"Xiao Rui, how about exchanging this plane for our super seven?" Qin Guan didn't answer James, but asked Chen Rui.

"Of course not. No one wants to take Chao Qi away," Chen Rui said.

When James heard Chen Rui's words, he asked reluctantly, "why?"

"Because we don't need it."

Qin Guan's face blossomed with joy. Finding a front-line pilot can solve this problem immediately.

Harrier for super seven, of course not.

The emergence of the Harrier is because in Europe, the western world is always facing the terrible invasion of the bear country. The air bases in Europe are under the control of the other party, even the field airport is no exception. Once a war begins, the airport must be the first target to be destroyed.

How do planes take off and land once the airport is destroyed? So, Niu Guoren found a way. Then I'll just use a plane that doesn't need a runway!

As a result, they really got it out.

When they made the Harrier, they suddenly found that it was also good for the Navy. The Navy didn't need a super aircraft carrier, just a small aircraft carrier, and the Harrier didn't need a huge flight deck.

So the Harrier became popular in the NiuGuo army.

This is not a problem for Niu country. For Han country, it has a vast territory and a large number of airports inside. It is not worried about bombing at all. As for the problem of aircraft carrier, Han country has not considered it for the time being.

Therefore, Han did not need such a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft at all.

For Chen Rui, super seven is even more precious. If he wants to exchange this vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for super seven, how can it be!

Without explanation, Qin Guan asked Chen Rui to push back James' words. James's face suddenly turned red and white. Who could have thought that his idea had failed?

What can we do?

I took a picture of my chest and wanted to get the super seven to study it. Now, I can't just miss it. The first stop of the other party's visit is NiuGuo, and I will go to other countries in the future. If it is handled by other countries, I won't get these secrets.

He didn't know that Qin Guan would not agree with his exchange.

Qin Guan's brain is a weapon exchange system. If you want to study this Harrier, you can exchange it directly with the J-7.

Qin Guan didn't do it because he knew it was chicken ribs, a flash in the pan, and was soon eliminated. Therefore, he wouldn't be interested at all. There are too many secrets on super seven. How can you study it?

James gritted his teeth: "since you don't like Harrier, let's show you something new."

Anything new? Qin Guan sat still and said, "OK, let's broaden our horizons."

At this time, the Harrier has flown back, and there are still various movements. However, because Qin Guan has denied it, the follow-up performance of the Harrier will not be needed. Just land directly.

James gave orders. From the hangar over there, a new plane taxied out slowly.

The plane has a larger volume and smooth body. The rectangular air inlets on both sides are so conspicuous, probably to deliberately show their strength. When it comes out, weapons are also mounted under the wing. The tall single vertical tail looks so powerful.

"This is our most advanced fighter bomber with variable swept wing technology," James said.

According to the current service status, James didn't lie, and Qin Guan knew the origin of this kind of aircraft.

Gale fighter is a two seater twin engine supersonic variable swept wing fighter developed by Panavia aircraft company. It is mainly used for short-range air support, battlefield interception, interception, air defense, sea attack, electronic countermeasure and reconnaissance. It is developed to adapt to NATO's strategic idea of "flexible response" to deal with emergencies. It is mainly used to replace F-4, F-104, Vulcan Fighters and bombers such as "Canberra" and "Predator" carry out routine combat tasks such as interception and attack.

All countries in Europe are in recession, and one country alone can no longer share the huge development funds. Therefore, it adopts the mode of joint development, which is jointly responsible by cow country, Hans country and noodle country. After some consultation, it began to develop in 70 years and made its first flight in August 74.

Its design, with the obvious mark of the 1970s, is tandem two seater, air intake on both sides, conventional layout, all metal semi-rigid shell structure, the wing is variable sweep wing, with full span flap aileron and leading edge slat, aluminum alloy overall reinforced skin, the tail is full-motion lifting aileron, built-in rudder and telex control system.

Although they are all variable swept wings, their technology is far better than that of the MiG-23. Just a few months ago, domestic aircraft development institutes were still interested in the MiG-23, but now, their eyes are high, and they can't see this kind of gale fighter.

"Gust fighter!" Chen Rui was immediately excited: "I really want to fly this kind of plane!"

Hearing Chen Rui's words, James suddenly saw a bright light. Although he didn't know the origin of this guy, he was rejected by Qin Guan as soon as he said it.

Simply, let this guy try on the plane, in case he is convinced of this plane, and then use this plane to exchange it for the super seven.

It was originally planned to exchange the Harrier for a month of research, but if it was exchanged with a gust fighter, it would be a permanent exchange. You know, the cost of this aircraft is quite high.

"You can't fly, but you can feel it in the back seat. If you like, change your flight suit now," James said.

"Brother in law, I'm going." hearing the other party's consent, Chen Rui was immediately happy. He wanted to fly the kite, but it was a single seat, and the one in front of him was a double seat.

For Chen Rui, the fatigue of any journey doesn't exist. Now, he can feel this gust fighter, which he wants.

Led by a ground crew member, Chen Rui ran to change into a flight suit, wearing a flight helmet, and climbed into the back seat of the gale fighter.

"Wow, there's an operating lever here." Chen Rui was excited when he saw the operating lever in the cockpit.

The gale fighter is a two seater fighter, because it often acts as a bomber. At this time, the backseat personnel should be a special weapon control officer.

For example, the F-14 male cat is like this. There is no operating lever in the rear compartment.

However, the gale fighter is different because it uses telex operation and does not need a complex mechanical control system. Therefore, a slightly smaller handle is also installed in the back seat. In critical times, for example, the pilot in the front seat suddenly feels uncomfortable, and the pilot in the back seat can take over and control the aircraft.

With an operating lever, does that mean you can enjoy yourself?

"Aren't you interested in instruments?" just then the pilot sitting in front spoke.

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