During the operation, accidents may occur at any time. After an accident, how to deal with it depends on how the on-site commanders deal with it. If the situation continues to deteriorate, they do not rule out that the landing ship will drive close to the other party's coastline and then more troops will go up. As for the political problems caused by this, they do not consider it, In short, their first consideration is their own personnel safety.

However, up to now, the scene is still under control. Moreover, since it is military training, it must experience these. If you can't cope with a pirate now, do you still have confidence once you really want to cross the sea to land in the past?

Major Yang remained calm and focused on the war situation. At this time, the battle on the other side was going very smoothly.

Under the leadership of Wang Hong, the three teams rode in rubber boats, undulating up and down with the sea water, and the motor at the tail rumbled.

After approaching the target, they stopped the engine, rowed their own oars and approached the target silently. Just one kilometer away from the fishing boat, they threw out the same micro UAV.

The drone circled the fishing boat, and then they found the weakest defense of the other side, the bow.

Yes, the defense of the bow is the weakest, because the bow can be clearly seen from the bridge. However, the people on the bridge have long fallen asleep. Maybe they were very vigilant in the first few days, but now, as the days go by, the opposite side has been negotiating and bargaining, that is, there is no military action, so, They also relaxed their vigilance. No one thought the other party would take the initiative to kill them.

If it was during the day, maybe they would patrol from time to time. This night, they had drunk wine and fell asleep.

"Whoosh!" a rope flew up softly. Then, it was propped up. The three claw hook on the other side caught the bulge inside the ship's side, and the first crew member climbed up.

There is a hook around the waist in the movie blockbuster with a device for people to rise automatically, which is the effect specially created by the director for the scene. This thing doesn't exist at all. People still have to climb the rope. However, for the special forces, climbing the rope is definitely a piece of cake.

After the first one went up, he squatted there with a gun, and then the second and third, everyone climbed up easily. From this moment on, they almost took the absolute initiative.

Wang Hong was the fourth to go up. Just after he went up, he waved and took several people who came up first to touch the bridge.

Step by step, when they entered the bridge with guns and night vision, the two pirates inside were still asleep. So Wang Hong walked over gently. Then, he touched the other side's back, covered his mouth in one hand and held a multifunctional military knife in the other hand. At once, he cut open the main artery on the other side's neck and sprayed blood. The pirate on the other side immediately woke up. He touched the hot blood on his face and wanted to shout in surprise. The next moment, he couldn't make a sound.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, he immediately raised his hands. This guy was so knowledgeable that Wang Hong was very satisfied: "iron pillar, ask him how many people were on board and where they were distributed."

It's impossible to have a poor language. Some people in their team can speak the language. Now, Tiezhu asked, and the other party hardly hesitated, so he said all the positions of his companions. Therefore, Wang Hongli engraved on the radio to inform others to conduct tit for tat search. Under the investigation and confirmation of the micro UAV, they made little noise, They killed all those people.

"Dada dada." a pirate reacted and pulled the trigger. Then, on the silent fishing boat, there was a loud gunshot.

Just now they felt it. First of all, they didn't shoot for fear that they would disturb the pirates. Now that the gunfire sounded, they don't have to restrain themselves. They should do it when they should.

Two eggs took several people and strode towards the engine room. Suddenly, two eggs retreated and a flame came out from inside. Several pirates who were disturbed were staying in the engine room and fighting tenaciously.

Er Dan's body shook as if a bullet had hit his chest. However, it just shook. His bulletproof insert plate helped him block the bullet. He bit his teeth and his eyes were angry. Grandma's dare to fire at me!

"Blow it up, blow it up now!" a pirate shouted to his companions as he opened fire.

Under normal circumstances, they will not destroy the ship. After all, the ship may still work for them, but now there is a battle. The other party must want to take the ship away. Therefore, they are welcome to blow up the cargo ship immediately!

"Attack." Er Dan heard the captain's cry from the headset, so he rushed in without hesitation. In the green light of the night vision instrument, he saw the figure of several pirates, and then he pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang." the 6.8mm bullet flew past in the form of three-point shooting. A pirate's body fell back. There were several blood holes in his chest, and his body shook a few times and didn't move.

Er Dan's hand was almost not loose, and he quickly turned the muzzle of the gun. Every time, there was a three-point shot, with an interval of less than 0.1 second. At this time, there was no need to aim at at all. He shot almost according to the feeling of normal training, but the accuracy was terrible.

Three pirates fell down. One pirate climbed on the ground, next to the diesel engine inside, clenched his teeth, took out a grenade, and planned to open the insurance and blow up the diesel engine.

As long as the diesel engine is damaged, the fishing boat will be scrapped. There are many companions nearby. After buying time, all these people who come up may be killed in the opposite direction.

Just when he wanted to open the insurance, he felt a blank in his mind and lost any strength in his body. He fainted!

"There's another one below!" at this time, he rushed to the two eggs in front, saw the man lying down in the night vision instrument, and immediately gave him a three-point shot. Then, he rushed over with the people behind, scanned the front, back, left and right, and shouted: "clear!"

When fighting at night, some people like to install a strong light flashlight at the muzzle of the gun. Once it is irradiated, they can keep the other party's eyes closed. However, at the same time, this method will also expose their own goals. When they have the advantages of night vision, such operation is not appropriate. Therefore, everyone uses night vision to observe the situation.

Now, all the pirates in the engine room have been killed. When watching that the last guy has taken out his grenade and is ready to open the insurance, the two eggs are a little frightened. There is almost an accident.

"Start the engine and prepare to pull out the anchor and set sail." Wang Hong shouted in the radio. The quality of this radio is really good. In the cabin space, we can also complete the connection between each other.

After cleaning up the pirates on the fishing boat, the next step is to take people back.

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