"Brother, you look down on me? In my capacity, can I buy a mini one? What's more, the miniature is too fragile to be broken if you don't pay attention to it. You have to buy the best space warship

"Is it necessary to equip combat robots and service robots?"

"Yes, yes..." The Dragon roared and nodded.

Xu Gang said: "if so, at least 100 billion. Are you ready to go broke? " Xu Gang asked with a smile.

"One hundred billion, grandma's, why is it so expensive?" The Dragon shrieked at the sound.

After hesitating for a long time, Long Xiao finally made up his mind to throw a ring to Xu Gang and said, "this is all my belongings. Can I exchange it for 100 billion yuan?"

Xu Gang took over, did not check, but seriously looked at the dragon, roaring: "I said the old dragon, the dragon has a word, Mount son ruthless, actor meaningless. Do you really want to go after that whappie? Don't let people play with you. You're too late to repent. "

"Pierre Paris, she's different. She's so cute. It makes my heart beat when I see her. The first time I saw him, I knew that she would not marry me in my life. " Long Xiao said affectionately. "I think you are very ill." Xu Gang had no choice but to shake his head. His mind went into the ring, swept it around and said, "these things are beautiful. They are useless. Less than one tenth of them are really useful. Five billion at most. " Xu Gang threw the ring back to Long Xiao and said, "these jewels are really worthless."

"Xu Gang, do you know the goods? This is no ordinary jewelry. " Then he took out a blue gem and said, "this is the gem of wind spirit. With the wind attribute array, it can play a very powerful role. In the west, this gem is very precious. This is the gem of water attribute..."

"Big brother, the problem is that they are useless to me. What do I buy them for? As a decoration Xu Gang is very speechless, but also helpless way: "come on, 10 billion, more than a son I do not want."

"You, you are just a unscrupulous businessman. In the upper world, these things are worth at least one hundred million immortals. It's an immortal stone. " The Dragon roars hysterically. "Oh, so valuable? I'll give you 10 billion yuan. Will you sell it or not? "

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