Chao Qi, the owl dragon, was used at this time. Qin Guan said that the other party had a feeling of sudden enlightenment. I see!

The super-7 fighter plane flew in a panic on the exercise field, which made everyone can't believe. When was the aviation technology of the Han country so advanced? In particular, the plane climbed almost vertically, indicating that the engine was quite strong.

If they have a powerful engine, why are they reluctant to part with Spey engine? It shows that they have not mastered the advanced turbofan engine technology at all. Although they have launched so many models in China, they are not mature.

However, the super-7 fighter has terrible maneuverability. In appearance, the Han people may have aerodynamic level and have some edge wing technology. However, the engine is not so easy to tackle key problems.

This requires the industrial base of the whole country.

It is impossible for the Han people to overcome the difficulties of the engine, but they are likely to make a breakthrough in one of them, which is entirely possible, such as the turbine blade.

The development of this thing requires accumulation, the progress of material technology and the improvement of processing level. In addition to experience and rigorous experiments, we also need luck.

Yes, luck is also on the one hand. Maybe you did it ten thousand times, but they were lucky. They mixed a small amount of rare metals at one time, and it was done.

With high temperature resistant turbine blades, the turbine temperature can be directly increased and the thrust can be increased. Therefore, the Han people used their simplest turbojet-7 engine to improve the power and make those actions by using the most rough method of increasing the temperature.

Yes, it must be!

Well, if you get this new type of blade, it will certainly be of great help to your engine development!

Stanley was excited at the thought.

What super-7 fighters to look at and what super-7 technologies to study are what aerospace companies want to do. Their own side is to study engines. Therefore, it is of course the best to get advanced technologies in engines.

NiuGuo's Spey engine is quite famous. It wins glory for NiuGuo in the whole west, and even eagle is introducing it. However, in terms of the three generations of engines, NiuGuo has fallen behind. The three generations of engines of Yingguo have begun to be installed, and our own is still far away.

If you have this technology, you can improve your own level at one fell swoop!

"OK, I agree to joint development." Stanley said, what funds, venues and technical routes should be put aside and agreed first.

If jointly developed, you must know all the technologies of this turbine blade, otherwise how to integrate it into the engine?

Get the technology of this turbine blade first!

Stanley promised, but on this side, old Wu was at sixes and sevens in his heart. Qin Guan was obviously talking nonsense. When did he have this technology?

Yes, Qin Guan is fooling.

No one knows the origin of the Xiaolong fighter. Except Chen Rui, no one else knows that it was Qin Guan who made it. At the same time, the engine of this fighter is the RD33 from Xiong state. In fact, the power of this engine is not very good. At the beginning, Chen Rui did that action because the fuel in the aircraft is running out and the fuselage becomes lighter.

However, Qin Guan is quite firm. Now, he wants to deceive them!

If not fooled, the other party still has a high attitude and will not have successful cooperation with his own side. The imitation of Spey engine keeps tripping after paying the money, let alone improving this engine.

Qin Guan wants to throw out the bait and lure the other party to jointly develop with his own side. When we sit up and develop together, it is a good learning opportunity for his own engine talents. Even if we just go through the whole process of improvement, we can quickly mature.

Qin Guan wants this result to cultivate his own team!

Qin Guan also worked hard for the country's scientific and technological progress.

It is not difficult for Qin Guan to get an advanced engine. There is a weapon cemetery system and what he wants. However, after getting it, it is very difficult to understand the design principle and understand the technology.

Qin Guan still remembered a real thing. When he opened a weapon, he found a piece of soap. There were different opinions on the purpose of this soap, some said it could lubricate, some said it could absorb evaporated kerosene, etc. in short, his own side would copy it as long as others made it. Therefore, the imitation also followed the cat and painted a tiger and put a piece of soap in it.

All of a sudden, many years have passed. After the Cold War confrontation ended, we can finally find the expert at that time and ask, why is there soap in it?

There's soap in it? No wonder I didn't find it. That soap is for washing hands!

It's not a joke, it's a real thing.

Han is used to Shanzhai and mapping imitation. He can only learn a look, but can't learn the essence. Only by following through the whole process can we really learn.

"Based on your level, I suggest that the whole improvement project be carried out in our Luoluo company," Stanley said. "We can invite your engineers to participate together."

This is already a great deal of preferential treatment. Engineers from Han country are allowed to come in together. Originally, this kind of thing should be paid by Han country and carried out by Luoluo company. Technology will not be given to Han country.

But I'm afraid I can't think of the technology of turbine blades without the participation of Han engineers.

"No, the development site should be in China," Qin Guan said. "We have been afraid of the introduction of the Spey project in recent years. I think it is safer in China."

Qin Guan's words were sarcastic about the other party's bad faith. Now he said that he would invite Han engineers to participate. When he got the turbine blade technology, he would kick the Han engineers away.

It is more suitable in the Han country.

"No, in that case, we won't agree," Stanley said. If we go to the Han country, can our own side still take the lead? What's the use if you can't lead?

Stanley is confident that as long as his side insists, the other side will compromise.

"It's getting late, your highness is also in a hurry. Otherwise, today's meeting will be over?" Qin Guan said with a smile: "Your Highness, where shall we go for lunch?"

It's hard to get. Now, don't talk to Niu Guoren. Qin Guan has plenty of time. After all, what his side needs now is to master Spey's imitation technology, and the improvement starts later.

After throwing out the bait, Niu Guoren should be worried.

Hearing this, the prince was really happy: "OK, let's go..."

"I'm sorry, your highness, can we have dinner here?" Stanley interrupted the prince impolitely. "It's our company's honor for you to come here for guidance."

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