"What? The missile can't be found? How is it possible?" at this time, Rao, the capital, is paying attention to the missile test. As a national leader, Rao is responsible for everything every day. However, the recent actions are of great importance. Therefore, Rao almost personally asked about everything. Now, when he heard the news, Rao immediately stood up from his chair, He asked loudly, "what's going on?"

What happened today was enough to make Rao have a heart attack. Everything started well. As a result, suddenly, the early warning plane crashed.

Yes, the crash happened right in front of him. Rao felt his heart was beating violently and almost jumped out of his chest. He could guess what the outside world would say when he knew it, especially the gunman behind the scenes. He didn't know how vicious he would attack the military industry of the white elephant country.

At that time, if the missile test was stopped, it would completely become a joke. Therefore, even if they were nervous, they still ordered the missile test to continue. After eliminating all the problems, the missile finally went out, which was a long sigh of relief. At this time, various news organizations have begun to announce to the public that their missile test was successful. That's right, Call out, even if it's successful.

Rao also decided to make a speech in person to celebrate the success of the test launch. However, at this moment, a new problem came out. They couldn't find their own missile. What's the matter?

Can the missile be lost?

"We have launched the search according to the predetermined trajectory, and our radar equipment has started at full power, but we just can't find it." Sandra said: "we should have introduced the S-300 missile from bear country for a long time. Only the radar of this missile system has enough distance and high precision, but Congress has been studying it by itself and won't let us introduce it."

For the white elephant country, now is the time to show itself. No matter what equipment it is, they all plan to study it by themselves. Ballistic missiles, fighter planes and aircraft carriers should study it by themselves. What does a small air defense missile count?

The Kaishan missiles of the Han state have been sold all over the world. The white elephant state looks at the itching teeth. Of course, they also want to own the same type of missiles. They also want to research by themselves. Since they have researched by themselves, they can't buy them, which will block the road of self-research.

Therefore, they suppressed the army's proposal to purchase S-300 missile system.

This is a long-range air defense missile with a range of more than 100 kilometers. The phased array radar attached to this missile can also search for targets hundreds of kilometers away. If there is such a system, three or four seats can be arranged along the flight route of the missile, it will be enough to maintain uninterrupted tracking.

But now, No.

They only have sam-6 type air defense missile system, and the supporting radar can only observe a distance of about 100 kilometers. As for the long-range land air defense radar, although it can see far, its accuracy is too poor, and small targets can't be tracked, so it's easy to lose them. So now, they naturally lose the hit missiles.

If the most critical radar had not fallen off the chain at the critical time, this problem would not have occurred. Now, they are facing a dilemma.

"Immediately use all radars to search for targets and naval ships. Don't they also have radars? Join the search together and expand the search scope. We must find them!" Rao said.


"Speed up, that thing won't fly in the air for long?" Rao asked again.

Rao is not a layman. He knows that when the missile is in the sky, it is easy to be tracked by radar, but if it reaches the ground or falls into the sea, it will not be easy to find it again. Now, time is precious.

What should I do if I can't find it again?

Declare success? Of course, we have to announce the success. After all, the picture of the launch has been out and the world knows it. We must announce the success of the launch. Later, we will hold a special press conference to announce the success of the launch. This can not be changed. As for the warhead, we can only find it better or not.

If you can't find it, the holy country can't find it. After all, the warships of the holy country are stared at by your side.

At this time, on the sea, the two sides have ignored the confrontation. Everyone took off the carrier aircraft and began to search on the sea.

According to the plan, after the warhead falls into the sea, it will release a piece of dye, which can be seen from a distance. Although they don't know where the missile has flown, they are still searching according to the scheduled plan, and expanding the search scope, hoping to gain something.

The carrier based aircraft of the holy nation navy are also searching in the nearby waters. Even the helicopters of both sides have some unpleasant friction. While they are intertwined here, the tilt rotor aircraft is flying at high speed in the other direction.

The engines on both sides are running at full power, and the large-diameter propeller makes a special sound during high-speed operation. As a compromise product, it also has many defects.

To take into account the vertical take-off and landing, the diameter of the propeller should not be too small. After all, it needs the power to pull up vertically, so we have to make such a compromise. Compared with other aircraft, the diameter is about twice as large. This large diameter also leads to a large upwind area and the maximum speed can not go up.

Nevertheless, compared with fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, it is definitely the speed champion.

The tilt rotor is flying at high speed. At this time, the two pilots in the plane are also communicating constantly.

"Five minutes, five minutes."

"The target has entered the whereabouts route."

On the screen between them, the information transmitted by the data link is displayed. Because the equipment of the holy country is produced by the Han country, the data link has been opened up. It has been used in collaborative exercises in the past. Now, relying entirely on this data link, they can track stably.

"The radar has found the target and turned to continuous tracking." just then, the sea and air search radar in front of the nose finally intercepted the target. At this moment, it almost means that they have succeeded!

The fleet of the white elephant country, which was originally responsible for salvage, is facing off with the warships of the holy country. They are hundreds of nautical miles away from here. Even if they find the target when the last missile warhead falls, they have no time to track it. Therefore, this thing is destined to be their own!

At this time, everyone was very excited to think that the target was right in front of us. Obtaining this warhead could not only combat the arrogance of the other party, but also study the missile technology of the white elephant country. It would definitely kill many birds with one stone.

In the sky, the missile has begun to fall. In flight, the paint on the surface has long been rubbed into a black mass and lost its colorful luster. The missile is right in front of you!

"Shit, no?" suddenly, di Yun shouted. At this time, he had seen the target visually, but he couldn't believe his eyes.

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