Stinger air defense missile is an infrared guided surface to air missile system, so it usually stares at the engine. After all, the tail nozzle of the aeroengine is quite hot. However, this portable air defense missile has another weakness, that is, the power of the warhead is not enough. After all, the volume of the missile is not large, and the charge of the warhead is naturally impossible to be much higher.

Now, with an explosion, one engine on the top of the Black Hawk helicopter caught fire instantly, while the other engine urgently output maximum power. The pilot in front tried to pull the helicopter and wanted it to insist on returning to the base. However, the flashing red light in front of the cockpit declared his failure.

"The reducer is leaking oil."

"The left engine has exceeded the maximum output power."

"You can't fly any more. You have to land."

The two pilots kept shouting. In such an emergency, their voices were anxious. The helicopter continued to row low through the woods, and then rushed to a small hill in front. A black smoke had been pulled up on the top of the Black Hawk helicopter. After barely supporting to the top of the mountain, it could no longer hold on and lost power, The helicopter fell there.

"Bang!" the landing gear of the helicopter bears the force of falling. Everyone inside the helicopter feels that every muscle, bone and cell of the whole body seems to be broken in this huge impact.

However, there was no time to hesitate. Joyce shouted, "come on, come on, come down! Find a suitable place to hold on and wait for reinforcements."

There are mountains and forests everywhere. Xiong Guoren are frustrated in this place. Therefore, once they encounter this situation, they absolutely dare not go out along the mountain. After all, the way is too terrible. They can only stay here and wait for help.

When the helicopter crashed, the distress signal had been sent out, and someone would come to save them soon.

The two helicopter pilots, struggling with the pain caused by the impact when they fell, grabbed the M16 rifle behind them and got off the plane together.

Generally speaking, the pilot's guns are pistols. However, once the pilot falls down and goes to the enemy's control area, the pistol is used for suicide. The scene in the film where the protagonist shoots countless enemies with a pistol is impossible. Therefore, as long as they attack, they all carry M16 rifles with folded butt. Now, They will also fight as ordinary soldiers.

Just as they retreated towards the big stones on the hill, there had been movement in the woods over there, and the guerrillas nearby had obviously encircled them.

"Retreat, retreat," Joyce shouted, watching everyone retreat quickly to the back, hiding behind a big stone and looking at the guerrillas over there.

The clothes of those people are brown. I don't know how many days they haven't been washed. They are covered with dust. The heads of those people are still wrapped with cloth strips. They can only see the dark cheeks, which is the unique plateau red formed after a long time of exposure on the plateau. Those people have steel guns in their hands. Now, some have jumped out of the woods.

"Fire," Joyce shouted.

"Get it." the M16 rifles and M249 light machine guns on this side spit out their tongues of fire and shoot at the opposite side. On the other side, they also raised their AK47 rifles and fought back here. For a moment, the gunfire was loud.

The gun body quickly spread around and echoed in the valley. At this time, on the other side of the hillside, in a shabby village, a group of middle-aged people immediately became vigilant.

A man was riding a donkey with two barrels of milk on his back. He was walking slowly. He lay on the donkey's back. Now he was stunned when he heard the gunshot. Then he stood up from the donkey's back, took out a bear made telescope from his waist and observed the distance.

"Foreigners, there are foreigners!" he shouted to the people in the village, "it's foreigners here!"

Hearing his words, many men rushed out, carrying all kinds of weapons in their hands and the same expression on their faces.

"Go and kill them!" said an older looking man. He was the village head here and once organized everyone's fight. Now, when he saw foreigners appear, he immediately made a decision.

No matter who he is, in short, as long as he is a foreigner, he is the enemy.

On the hillside, an old man was herding sheep. When he heard the sound, he gave his sheep to his grandson, and then rushed out with a steel gun.

Here comes the foreigner!

The news spread quickly around the neighborhood. In several nearby villages, the villagers came out with guns.

For mountain countries, war has penetrated into their lives. In this world, there has been constant war. The tough environment honed their tenacious will. For them, war has never been far away.

There are also conflicts between tribes and between different factions. However, if you see foreigners coming, you must be consistent with the outside world.

They hate foreigners. Now, when they see foreigners actually fighting on their territory, of course they are impolite.

"No, our range is not enough!" a soldier shouted during the interval when he was shooting at the other side with his M16 rifle.

At this time, on this mountain, it seems that it is not far away, but it is just a look. Their 5.56 mm rifle bullets immediately show their disadvantages.

The range and power are not enough. It is difficult to suppress fire on this battlefield.

The only thing that can work slightly is the M249 machine gun in their infantry squad.

Machine gunner Alex, is constantly shooting and shouting. At this time, he is aiming at the front and shooting, but he finds that even his machine gun is a little weak at this time. Although the range is large enough, it is not powerful enough!

The M249 machine gun has many advantages. It uses the same bullets as the infantry automatic rifle to facilitate logistics supply. At the same time, due to its small caliber, the self weight of this rifle is also light, which is about ten kilograms lighter than the M60!

At the same time, because it is small caliber, there are more bullets in the cartridge box. The unique shape of the cartridge box gives it the nickname of big pineapple.

However, it has always been unable to hide one of its major defects. The bullet penetration caused by the use of 5.56 mm bullet is not enough!

Even a tree can stop its bullets!

At this time, he has poured bullets into the woods. When he hits it, the opposite side will stick his head out from behind the tree trunk and fight back with someone else's AK rifle. It's called a model!

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