"Qin Guan, did you find something?" Xiang Jing asked Qin Guan.

When he came, Qin Guan sat in the back and had a good sleep, but when he left, he sat in the front and the co pilot's position.

In this way, the two people can communicate easily. More importantly, when they are just full, they sit in the back and feel flustered.

Hearing Xiang Jing's question, Qin Guan didn't answer directly. Instead, he said, "let's find a place without people outside the town and stay for a day. We'll touch it again at night."

"Sister Yutong's parents are really interesting." Xiang Jing doesn't want to ask any more questions. After all, Qin Guan won't say how to ask. Now, Qin Guan says he wants to touch it at night. That must be his intention.

Xiang Jing could only express such a sigh. Today's incident is too strange.

Ordinary parents should be positive to participate in their children's marriage, but Yutong's parents are unwilling. They are just an excuse. Looking at Qin Guan's current style, we know that they should be able to pass comfortably, but they have to spend it here.

A few years ago, a large number of young people from the mountains and the countryside began to return to the city. Intellectuals such as Chen Yutong's parents and high school teachers should also return to school and stand on the podium again.

Compared with this breakfast stand, of course, being a teacher in school can contribute more to their strength, but they are willing to stay here. Why on earth?

Moreover, Qin Guan left so easily that the other party was not suspicious. Qin Guan came to invite them to the wedding. He should have the spirit of perseverance. However, after breakfast, they patted their hips and left. They didn't stay too warmly. It was like they were eager to leave. It was also like they were in a mess because of something.

Strange, that's strange.

"However, if you go tonight, it seems a little late." Qin Guan said, "find a soldier who lives here and can speak the dialect here. Go into the town and inquire."

Four soldiers came to protect Qin Guan this time, but since Qin Guan gave a new figure, they naturally did their part. Soon, a soldier went out.

Fortunately, in this era, military uniforms are the most common clothes. Therefore, as long as the military rank and other marks on the general are torn off and mixed in the crowd, they can't be seen.

Go in and ask the neighbors to see what's strange about the two old people.

In case they are so stimulated that they suddenly run away, go and monitor them now, or find them in advance.

The soldiers were soon sent out. Qin Guan and Xiang Jing, as well as the remaining soldiers, sat in the woods, waiting for a reply.

After waiting and waiting for only half an hour, Qin Guan was impatient: "why don't we touch it secretly and go and have a look now?"

Chen Yutong's parents' breakfast shop has been closed early.

When they saw the car leave, they cleaned up quickly. Although it was still early, they could sell some fried dough sticks and soybean milk, but they were in no mood.

"Lao Chen, what should I do? How can I look at Qin Guan and say that it's false to marry our daughter and that it's true to want to get our things?" Chen Yutong's mother said: "we suffered so much that we kept our things. Do we want Qin Guan's boy to give them now?"

"Keep your voice down, what are you afraid of?" Chen Yutong's father said, "we didn't steal or rob. Moreover, Qin looked like a big official. If you really want, we'll give it to the country. The past is over, so let's stop thinking. I think this society is different from the past."

"What are you talking about? Lao Chen, you are the most gullible person. What's the matter with driving a car? Are all good people with cars? You are too unprepared for the people!" Chen Yutong's mother continued: "If he really wants to propose, he should come with Yutong. Where's Yutong? He's alone, opens his mouth and says whatever he wants. How do you know he's not coming for our things? Look at you. Talking to Qin Guan is like meeting a bosom friend. He says everything and exposes our bottom!"

"What did I say? I only said after the week. I didn't say the complete nishang feather song, let alone the portrait after the week."

Not yet? It's all said!

"No, I don't think we can stay in this place. Lao Chen, let's change a place, shall we?" Chen Yutong's mother said, "let's pack up and go now."

"Be quiet and don't panic." Chen Yutong's father said, "where can we go? It's so secret that people have found it. Besides, this is the place where I lived after Zhou. I won't go."

"You!" Chen Yutong's mother was worried. Before she could say anything, she heard a "bang".

The door was kicked open.

I saw a young man in his twenties standing at the door. His face was scarred with a knife. He looked a little scary. His hair was curled. He didn't know what was smeared on it. It was glittering. He was wearing a shirt. It was white, but there were a few pieces of oil on it. His lower body was a bell bottomed trousers and a toad mirror. It was a very fashionable dress. It arrived On him, it is an unspeakable strange, rogue dress.

In particular, his kick to open the door made him even more savage.

"I didn't go out today, let's go tomorrow," said Chen Yutong's father.

This man can't be provoked.

A bully in the town, Hua Dongjie, has a very rare surname. Only one of them in the town has this surname. Such outsiders are usually honest. Unfortunately, there are accidents.

For example, when this young man was still in primary school, he dared to skip the grade and fight with junior high school students when he was in grade six.

When I was in junior high school... I dropped out of school. From then on, I touched chickens and stole dogs in the town, which disturbed the whole town.

Chen Yutong's parents' breakfast stall. Since it was opened, this guy came to rub breakfast every day and never gave money. When they were old, they didn't care.

Today, this guy came again. Chen Yutong's father hated him unspeakably. He didn't go out. He'll eat again tomorrow!

"Lao Chen, I heard what you just said outside." Hua Dongjie said, "it turns out that you still have a baby at home. Real people can't judge by appearance. How about I know an antique collector? How about I take you and sell the baby?"

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