Embassy of NiuGuo, capital of the state of Han.

"The Han people have agreed that Qin Guan will go to Europe for his honeymoon. The first stop is to visit our NiuGuo." NiuGuo military attache James said: "they are accompanied by some experts from their Hongqi 4430 factory. Therefore, the first thing they visit must be our Luoluo company."

Rolls Royce, the full name of Rolls Royce, was founded in 1906 by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce.

When it was just founded, the company was mainly engaged in automobile design, production and sales, as well as engine manufacturing. After all, at that time, it was still a piston engine. If you could make an automobile engine, you could make an aircraft engine.

After World War II, the production of aeroengines became one of the company's main businesses. However, in 1971, the development of new aeroengines lost money and became heavily indebted, leading to bankruptcy.

Such a large company is the pillar of NiuGuo. Of course, the state will not watch it go bankrupt, so it reorganized under the intervention of NiuGuo government and divided the company into two companies, automobile and aeroengine.

After the split, Rolls Royce aero engine company regained its vitality, while another split, which we should be more familiar with, is Rolls Royce automobile company. However, this company could not go on and was merged by BMW of Hans.

With the continuous development of Luoluo company, it has become a monster in the aeroengine company. Needless to say, the engines of the gale fighter and the later Typhoon fighter developed by them have been applied to many aircraft. Even the eagle people have bought a batch of them and installed them on their own aircraft.

Since the first choice is NiuGuo, it must have gone to Spey.

"Therefore, we need to set more checkpoints on Spey." the ambassador on the side has taken over his remarks. He said excitedly: "if the Han people want to get a full set of Spey's technology, they have to show greater sincerity."

The super-7 fighter plane was startled and disappeared after that. It seemed that it was a fairy flying outside the sky, which completely lifted their appetite. The ultra-high-precision bombing was enviable. Now, they urgently want to know what technology was used on the super-7 fighter plane.

"However, according to the original agreement, we have licensed all technologies to them," another voice said.

The introduction of Spey has been discussed for many years. Three years ago, the sixth round of substantive negotiations was held, and finally the contract for the introduction of NiuGuo "Spey" military aeroengine patent by China was signed, including the contract for the purchase of military "Spey" engine patent (41.5 million n pounds), the contract for the purchase and sale of complete engine (30.97 million n pounds) and the contract for the patent of auxiliary engine (4.325 million n pounds) , totalling £ 76.79 million.

The overall objectives of the contract are as follows: first, within three years, China will copy the engine with the same quality level as the UK with NiuGuo materials, blanks, finished products and accessories; Second, within 5 years, copy the engines that meet the above requirements with domestic materials, blanks, finished products and accessories.

During the implementation of the contract, cattle is obliged to send experts to help us solve problems and master technology through training.

In other words, those patents have been sold to the Han state. The Han people can obtain all the technologies. Niu state should seriously help solve various problems encountered by the Han state in imitation.

Hearing this, the ambassador shook his head: "it's hard to say. What we sell them is only our patent contract. However, some of the projects involve patents from a third party. If the Han people want to master all the technologies, they have to show sincerity."

When the ambassador said this, his eyes burst out. Hum, Niu Guo has long played this trick.

Like a big brother, helping you solve it hand in hand? Niu Guocai won't be so stupid. Capitalists, how to get more profits and more interests is what matters most to them.

In particular, there are too many opportunities for such international contracts.

This can't blame Niu Guo for being too mean, but the Chinese people for being too naive.

Such things have happened a lot in the world. First talk about a low price, and then keep raising money. Among them, the most typical joke in the arms industry is the "admiral Gorshkov" incident.

At that time, xiongguo retired its own aircraft carrier, which was quite generous and wanted to give it to the white elephant country for free. However, the white elephant country had to pay a certain modification fee and must buy MIG 29 carrier aircraft from xiongguo.

It was a pie from heaven. The white elephant government would not let go of such good things easily, so it promised and signed an agreement with a transformation cost of 900 million Eagle yuan, stipulating that the aircraft carrier should be delivered in 2008.

However, when the first 900 million yuan of expenses arrived, the initiative was in Xiong Guo's hands. Within two years, Xiong Guo said, no, we ignored the difficulties in refitting, the refitting cost has risen, and the money has been used up.

It is difficult for the white elephant country to ride a tiger. If we say no now, the 900 million Eagle yuan in advance will be wasted?

Therefore, the white elephant country can only send hundreds of millions of Eagle yuan to Xiong country, hoping to deliver it on time.

However, this several hundred million Eagle yuan is only the beginning! The same situation has happened countless times!

More and more money was given, and it was more and more impossible to give up. In this way, the old aircraft carrier with a displacement of only 44000 tons finally traded at the price of 2.3 billion Eagle yuan, nearly twice the original price!

In addition to the refitting cost of the aircraft carrier, they also spent 2.2 billion yuan to buy 45 MIG 29K carrier based aircraft, with an average of US $50 million per aircraft, and the two costs were US $4.5 billion, significantly exceeding the price in the arms market in the same period.

In this transaction, the people of Xiong are really not authentic. They made a terrible hole in the white elephant country. They were completely stupid and became the big head of injustice. The white elephant country was laughed at by the world.

Using the refitting of Baixiang country, Xiong country renewed the life of his shipyard, and let his shipyard master experience and have the ability to build a new aircraft carrier.

This is very common in international arms sales. If you don't have technology, you can only buy it out. If you don't kill you, who will you kill? Capitalists are not philanthropists.

The ambassador has been in China for several years and knows China very well. Now, their industrial foundation is very poor, and their aircraft does not have a suitable engine. Therefore, their own Spey engine is their inevitable choice. They have no choice, and they can only accept their own slaughter!

Take advantage of this opportunity to extract some secrets of the Han state, which is natural.

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