Flying is a noble profession. Pilots have the best physical quality, and their diet is strictly controlled. In the army, the first food is submarine soldiers, and the second is pilots.

In a private room in the pilot's restaurant, several people sat down.

Qin Guan, Liu Yuan, song Lao, and several assistants of song Lao.

Chen Yutong and Xiang Jing didn't come in consciously. What's good in the private room? Outside the private room, there are self-help. There are so many delicious food, take what you want, and touch the light of Qin Guan. They also entered the pilot restaurant.

The food here is definitely more delicious than that in the moon tower.

"Elder sister, my brother-in-law is so powerful that old song looks at him differently." Chen Rui and Chen Yutong are together, holding the dinner plate, holding the prawns inside and chatting.

"When I asked you to call my brother-in-law, you didn't want to let people down." Chen Yutong said, "wait to apologize to your brother-in-law. Be sincere."

"OK, no problem. I have a lot of things to ask him. He must know how to avoid missiles."

The two were chatting. Xiang Jing had already eaten with a plate.

Qin Guan's super power is terrible. Moreover, it has been proved that the super power is not only in land weapons, but also in air force weapons. That old song is a leader in the development of fighter planes in China.

At this time, in the private room, the old song people simply didn't want to eat and completely focused on the dialogue with Qin Guan.

"Comrade Qin Guan, you input all kinds of data on this simulator. Then you are quite familiar with foreign military aircraft, aren't you?" old song asked Qin Guan.

Qin Guan looked up, drank a bowl of health porridge into his mouth and said vaguely, "yes."

"What do you think is the future development direction of military aircraft?" old song asked Qin Guan.

The development of military aircraft has gone through many processes, not to mention the previous propeller era, but now the jet era.

At the beginning, they were challenging higher and faster, and didn't pay much attention to mobility. However, the latest three generations of aircraft, such as F-15 and F-16, are representatives of typical energy air combat theory and have good mobility performance. Only the high angle of attack takeoff capability displayed to the outside world has been envied by domestic experts.

"When we talk about military aircraft, we must first talk about the engine." Qin Guan said: "one of the biggest characteristics of Eagle fighters is that the engine is very abnormal. Their thrust weight ratio is said to have reached the order of magnitude of 8. In our aviation field, there seems to be a saying that as long as the thrust of the engine is enough, bricks can fly into the sky."

Eagle's strongest is the engine. Their engine level makes people feel like alien technology.

What Qin Guan said is that there is no suitable high thrust turbofan engine in China. Everything is in vain.

At present, only one turbofan-6 is being developed in China. This engine has a history of more than 20 years. Now, technical problems are still emerging one after another. It is still a long way from the service of the equipment.

At the same time, the j-9 supporting the turbofan-6 also experienced hardships and finally ushered in the fate of dismounting. After dismounting this model, the turbofan-6 had to stop development because it lost its installed object, and the outcome was very sad.

Qin Guan was right. He first mentioned the problem of the engine. Without the engine, everything would be useless.

The engine is the crown of the aviation industry. Qin Guan can exchange several sets by relying on his super ability. However, it is useless without technology, materials and high-precision processing equipment.

It can be said that unless Qin Guan exchanges engines on a large scale, it will not be possible to rely on the existing domestic industrial foundation.

Thinking of this, Qin Guan suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Because of fear, Qin Guan was unwilling to use the system in his brain, let alone upgrade it.

However, only after the system has been upgraded can more things be exchanged.

Now, there are only weapons exchange and weapons data exchange. However, when Qin Guan understood the system, the system was clear. Anything in the cemetery can be exchanged.

There are weapon cemeteries, weapon data cemeteries and machine tool cemeteries! There are many advanced multi axis CNC machine tools, various high-precision milling machines, etc. in the machine tool cemeteries of later generations. If you exchange them here, they will be the most advanced things!

Including the current 105mm gun project, if your own system can unlock these functions, you are not afraid of NiuGuo's tricks.

Don't you want to try again?

As an ordinary person, of course, Qin Guan first thought of himself. If he can't guarantee his own life, how can he serve the motherland?

Now, with his gradual integration into this society, Qin Guan also has a sense of urgency. He knows how much it took for those detours in future generations to come out, and now he can change them on his own.

"Comrade Qin Guan, comrade Qin Guan?" song Laolian shouted a few times before he shouted Qin Guan out of his thinking.

Unconsciously, Qin Guan was already thinking.

"Oh, Mr. Song, what did you just say?" Qin Guan said while eating.

"Comrade Qin Guan, if we can't overcome difficulties in the field of engines, how should we deal with them?" asked old song.

The engine is not strong enough to suck up from the pneumatic system.

"Make up for it through advanced aerodynamic layout." Qin Guan thought for a moment and continued: "for example, the duck layout that our institute is best at can make up for the lack of power to some extent. In addition to the duck layout, the variable swept wing is also the same idea."

Eagle country has always been a conventional pneumatic layout, because the engine of others is strong, but the engine of chicken country is not, so it adopts triangular wing structure.

The canard configuration provides positive lift, while the variable swept wing takes care of the wing efficiency under different conditions, but it will bring the problem of structural weight gain.

"There is still a long way to go in the development of fighter planes in our country." hearing Qin Guan's words, old song also sighed with incomparable emotion: "Comrade Qin Guan, would you like to come to our institute to develop the most powerful fighter plane in our country?"

Old song actually sent out an invitation in a few words.

To the 6611 Institute? Qin Guan is really moved. That's where project 10 was born!

But I can't. I haven't finished the tank yet. The 4447 factory behind is still waiting to develop the heavy truck most needed by the motherland!

I can't guest star yet.

"Sorry, Mr. Song, I can't go for the time being, but I'm willing to do my best if I need to," Qin Guan said.

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