The theory of parallel universe comes from quantum mechanics, because in quantum mechanics, there is an obvious result, that is, the uncertainty of the micro world.

For example, when a player plays football, it seems uncertain. However, if we carefully analyze the force angle and force, and then substitute a series of factors such as air temperature and humidity into it, and make an equation, we can get the result. My formula can solve whether the football can shoot successfully.

But not in the micro world.

For a large number of micro particles, it follows a statistical law and can be described by wave function. However, for a certain particle, there is no law.

(personally, this is the same as buying lottery tickets. If you count 10000 lottery tickets, you can see that it is regular, that is, the probability of each small ball is the same. For example, if there are ten small balls, that ball should appear one tenth, that is, a thousand times. However, for a specific lottery, it is completely random. Therefore, don't try Figure study the law of the lottery and find out the number of the next lottery.)

Another example, in professional terms, is called "single electron double slit interference". Now, you can imagine playing football, but there are two goals in front.

In the macro, if the shooting is successful, the football must be at one of the goals, but in the micro world, the ball can pass through two goals at the same time!

What's going on? When scientists try to determine which slit the electron passes through through through the instrument, that is, when the ball passes through which goal, they will always find electrons only in one of them. The two instruments will not detect electrons at the same time. Electrons can only pass through one slit at a time. It seems that the observation behavior of the measurer changes the motion state of the electron!

In other words, if you stand on the left goal, you can see that the football shoots from the left. If you see the right goal, it is amazing that the ball passes through the right goal!

Therefore, Bohr, a physicist at that time, put forward the famous "Copenhagen explanation": when people do not observe, electrons have the probability of existence in both cracks; However, once it is measured, for example, the electron is measured at the left slit position, and the electron has an accurate position, its probability at this point is 1 and the probability at other points is 0. In other words, the wave function of the electron "collapses" to this point at the moment of being measured.

However, this theory is not accepted. How does collapse happen? Some are too strange!

After that, the famous scientist Everett put forward a bold idea: if the wave function does not "collapse", it must maintain a linear increase. In other words, in the above experiment, the electrons are still in the superposition state of left / right slits even after re observation.

In other words, football is superimposed on the left goal and the right goal, but why do people only observe one situation?

This terrible conclusion comes out because people's world is also superimposed. When electrons pass through the double slit, not only electrons but also the whole world are in the superimposed state.

In football, when players shoot, there are two superimposed worlds. In one world, the football passes through the slit on the left, while in the other world, the football passes through the slit on the right.

In this way, the wave function does not need to "collapse" to randomly select left or right, because it is the superposition of two worlds.

The magical Schrodinger cat came to the conclusion that when the observer looked into the box, the whole world split into its own two versions. The two versions are identical in all other respects. The only difference is that in one version, the atom decays and the cat dies; In another version, the atom does not decay and the cat is still alive.

The two worlds will evolve completely independently and in parallel, just like two parallel worlds. Quantum process creates "two worlds", which is Everett's avant-garde "multi world explanation".

When he was in college, Qin Guan learned this set of parallel world theory. Now, he has really crossed into a parallel world. At the same time, the two parallel worlds can exchange weapons through the system in the brain, which shows that he thought this was an imaginary parallel world and is true.

The energy source needed for weapon exchange between parallel worlds is in this pit!

From the appearance, it looks like a meteorite hitting the earth, but there is no corresponding heat. If it is not a meteorite impact, what impact should it be?

Is it?

Qin Guan's mind suddenly flashed an idea, so clear, thanks to his professional background. He studied particle science and studied the universe.

Now, the idea flashed in my mind, and in my mind, the system also sent a guilty answer: "sorry, I missed."

Hearing this sound, Qin Guan immediately reacted. Yes, how can he forget? He can ask the system!

"Your wisdom is beyond my imagination." the voice of the system came again: "yes, the parallel world you live in now is opposite to the previous world."

This reverse does not mean that it is almost the same from a macro point of view, including the development of historical tracks. After all, there are countless parallel worlds in the universe. Even if you only observe the double slit once, you can have a parallel world. Except for the different results of this observation, everything else is the same.

Since it is not macro, it is micro.

"Antimatter?" Qin Guan asked.

The system said: "yes, it is antimatter. This time, in the exchange, an antimatter passed through the exchange space and affected the world here."

Antimatter is the antimatter state of normal matter. For example, normal electrons are negatively charged, while positrons are integral.

When matter and antimatter meet, they will annihilate each other. According to Einstein's theory, the disappearance of static mass will produce huge energy.

This energy is far more than nuclear weapons. Therefore, in the concept of scientists, the use of antimatter as a weapon is definitely the ultimate weapon.

Last night, I made a lot of use of the system to exchange. Now in this circle, the heroic 59D tank is my masterpiece. After working for so long, the system is so tired that the program is disordered?

Since it was possible to crash and restart at the beginning, it is also possible that there are too many tasks and confusion.

This big pit was really created by ourselves. However, now that we have this big pit, why not make good use of it?

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