"Director Wang, why didn't I go on this inspection?"

In the office, factory director Wang looked at the people in front of him and couldn't help cursing. The woman in front of him, Wang Jing, had only the educational level of the third grade of primary school. She was indeed better than those illiterates. However, her level was at most the workers on the production line in the factory.

In fact, she has nothing to do with the factory. Her husband is a worker in the factory. He is very kind and has good popularity in the factory. However, a few years ago, there was a production accident and her husband unfortunately died.

After that, the factory took care of the woman and asked her to take over her husband's shift in the factory. Within two months, she was tired and quit. She came here to make a big fuss. Factory director Wang was a good man, so she had to agree to the woman's request, transfer from the production line to the warehouse and be responsible for recording.

Normally, it's OK to record the number of parts at the level of grade 3. However, since she went, the number of parts in the warehouse will never be right.

At that time, director Wang was very angry and planned to transfer her back to the production line. However, unexpectedly, the woman continued to come here and cry, make trouble and hang herself.

Therefore, director Wang was afraid. He could only transfer the woman to logistics and give the workers gloves and towels every month. He was completely idle.

The factory can still afford idle people.

However, this idle man will never be satisfied. Especially now, I heard that he will go abroad for investigation again.

I'm a good boy. I can go abroad and fly. I've lived so much that I haven't been abroad or flown. If you go out now, you'll be able to show off in the factory for half a year.

Hum, today, we must ask factory director Wang to agree. If he doesn't agree, he will cry, make trouble and hang himself as before. These are the three magic weapons of women!

Wang Jing has made up her mind that although she is a woman, she should live a delicious life!

"Wang Jing, this time, we are going abroad to engage in technology. We must go to technical talents. The state spends valuable foreign exchange to send everyone out. It's not for everyone to travel." factory director Wang said with great sincerity: "Wang Jing, don't live up to the factory's care for you."

"Director Wang, I don't like to hear that." Wang Jing said, "how can the factory take care of me? I tell you, it's all my own struggle. If I want to go today, you have to agree, if you agree, you have to agree."

"No, it's up to you to fool around in the factory before, but now it's going abroad. Do you understand? Can you speak a foreign language? You go out to disgrace the factory and discredit the country."

Factory director Wang has regretted for the past. In the past, he was too free of this woman, so this woman became more and more lawless. Now, he wants to go abroad?

Today, she can't succeed. No matter what she says or does, even if she runs to the station where her husband died, she can't promise her!

Factory director Wang has blackened his face. People live with their faces and trees live with their skin. If you don't want a face, you will be invincible.

"Hum, director Wang, don't choke me with words, thinking I don't know." Wang Jing said: "We're all surnamed Wang. You don't even look at me. You're looking at outsiders. Zhang Wen is now a draftsman. He's not a researcher at all. He's a draftsman. When he goes abroad, what can he investigate and negotiate? Don't think I don't know. In order to go abroad, Zhang Wen has visited the homes of leaders of all sizes in our factory these days Then he replaced the quota of Li Yong. "

Wang Jing's coming this time is prepared. If you don't let me go, I'll shake out your old background. In short, if it doesn't go my way, I won't let him live!

Wang Jing is desperate.

Li Yong, who has been in the factory for 15 years, has old qualifications and skills. At the same time, when many people joined the movement, Li Yong studied silently, learned all the engine books of Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and even asked the university teachers some difficult questions when he was on a business trip.

Now, the factory is engaged in surveying and mapping Spey engine, and Li Yong is one of the pillars.

However, Li Yong was brushed down and replaced by a small draftsman.

Since Zhang Wen can go, why can't she go? Wang Jing has stepped back a few steps and walked to the door. If factory director Wang doesn't agree, she will make a big fuss about it and make Li Yongming feel aggrieved. In short, she will turn the factory upside down.

"What? Li Yong was replaced?" factory director Wang was stunned: "who did this? Why don't I know? Li Yong is still on the list reported to me."

With that, director Wang picked up the list, which had been stamped with the official seal of the factory and was about to be handed over to the superior.

Turning over a few pages, sure enough, Li Yong was not found, but Zhang Wen was added in the last line.

Too much, too much!

Director Wang's face was very ugly. Ignoring Wang Jing in front, he picked up the phone: "Lao Liu, what's the matter? How did Li Yong go down? What's the matter with Zhang Wen?"

Wang Jing looked at director Wang. Director Wang's face was very serious. Slowly, it eased: "Oh, that's what happened. Well, I know."

Put down the phone, factory director Wang said to Wang Jing, "this is a special situation. Li Yong is not in good health. He has been ill these days for fear of delaying our factory, so he took the initiative to ask for it and gave the quota to others."

Director Wang's explanation was what director Liu said. Everything is reasonable. From Wang Jing's point of view, there is only a sneer.

"Hum, sick?" Wang Jing said: "Can Li Yong take a day's sick leave after coming to our factory for so many years? Li Yong's staffing problem has not been solved. At present, he is still a temporary worker in our factory. His salary is 49 yuan a month. In order to go out this time, Zhang Wen gave Li Yong 50 yuan. It happened that Li Yong's mother was ill and was eager to use money. That's all."

Wang Jing has inquired about everything clearly. She can't do anything else. She knows all about this kind of gossip.

Zhang Wen has money, so he can replace it. I don't have money, but I have a mouth. You can't do this unless you let me go. Otherwise, I'll shake it out and let the whole factory know and the superior know!

Why is Zhang Wen rich? It's not because his father is a cadre in the city? Hum, if this matter is tracked down, I don't know how many people will lose their official position.

Anyway, I'll give it up. If you don't promise me, you can't! I'll give it up for my ideal of going abroad.

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