"Hey, Qin Guan, aren't you really going to see the results of the shooting?" at this time, in a corner of the factory dormitory, a lazy head appeared in a quilt with several patches.

Qin Guan is very tired.

Originally, he planned to weld only one grid armor and block it in front of a model. However, suddenly, he received a notice from major Yang that he would change it into a real tank and carry out shooting experiments from all directions.

All of a sudden, he was in a hurry. He took he ribala with him and kept working in the waste yard day and night. Finally, after the tank was started on the production line, he added grid armor to all four sides of the tank.

I haven't closed my eyes for two days and nights. My iron body can't bear it!

Fortunately, since he was disturbed on the first night, it went very smoothly. No one came to trouble again. Moreover, even a pile of leftovers were sent from the workshop, all of which were quite suitable thin steel laths, so that his work went smoothly.

With blood in his eyes, Qin Guan was really sleepy. When Bala was so energetic, he planned to get up and watch the target just after sleeping for two hours.

"I won't go," Qin Guan said. "Let me have a good sleep. I'm sleepy."

At this time, Qin Guan also had a vague feeling that he was in his prime and should be the same as he RI bala. Is that the reason for the system?

Don't worry about him. Sleep when you're sleepy. As for shooting, let it be fate!

"Then I'll go out." He Ri Bala said, opened the door and went out. As soon as the door was closed, he RI Bala called, "sister-in-law, you're coming."

Here comes Chen Yutong.

In the past, Chen Yutong would pretend to be angry when he RI Bala called his sister-in-law. Today, Chen Yutong didn't scold He Ri bala. It seems that he is in a good mood: "is brother Qin Guange inside?"

"Well, yes, but he's asleep. What's the matter?"

"I bought two movie tickets and took him to a movie tonight. Well, he fell asleep. I'll come back in the afternoon. I'll go to the health center first."

With that, Chen Yutong stood on tiptoe again and looked inside. Along the crack of the door, he saw Qin Guan wrapped in a broken quilt and sleeping soundly, so he had to bite his lips and leave temporarily.

Yes, he's exhausted these two days.

Qin Guan didn't know that Chen Yutong was coming. When he walked out of Bala on what day, he was already asleep and snored evenly.

One day Bala ran out with great strides. He didn't have money to buy a bike.

When he ran to the shooting range, just in time, two rockets were launched. In an instant, Bala held his breath. There must be nothing to do. We must stop it!

The second rocket, the warhead contacted the front of the grid armor and was triggered immediately. Then, the electric detonator acted and the explosive in it was detonated in an instant.

If it is a grenade, the explosive will open the outer shell and form fragments to kill. Now, there is a conical red copper metal liner behind the explosive. At this time, the pressure on the metal liner is different. The liner will squeeze forward from the middle under high pressure, and the internal fire will accumulate, but nothing can be seen outside.

In this way, the Monroe effect played a great role. A high-temperature and high-pressure metal jet appeared in front of the rocket!

If your eyes are quick enough, you can now see a thin metal jet rushing forward with a high temperature of thousands of degrees.

Since the emergence of tanks, the struggle between spears and shields has continued. Now, there are two main ways to attack armor. Armor piercing depends on the ejection speed, and armor piercing depends on the kinetic energy. That is to drill in hard. As long as you can drill in before the speed is reduced to zero, you will succeed in armor piercing.

Therefore, this requires a high speed. Most armor piercing projectiles have an initial speed of about one kilometer per second.

However, rockets can not reach such a high speed, which is almost two or three hundred meters per second. It is impossible to wear armor with kinetic energy. We can only use this metal jet to burn through armor!

Don't underestimate the thin metal jet. When it goes in, it will bring terrible explosion, because behind the armor is ammunition!

Qin Guan's method has 80% protection effect, but in actual combat, it is either 0% or 100%. This is the difference between statistics and practice.

Now, the second one has been successfully detonated, and the metal jet is moving towards the armor.

But the metal jet was confused.

There is no hard armor in front, but air!

Just like the nail gun used by carpenters, it needs to be operated directly against the board, and this metal jet also needs to be directly against the armor. As soon as it goes out, it starts to wear armor, and the effect is the best.

Now, where the metal jet advances, it is all air!

The grid armor is not directly attached to the outside of the main armor. It is 30 to 50 cm away from the main armor, and there is air in this distance.

The metal jet cools and decelerates rapidly in the air. When it finally reaches the main armor, it has no great power.

In the eyes of everyone, if you can see it clearly with the naked eye, it didn't go up when the fireworks were put, just a few flames came out of the barrel.

Then, there is no then. Everything is as usual.

"Inspection results." major Yang shouted with a horn. The two soldiers ran quickly to observe the situation above.

"It is reported that all the two rockets hit, one was stuck and did not detonate, the other detonated successfully, and the metal jet burned through five centimeters of the tank's main armor."

Five centimeters, just a very shallow pit. The front armor of tank 62 is 35 centimeters thick. This pit is nothing.

It seems that the grid armor can perfectly resist the rpg-2 rocket launcher. Whether it is blocked or detonated, it will not pose a threat to the main armor.

"Flank, 56 rockets, two, 69 rockets, two shots!" major Yang continued.

The front has been blocked. Only with this experimental data, you can be satisfied. Therefore, next, you can play bigger.

The side shot area is the largest, which is the most vulnerable to sneak attack by enemy infantry. Therefore, four rounds are tested here. Moreover, only 56 rockets can not meet the needs of shooting. 69 Rockets should also be pulled out for experiment!

Its power is several times greater than type 56!

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