A large plate is added to the top of the early warning aircraft, which is a great damage to the original aerodynamic layout of the body.

Therefore, the body selection of early warning aircraft is very important. Generally speaking, large passenger aircraft are used. After a large plate is carried on the top, various wind tunnel experiments should be carried out. It is a systematic project to increase the thrust of the engine to make up for the increased aerodynamic resistance.

Therefore, although the large plate early warning machine looks very beautiful, there are not many cases of using the large plate on the small body. With a stick on the top of the balance beam early warning machine, the resistance is greatly reduced, and David country has developed Falcon and directly abandoned the large plate on the top. To facilitate flight safety.

The white elephant country is definitely a wonderful flower. A small body carries a big plate against the sky, and the power of the engine has not been strengthened, which is doomed to be full of problems.

Now, they have just started the experiment, and there are many problems. If these problems are studied slowly, they may be able to find solutions. After all, the white elephant has state-owned money, and foreign expert teams can be invited to solve them. However, it takes time.

After installing the antenna, the weight has increased significantly. Now, it seems normal to rotate the radome several times. In fact, the risk has been brewing for a long time. Now, there has been a bad accident.

The radome actually fell down. Under the blowing of the oncoming wind, it ran towards the back, so it was blown to the rear tail and smashed the tail. At once, the plane lost control.

At this moment, everyone on the plane heard the terrible crash, click, click, pass through the fuselage, stimulating everyone's eardrums.

Then they shouted in horror. At this moment, their plane began to change its posture and roll up.

Hs-748 early warning aircraft is going through the final stage of its life. The whole body rolls down and falls from the sky. Just after rolling more than a dozen times, the body breaks and becomes the front and rear halves, and the technicians in the body are thrown out at this moment.

What are the consequences of falling from an altitude of more than 1000 meters? You don't have to think about it. If you faint at this time, it may still be a relief. If you feel the coming of death in fear, it is simply the most terrible torture for these technicians.

"Cut off, cut off immediately!" at the moment when it was found that the radome on the top of the back began to deform, the person in charge of the TV station found something wrong, cut off the signal transmission here in time, and then changed to another video, which was the image of the search formation on the sea. Then, everyone in the control room stood up.

The signal was still displayed on a separate display. They watched the radome on the back fly to the back, saw the tail interrupted, and then saw the plane tumbling down. At this moment, their hearts sank into the ice valley.

This is a serious plane crash. Their early warning plane crashed, and there are a large number of technicians on it. They must also be killed. The crash of the plane will seriously hit the progress of their self-developed early warning plane.

Of course, the TV station cut off the video in time, so it has nothing to do with them. It's just that this matter is destined to be hidden. Soon, the whole world will know that the early warning machine developed by Baixiang country fell off. This is really bad news!

"A target fell." at this time, under the monitoring of the huge paving claw radar, we clearly saw a target falling in the air. According to the track of the other party, it was determined that it was a transport aircraft, but we don't know whether it was an early warning aircraft. After all, since it was an early warning aircraft, there should be electromagnetic radiation, but the paving claw radar here, Nothing at all.

"It's their early warning aircraft." Qin Guan said, "now, the military level of the people of Baixiang country is better reflected. Their early warning aircraft has fallen off. Now, let's see how they can study it by themselves."

The Baixiang people's early warning opportunity to crash is a certainty. After all, the plane was destined to crash from the design stage. However, Qin Guan didn't expect that it crashed at this time. He was simply providing material for his article.

Next, it's time to write a special analysis article to analyze why the other party crashed, and make a good analysis of their early warning aircraft, so that the whole world can see their military level.

"Early warning aircraft?" general Jamal was very strange: "President Qin, are you so sure?"

"Yes, look at the live broadcast here." Qin Guan smiled. At this time, there was a TV in the radar control room. Everyone was still watching the live broadcast of the white elephant people. Now, Qin Guan pointed to the TV picture and began to look back. Fixed on a picture, although it was short, it could be seen that the other party's radome had begun to fall off, I can see the huge and terrible crack below.

"Yes, indeed, there is something wrong with their early warning aircraft." general Jamal also couldn't help laughing at this time: "the early warning aircraft of the white elephant people is at this level."

"If you don't have diamond, you can't do porcelain work." Qin Guan said, "the people of the white elephant country are all high-minded goods, and failure is inevitable."

"They're going to launch." just then, the scholar spoke.

When there was a problem with the early warning aircraft, the officials of the white elephant country were, of course, surprised. They knew that the trouble was great and they were completely humiliated. At the same time, they also had to cover up and never let the incident have a bad impact. Therefore, they were even more determined to continue to launch Agni missiles.

This can also dilute the early warning aircraft. As long as the missile test is successful, everything will be easy to say.

Tiya at the scene also maintained the best attitude. He stood on the periphery of the missile launch position, and then the camera was pulled away, which could just take a picture of him and the missile together.

"Dear viewers, our missiles are ready. Now, the launch time is coming. The missile tested this time is our latest solid ballistic missile. Now, it is about to ignite and rise into the sky." before TYA finished his words, the camera lens has turned and started to launch!

Yes, TYA had not had time to count down. As a result, the test shot began! Right behind TYA, the milky white bullet and the missile with green warhead began to launch. The camera lens focused on the past. On the TV screen, the bottom of the missile suddenly burst out a hot flame. In the continuous diffusion of white smoke, the missile body left the ground and began to rise slowly!

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