"Now, the whole world is talking about us." on the landing ship of 071 dock, major Yang said happily to Qin Guan.

In his early years, major Yang partnered with Qin Guan when he was in factory 4447. Now, after many years of wind and rain, they finally partnered together again. Although it was not long, it was also a feeling of enjoyment. At this time, major Yang said the recent situation, which made him very proud.

Although this battle was only a special special operation, it brought out the military and national prestige of the Han country.

A fishing boat was robbed. They dispatched elite to successfully rescue the hostages and ships and take away the whole pirate Gang, but they themselves were unharmed. This is a miracle.

"That's for sure. Our special forces are the best in the world," Qin Guan said. "Moreover, after our action, some people will be stimulated and want to learn from us."

Stimulation? Learn from us?

Major Yang frowned: "do you mean that other countries will also send personnel to rescue the hostages? However, there should be fewer of us who dare to be pirates recently?"

Things always go to extremes. This time, the deployment of our own side is crisp and the pirate Gang is completely destroyed. Therefore, other armed organizations who want to be pirates should converge.

If they want revenge, it's crazy.

"In the long run, piracy is bound to occur, and the escort of our navy here must be a long-term and arduous task. However, in a short time, we are in the limelight, and the eagle people must be unable to sit down." Qin Guan said: "we are just a small fight, and the eagle people certainly want to do a big job."

Hearing Qin Guan's words, major Yang was stunned: "is it in the capital of the oil palm country?"

In the oil palm country, the current situation is turbulent, warlords scuffle and turmoil everywhere.

Even if it is a non flow country, the geographical location of the oil palm country has advantages after all. Therefore, the international community cannot ignore it, and the joint international organization has adopted a peacekeeping operation called "Operation Restore Hope".

Generally speaking, peacekeeping forces should be welcomed by the people of the country, but the fact is just the opposite. Peacekeeping forces in oil palm countries can't carry out operations at all.

Peacekeeping forces will not directly intervene in their war, but only conduct security patrols and be responsible for the distribution of relief materials transported by the international community.

Now, this task can't go on at all. The warlord forces there are terrible. Once the relief materials of the peacekeeping forces arrive and haven't begun to be distributed to the people, there are already armed forces sneaking attacks and taking all the materials as their own.

Among them, Fahr, the leader of the most powerful "oil palm United Nations General Assembly", is behind it and keeps fighting against the peacekeeping forces.

Therefore, the international joint organization has now made an authorization, and the peacekeeping forces can take all necessary measures to search and arrest this guy.

This is the "operation to restore hope" of the oil palm countries.

This operation has not been launched yet, and the Eagle special forces are determined to win it. They think it is a good opportunity to show their strength.

Now, the success of the Han navy has given the eagle people an encouragement, or a slap in the face. See what the Han people have done, crisp and beautiful!

"Yes, this is a country with warlords everywhere. Even the peacekeeping forces have been bullied by them many times. If the eagle people hadn't been in the state-owned military operations in the mountains, they would have started to do it long ago. Now, stimulated by us, they would be eager to do it and catch FAH, the black hand behind the scenes." Qin Guan said: "it's a piece of cake for the eagle people."

Now, Han has increasingly displayed the image of a big country, rescuing hostages and fishing boats. Although it is a domestic matter, it still has a strong response in the world. Besides Han, which country dares to do so? Can you do so well?

The eagle people must be very jealous of this.

The eagle people have always felt that they are the world leader, but now, the Han country is rising unstoppably and rapidly. Although the new president takes office and seems to ease the relationship with the Han country, the hawks in the eagle country, even the eagle president himself, must be hostile to the Han country.

But the eagle people can't help it now.

If they want to fight in the mountain country, they have to maintain a good relationship with the Han country, because the holy country of the logistics base is the most loyal ally of the Han country. If the Han people make a stumbling block behind it, the eagle people will also be in trouble.

Therefore, they have to look very friendly on the surface, and their inner sense of confrontation has not been put down. Can they feel better now that the Han state has done so well? Can you be reconciled?

They must want to do something more beautiful than the Han Dynasty.

Major Yang listened to Qin Guan's introduction and nodded seriously: "yes, it seems so. So, what should we do? Teach our experience to the eagle people and help them?"

Qin Guan shook his head: "why do we want to be the virgin? Let's take a small Mazar and watch it."

Whoever bullies us first, we have to pay it back. However, the water in the oil palm country is very deep. Why should we go to their capital for a flood? After all, it's different from the capital.

Here, they fight in a remote fishing village. They have to deal with pirates. At most, they are the people in a village. However, if they go to the capital, how many people are there in the capital of the oil palm country? All are their opponents. At that time, they will fall into the vast ocean of people's war. Qin Guan is not stupid.

Let's look at them. Qin Guan from that parallel time and space is naturally impressed by a film called "black eagle falling". This film describes the failure of the eagle people here.

Listening to Qin Guan's analysis, major Yang nodded seriously, "yes, you're right. Let's just watch the performance of the eagle people."

"Report." just then, someone came in: "contacted the ship owner of Daxing 2. They contracted a helicopter to send the rescued crew away and take a special plane back to their country in the nearby country."

It was too far from Baodao to fly back directly by helicopter, and after half a month of fear, these crew members could not drive the ship away, so they were picked up by charter.

This cost is much less than the ransom extorted by pirates. Now that the two sides have coordinated, we are close to the final handover. In this process, the people in the Baodao provincial government have always been silent and did not speak. For them, the face had snapped.

"Well, let's see them off," said major Yang.

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