Generally speaking, this kind of Defense Exhibition is free, allowing tourists to enter any booth at will and enjoy it slowly. Today's Han organization is unprecedented.

The statement given by the Han people is also very simple. Because there are too many visitors, they should control the flow of people. If they want to see it, they can queue up again.

For many people, they don't have much interest in the light weapons of the Han Dynasty. They just look at the flowers. After seeing the first exhibitions, they affirm their ideas. What are they doing with those things in the past? Isn't it because there are too few exhibits and then make up the count?

This is not like the aircraft cannon, which occupies a particularly large space and can create a momentum. The current exhibition must not have enough exhibits in such a wide hall.

Taking it with me, I began to despise the state of Han. I didn't think there was anything worth watching. I don't know. I've seen many good things they can't imagine here.

Now, digital receiving terminals can appear on aircraft and tanks, but they are not popularized to individuals. After all, if individuals can be equipped, it will be a terrible demand.

Ground troops, even if they are only equipped with elite troops, are often tens of thousands, tens of thousands, even if all their tanks and aircraft add up to less than 10000.

These digital terminals need a lot of money, and they don't know how reliable they are on the battlefield.

However, this is the advantage of the Han country. After all, the Han people have advanced electronic technology. They can control the cost of electronic products. When we are still using CRT displays privately, the Han country began to use large-area LCD screens. They have this foundation.

Therefore, only envy is enough.

With this idea, George went on, and then he saw a white board with several guns hanging on it.

Because the gun is not big, it is easy to deploy. Some are placed on the glass counter, but people in that distance can't see it. This kind of gun is placed on the board and more than two meters away from the ground, and the people behind can see it clearly.

"Please look here. Here are the latest products of our 2296 factory. They belong to a new generation of gun family, including automatic rifles, squad machine guns, sniper rifles, etc. of course, its main force is automatic rifles. This automatic rifle is our latest developed product. Although it still looks like an AK rifle, it is actually a complete product An updated product. "

If you want to finish the introduction in three minutes, you have to speak faster. At this time, the commentator is skillfully introducing you.

The one on the left is a conventional structure. It adopts the upper and lower aluminum casing forged by constant temperature die. The upper casing can be directly installed with an optical sight, which can also catch up with the trend. Aluminum alloy material and hard anodizing process are adopted for parts such as lower gearbox and rear cover. In order to avoid hot hands after long-term use, there is a layer of plastic outside.

As for other parts, such as the left and right guard plates, the grip and butt are made of engineering plastics with high strength and high temperature resistance, which greatly reduces the weight of the whole gun.

"As a new gun family, it uses 6.8mm bullets." after the narrator finished a lot of introductions, three minutes was just right.

At this time, after the last sentence, they should take the people away, but they were stunned. What, 6.8mm?

How did the Han state choose such a caliber?

Isn't that strange?

What is the kingdom of Han doing?

The secrecy of the Han state is very good, especially the light weapons are not very famous. Therefore, foreign countries have paid attention to the Han state, but they do not know what route the Han state plans to take, let alone that the Han state will actually choose such a nondescript caliber.

"What's the advantage of this caliber?" George asked.

"If you are interested in this weapon, you can go up to the second floor." with a smile, the commentator continued to go to the next booth: "here is another foreign trade gun family. The difference between it and just now is that it adopts the unsupported design."

Qin Guan didn't like the supportless rifle, but that doesn't mean he won't develop it. After all, it's the trend of the times. Moreover, it doesn't cost much to develop a rifle. There are so many gun stores in China, so he always has to find something to do. Therefore, this kind of supportless rifle appeared.

It is also a gun family. Automatic rifles, squad machine guns and sniper guns all have a unified caliber of 6.8mm. The bracket free structure is also roughly the same, and parts can be exchanged. This gun family is an eye opener for visitors. Just ask again about the advantages of this caliber, but it is cleverly skipped.

No, I have to ask.

At this time, George has made up his mind. As the military attache of the eagle kingdom in Han, he knows what the caliber of a gun means. He must be careful in choosing a caliber, because once he chooses, he needs to produce a large number of bullets as inventory.

The unification of the west is 5.56 mm. Why did the Han people come up with such a strange caliber? Are they going to be unique?

"Here are military uniforms and military shoes." the next booth was equipped with new equipment.

The scholar's understanding is narrow. He only knows rifles. In fact, the exhibition of light weapons contains many aspects, including military uniforms and military boots.

Don't think these are not important. A qualified military uniform and boots have high requirements.

It should be light, warm, sweat absorbing and dirt resistant. There are high requirements from the materials of military uniforms to the sewing process, and then to the design of military uniforms. As for military boots, they are even more strict.

The former soldiers only wear yellow rubber shoes, but now they are different. Modern military boots have been gradually distributed. These military boots need to be comfortably worn, and there are also a lot of such things as skid resistance, abrasion resistance, shock absorption, comfort, anti-aging, high / low temperature resistance, and hydrolysis resistance. Moreover, puncture should be avoided, even if they step on a nail. It won't be pierced.

The Han state is quite capable in this respect. In that parallel time and space, the Hawks once suspected that their shoes were of high quality. Finally, they found that these shoes were fake, which were highly imitated by the Han nationality, but the quality of the shoes was much better than that of the original ones.

The solo equipment exhibition of the Han Dynasty is coming to an end here. However, on the last booth, everyone was stunned and motionless.

"What's this? Is it Gundam?" George asked loudly. "Are you dealing with future soldiers?"

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