"What's going on?"

I saw that the nose had been pulled up, but then the nose went back and continued to dive down. At this time, our plane was less than 200 meters from the ground!

"Come on, pull up, pull up!" at this time, in the tower of the test flight center, the person in charge of the command also shouted loudly: "bill, what are you doing?"

Pull up, pull up!

The sound echoed loudly in the headphones. Bill, who had just reached zero, has now regained consciousness. Although there are only five points, he can still be conscious.

"The height is too low, it's too late, skydiving, skydiving!" at this time, the people in the tower shouted sadly.

The height is less than 100 meters. At this speed, God can't save it. He can only jump!

I hope bill, the test pilot in the plane, can jump out.

Pilots are very valuable. The cost of training a pilot is astronomical, especially for test pilots. Any test pilot is worth gold, that is, it is equivalent to the value of dozens of kilograms of gold. If the test pilot falls dead, it will be a considerable loss.

What's more terrible is that the test pilot didn't pull up this time. What's the matter? Is it the fault of the plane or the problem of the test pilot himself? It's easier to find out if the test pilot is alive.

There are many words, but in fact, the time is calculated in seconds. When the order to jump came, Bill's plane was less than 60 meters above the ground.

With all his strength, Bill drew his legs together and pulled the Yellow pull ring between his legs.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" the first thing he heard was the sound of a broken gun.

As long as you have a little common sense, you know that the pilot is sitting in the cockpit with a transparent hatch above his head. For the pilot, if you want to eject, the first thing you face is the hatch above his head.

What shall I do?

The solution is very simple, that is, the four broken guns made four corner holes in the glass above the head.

This glass is quite strong. After all, it has to bear huge internal and external pressure, and it is easy to crack after being punched.

Then, under Bill's ass, a hot flame came out and the ejection seat started.

In the earliest days, the pilot carried the umbrella bag directly. In case the plane broke down or was hit in the air, the pilot needed to climb out of the cockpit and parachute.

Therefore, pilots like to open the cockpit cover above their heads when flying. In this way, once there is a situation, they turn the plane upside down, buckle it upside down, and then push their legs and it will fall out.

Therefore, some mentally handicapped designers change the cockpit roof of the aircraft into a side cover like a car, which makes the pilots very angry. They curse the designer's mother every day, and some even change it themselves at the front-line airport. How can the side cover jump? Think pilots are acrobats?

At the same time, with the increasing speed of the aircraft, this method also begins to be dangerous. When the pilot jumps out, he is subject to air resistance, and the aircraft is still flying forward, then the vertical tail of the aircraft can easily split the pilot in half.

So the ejection seat was born.

First, the rubber band was used, but because the energy stored in the rubber band was not large enough, it was changed to rocket ejection in the later stage.

You can get out as fast as you can with a rocket on your ass.

At this time, with the launch of the rocket, the whole ejection seat left. The top of the ejection seat flew the glass of the cabin cover. Along the four small holes just opened, the glass was completely broken, and then the flight seat jumped out.

Got a life back.

Chen Rui stared. As a pilot, the last thing he wanted was to eject and escape. However, he had to do so at a critical time. At this time, there would be a series of problems. If he bounced out with a wrong posture, he would still fall to death.

If Bill's ejection is parallel to the ground, his altitude from the ground is less than 100 meters, and the parachute can't open at all. But now, when he ejects, the nose of the plane actually rises, and he goes out of the cabin obliquely.

The blazing flame attracted everyone's attention, and then Qin Guan shouted, "run!"

In later generations, there are strict restrictions on flight performances. You can't be too close to the audience, otherwise the plane will fall down and enter the auditorium. The scene is terrible.

Now, no one abides by this law. In order to impress the audience, the closer the plane is, the better.

Now, the plane is only a few hundred meters away from the grandstand. It's supposed to be close enough. However, when it lands, it will explode and catch fire. At that time, if a light fragment comes and rubs the main artery on his neck, isn't that man finished?


Qin Guan's reaction was the fastest. While shouting, he ran back. The scholar, a little behind, ran behind Qin Guan. In case of debris, the scholar could cover Qin Guan with his own body.

Chen Rui, with his quick hands and feet, disappeared after hearing Qin Guan's words.

The Han people are agile, while the yezao people are much slower.

Almost as soon as they stood up, the fighter plane that had lost its pilot made close contact with the ground.

When it fell to the ground, the fuselage was actually flattening, but the time was not enough and the height was too low. Therefore, its head first made close contact with the ground.

The nose broke instantly, and then the fuselage was in contact with the ground. Due to the speed, the fuselage taxied forward and taxied on the grass. A second later, the sparks from friction ignited the leaked fuel, and the whole aircraft was shrouded in the fire.

Old Dassault didn't go. He watched the plane fall, the pilot eject and escape, the plane hit the ground and caught fire. His eyes stared at the burning of the plane, and the big fireball rolled over. He still didn't move.

His eyes were full of complex feelings, regret, regret and sadness. His twin engine heavy air fighter and his dream fell in front of him.

Only one prototype! After the crash, will the whole project suffer a major blow or even be forced to stop?

The siren sounded at the airport, the fire engine quickly started towards the plane, the ambulance went towards the pilot's landing, and old Dassault slowly fell into darkness.

"General manager, general manager!" a voice came in my ear.

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