Don't hit the muzzle of the gun. Since you have to do this, you have to bear the consequences, especially the video. You can't explain it if you don't fire you.

"But what else can I do when I leave the factory?" Zhang Xiangyang continued to plead here: "I have worked here for more than 20 years, and I can't do anything else at all!"

They are all the hateful Qin Guan. Otherwise, they would be the deputy factory director now! All this is his fault!

Now, first plead for mercy. If these people continue to perfunctory themselves, Zhang Xiangyang will also take out his prepared words.

You see, now Qin Guan pushed me away. That's just the beginning. Qin Guan will continue to squeeze you away one by one. Qin Guan's ultimate goal is to be the factory director!

Anyway, I have to leave. It's also right to leave some cruel words. Moreover, my words will certainly come true. Look now, Qin Guan is constantly promoting new people, just to squeeze us old guys away. When factory director Sun is pushed away, see if you regret your decision!

Fortunately, it didn't get to this point. Vice factory director Wang said, "Lao Zhang, now the reform of the country is very strong. You can borrow money from the bank and open a machinery factory yourself."

"What do I produce?" said Zhang Xiangyang.

"It can produce the accessories needed by our products." deputy factory director Wang said: "our factory should have an annual output of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Even if you only produce one of the small accessories, the profit is good. With our relationship, are you afraid that the accessories you produce will not be purchased?"

A heavy truck has tens of thousands of parts. It is impossible to produce all the parts by itself. It must be purchased from downstream suppliers. In fact, vice factory director Wang's words came from Qin Guan's words to appease the workers.

With Qin Guan, any problem can be solved. He can handle this contradiction with ease.

Since Qin Guan said that there would be a private machining plant in the future, Zhang Xiangyang could open it. The parts produced just happen to be supplied to his own side. Isn't that very good?

Hearing what vice director Wang said, Zhang Xiangyang gritted his teeth: "OK, I'll try. Director Wang, thank you for your guidance. Director Sun, before leaving, I'll remind you that you trust and rely on Qin Guan so much. Be careful to cross the river and tear down the bridge after Qin Guan."

With that, Zhang Xiangyang stepped out.

burn the bridge after crossing it? After hearing Zhang Xiangyang's words, factory director Sun also smiled bitterly. In fact, he can't keep up with the development of the situation. If his position is given to Qin Guan, it must be beneficial to the factory. I'm afraid Qin Guan can't see it!

People like Qin Guan rob everywhere. It's a blessing for them to stay in their own 4447 factory. Zhang Xiangyang still can't understand Qin Guan's potential!

When Zhang Xiangyang left, factory director Sun and deputy factory director Wang said, "now, the new machine tools in the factory are a big event. Hire special operators. The most important thing in us, Lao Wang, if you can't, you can't run. At that time, with machine tools, you can't operate without skilled workers!"

Now, the senior management of the factory has reached such a consensus that the factory produces heavy trucks, and now there is only a stumbling block left.

In order to produce high-precision high-pressure oil pump, high-precision machining machine tools and special talents operating machine tools must be introduced.

Qin Guan was responsible for the introduction of machine tools.

The night slowly deepened. In the R & D workshop, which was actually Qin Guan's original workshop, Qin Guan was alone and looked at the machine in front of him.

Some old machine tools.

This is a machine tool from the war years. It once produced weapons and ammunition for the front line, and worked for many years in plant 4447. It is like a diligent old cattle. The paint of the machine tool has long been mottled, and all kinds of knobs for human operation have been polished.

Now, it has completely entered the edge of scrapping, especially its braking system has a problem, and the processed parts can not stop in time. Many parts are scrapped.

Now, these old machine tools have finally reached the point of giving full play to the waste heat.

In addition to machine tools, there are several old radios, which were found for insurance.

According to the principle of equivalent exchange, if you want to exchange ordinary machine tools for CNC machine tools, you still lack electronic control. I hope the electronic components on these radios can meet the principle of equivalence.

Qin Guan stood silently, looking at what was in front of him. At this moment, time seemed to stop again.

Qin Guan entered the brain system.

The weapon exchange system also began to separate out some details, such as the exchange of weapon data, such as the exchange of weapon processing machinery, and the exchange of machine tools is in the following detail.

There are some gray projects behind. It seems that with the unlocking of the system, more and more powerful functions will appear.

Qin Guan can't wait.

Machine tool cemetery!

Qin Guan has gone through a lot of weapon cemeteries, but this is the first time.

In fact, there are many machine tool cemeteries all over the world. Generally, they are in waste metal factories.

Machine tools, even the later advanced CNC machine tools, the basic components are still an iron knot. As for those circuit boards, they may have been advanced at that time, but they have fallen behind a few years later. After all, the upgrading of electronic technology is too fast.

In the cemetery in 2020, there are already a large number of domestic CNC machine tools. After all, in future generations, CNC machine tools are not high-tech, high-tech are multi axis, such as the terrible 32-axis linkage and various complex surfaces, which can be processed perfectly.

Domestic ones are still some low-end ones. Fortunately, Qin Guan's requirements are not high. It only needs a three-axis linkage. Processing high-pressure oil pumps now looks very advanced. In fact, they are nothing in future generations.

Moreover, there is another advantage of using domestic machine tools, that is, to avoid doubt. All the nameplates on them are domestic. They are not imported from abroad and do not cost the country's foreign exchange reserves. It is easy to fool the past.


This is an ordinary place in the Han Dynasty. It is not ordinary. It belongs to the center of machine tool production enterprises in the Han Dynasty and gathers a large number of machine tool factories at home and abroad.

At the same time, in an obscure place in Yongchuan, there is the largest domestic machine tool cemetery, where there are a large number of backward machine tools waiting to be eliminated.

Qin Guan stood in the machine tool cemetery. If he had just entered the tank cemetery before, he was as excited as the aircraft cemetery.

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