Only one company is strong, which is not enough. In the mobile phone industry, we need to do it together. Moreover, we all choose the chip and system of Hanxin company. In this way, the market is naturally controlled by our own side.

This aspect has been pursued by Hanxin company. Whoever wants to challenge this market will be suppressed. On the contrary, if they obey Hanxin technology company and use Hanxin's chips and systems, Hanxin company can also make them live well and make money together.

In Europe, of course, it is necessary to support some high-tech enterprises, such as Siemens, which is owned by Hans, and the relationship between Hans and Han is quite good now. Qin Guan naturally wants to give them money.

It's not to buy them. It's just to make them a lot of money. How can they refuse?

Sure enough, after Qin Guan made this introduction, Conrad became interested. Now the mobile phone is developing rapidly. It has transitioned from the 2G era to the 3G era. The mobile phones in the market are also gradually transitioning to the large screen mobile phones. This mobile phone in China is definitely the latest version, and focuses on the camera function, At the same time, it can also suppress the powerful power of traditional photography such as Sony. If the mobile phone already has the photography function, the traditional camera will certainly be affected.

The negotiations between the two sides went smoothly. Qin Guan also visited here. The electronic technology of Hans is also advanced. There is still a chip industry and even an alliance called Saxophone Silicon Valley, which is the largest and most successful Industry Federation of semiconductors, electronic technology and microelectronic technology in Europe.

According to Conrad, the industry federation is also very interested in the projects proposed by Hansen technology company. Nokia is going bankrupt. They don't need to offend the Chinese people for this. Making money together is the most useful.

When Qin Guan wanted to leave, he still delayed for two days. After learning that he came to Hans, Sigmund, the head of Hans National Space Agency, warmly invited him to Hans National Space Agency. At this time, an important meeting was being held here.

The participants in the meeting were not only the personnel of Hans National Space Administration, but also the cattle country, chicken country, noodle country and so on. These people had held a meeting for two days. When Qin Guan arrived at the meeting site, many people looked at Qin Guan with special eyes.

"It's a great honor for us to invite President Qin of the Northern Industrial Company of Han country to attend our meeting. Now, let's welcome him with warm applause." Sigmund said to the people.

The applause rang a few times. Looking at these people with different thoughts, Qin Guan had a smile on his face: "I am honored to see that we in Europe have united. In the field of aerospace, it is impossible for Europe to complete its mission by relying on one country. It can only be united to complete some major projects. I also look forward to Europe's unification of currency and even becoming a real alliance."

Qin Guan has been trying his best to encourage the union of Europe. Therefore, although Qin Guan has done a lot of things that make them dissatisfied, such as forcing Nokia to collapse, it is a small matter compared with the whole of Europe. In major matters, Qin Guan still pays attention to principles, that is, respecting the union of Europe.

From Qin Guan's point of view, of course, he does not want a unified Europe. Of course, he also knows that it is impossible.

The real unification must be through the means of war, when the mustache of that year almost did it, so that all countries could obey the will of Hans and mobilize resources fully, and the central government has the final say.

However, it is undemocratic and will never be recognized by the current world. They adopt a more soothing way, that is, for the common interests, they form an alliance, unify the currency, unify all walks of life, and finally form a European Union.

Everyone agrees that externally, but internally, it is still the responsibility of countries to deal with countries. There will be no situation in which who is above who. This democratic method will be used to solve various disputes.

It seems very appropriate to say. In fact, this method has no problem when all countries are developing normally. However, once there is a problem, they will fly in the face of a great disaster. No country will take the initiative to sacrifice their own interests for others. There is a wonderful flower like NiuGuo, which first incites everyone to unite, then an independent referendum, and finally get rid of it Without this alliance.

Therefore, they will never become a threat to their own side, but will become a help. If Europe unites, they can talk nonsense with the eagle people. It is impossible for the eagle people to continue to dictate on their heads.

Now, it is in the field of aerospace.

The various European space agencies are combined together. It is time to set up the European Space Agency in 1998 to cooperate together. Now, although they are still separate institutions, they have begun to unite for many things.

First of all, the first major cooperation project is naturally their common navigation system.

China has built the Beidou navigation system in advance, which has shown great economic benefits. For example, all kinds of vehicles have begun to popularize on-board navigation. What a huge market it will be!

The eagle people's GPS followed closely. Because the Han country took the lead, the eagle people were almost tough and asked Europe to use their GPS navigation system here. The proud Europeans were naturally unwilling to agree. They also wanted to develop their own satellite navigation system. Their Galileo system has been studied for several years. Now, It's the critical time.

They held a two-day meeting to determine their respective R & D proportion, and told all countries to ensure R & D funds and develop the system as soon as possible. However, this project alone is not enough.

"On my way here, I have been introduced by Mr. Sigmund. I know the general contents of your meeting. I congratulate you on your achievements in the navigation system. At the same time, on behalf of the space agencies of China, I also introduce to you the development experience of China's navigation system and the development of China's aerospace industry. We plan to launch it this year Shoot the section of the core module of our first important space station. "

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