No one thought that the negotiation between NiuGuo and Spey engine was actually a breakthrough from Chen Rui.

Originally, NiuGuo's idea was to be soft first. The two sides exchanged and cooperated together. Then, it's easy to say about Spey.

If the Chinese side doesn't know what's good or bad and doesn't agree to the exchange, it will continue to blackmail the Chinese side on the Spey project to let them retreat or make a lot of money.

Who would have thought that there was an accident in the flight show. Our own pilot was unconscious, and someone else's pilot flew the fighter back. It was a red fruit slap in the face, which made the Niu air force look up!

The Chinese pilot who shot at the crisis was also favored by Niu Guo's people and wanted to win him over. The layout of triangular wing and canard wing he mentioned made Niu Guo's side excited. It was a coincidence!

No one knows that Qin Guan is the leader behind the scenes. At this time, Qin Guan's mood is still relatively comfortable. Watching his brother-in-law force abroad is much better than the brother-in-law who helps his brother-in-law demons in later generations.

While Qin Guanhua and his party were walking around the air force base, Chen Yutong and Xiang Jing had a good time in the urban area of NiuGuo capital.

It is the political, economic, cultural and financial center of NiuGuo and a world-famous tourist attraction, with a large number of scenic spots and museums.

Although it is winter, the climate here has always been warm and humid. Even now, the temperature is above zero, so the river will not freeze.

Standing on the famous tower bridge at the foot of the slowly flowing Thames River, Chen Yutong was very excited to see this exotic style for the first time.

The scenery here is completely different from that of the Han Dynasty. There are spires everywhere, just like castles. When I read the story book an hour later, I also hope I am a princess living in the castle.

Xiang Jing accompanies Chen Yutong. At this time, on the surface, she is playing with Chen Yutong, but in fact, she has been paying vigilant attention to her surroundings. What if Niu Guoren want to do something bad and threaten Qin Guan by holding Chen Yutong?

If this step is really reached, Xiang Jing will not hesitate to kill to protect Chen Yutong.

In addition to her, there were two people in the distant crowd, watching the scenery and secretly protecting Chen Yutong on both sides of the bridge.

For their honeymoon trip, how much strength has the state used to protect it!

However, it is worth it. Only with the help of the honeymoon trip can Qin Guan successfully come abroad. Qin Guan now wants to participate in the negotiation of international projects and put all those foreigners down on the negotiation table. This is Qin Guan's task, and these projects are related to the country's technological progress.

Qin Guan is duty bound.

"It's windy here." Xiang Jing said, "let's go down here. In front, we'll come to the shopping street. How about going shopping?"

Girls can't refuse the attraction of shopping, so can Chen Yutong. But now, hearing Xiang Jing's words, Chen Yutong hesitated: "sister Jing, let's play. If we shop, do we have so much money?"

When she went to the capital, Xiang Jing took Chen Yutong to go shopping. At that time, she spent Xiang Jing's money. Chen Yutong, an ordinary worker, didn't work long before she had any savings. At that time, she was already embarrassed.

Now, but in foreign countries, every time you buy something, you have to spend the country's foreign exchange. The currency of the Han country can't be used here.

The country's precious foreign exchange is not used for such consumption. Chen Yutong has principles.

Hearing Chen Yutong's words, Xiang Jing smiled: "there's no need to worry. When I first came, Niu Guoren invited you to spend your honeymoon. The expenses here are reimbursed by Niu Guoren. I have their checks here. In a moment, if you buy anything, you can directly spend the tickets."

At first, they went to the grassland city and invited Qin Guan and his wife to have a honeymoon. Now it's just an opportunity. Who won't kill them? Go shopping, buy what is expensive, spend other people's money, that feeling is comfortable!

"Well, I heard that Harold's department store is quite famous here?" Chen Yutong asked.

Harold department store, founded in 1834, is one of the most famous department stores in the world.

Although it is only a five storey building, it is very imposing. From the outside, it looks like a high-end hotel. At the same time, it also reflects the Royal raid.

At the same time, luxury goods are mainly sold here, which is not affordable for ordinary people. Since Niu Guoren claims for reimbursement, what are you waiting for?

It was already dusk when she took the bus. When she came all the way, Chen Yutong didn't feel tired and jet lag. Sure enough, shopping was the most exciting thing for women.

"Excuse me, guys, please show me your passports," a security guard at the door said to them as he walked in.

Hearing this, Xiang Jing immediately frowned.

Dogs look down on people.

Look at those locals, or the west, who let you walk in swaggeringly. The security guard didn't stop at all. When he saw the faces of two oriental people on his side, he came to stop?

"Why?" the passport was in her satchel, but Xiang Jing didn't take it out. Xiang Jing asked the other party in fluent cow language: "why don't others need to check, we need it?"

Perhaps Xiang Jing's tone frightened the other party. The other party looked at them again: "excuse me, are you from neon country? If it is neon country, you can go in."

Hearing this, Xiang Jing's face darkened: "I'm from the Han Dynasty. I won't show you my passport. At the same time, I'm going in."

At that time, the last government was corrupt and incompetent, and the country was bullied by the eight power coalition. At that time, the Han people went out to be inferior. Now, the new Han country has been established, and the country is booming. Here, there are people who want to be treated differently. Of course, Xiang Jing will not agree.

It's ok if I don't encounter this kind of thing. If I encounter it, you can't succeed. Isn't it obvious to wear colored glasses and bully people?

With that, Xiang Jing took Chen Yutong: "sister Yutong, let's go."

"Hey, no, you can't go in without checking your passport," said the security guard, holding out the rubber stick in his hand.

He wants to block the two people's entry. Now, looking at the two Han people, he will not agree to go in. Especially this small woman is very angry. Now, let you know where this is!

The rubber stick of the security guard stopped in front of them. Chen Yutong quickly stopped. The rubber stick almost wiped her chest. It was a holy land that women could not touch.

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