"Bang, bang, bang." the small four-wheel tractor was roaring. The lamp like kerosene lamp could not shine for a few meters. At this time, the tractor driver smoked a cigarette in his mouth and wrapped his military coat tightly. Now, it is the coldest time in grassland city. It can be said that if he doesn't wear gloves, things that directly touch iron will be stuck at once.

The driver stepped on the accelerator in front, and the black smoke came up one by one. The tractor started along the road. In the back tug, Zhang Xiangyang also wrapped his sheepskin coat tightly and bumped against the tractor's tug.

I have to eat this kind of bitterness if I can't eat it.

In the past, where did Zhang Xiangyang suffer such a crime? In the factory, you can scold anyone who doesn't like you. When you go out, you often sit in 212 in the factory. When did you sit in a tractor!

However, those days are gone forever. He has to coax the workers in the factory to work, contact transport vehicles, deliver goods and ask for accounts. He is not only the factory director, but also the accountant, cashier, sales and property management. In short, he has to do everything alone.

When he was ready to deliver, the workers had run away. At the same time, he found that he didn't hire a car!

In the past, when he was in the factory, a phone call was enough, but now, he looked around and finally found a tractor. The master of the tractor bought it a few months ago. He was in a hurry to make money back, so he took his job. Otherwise, who would transport him in the dark.

Those who opened the old liberation are all masters, and no one is willing to come out.

The biting cold wind was blowing. When he drove to the North truck factory, Zhang Xiangyang felt that he was going to freeze.

However, looking at everything familiar around, Zhang Xiangyang still has a special feeling. Although he left here, he can make more money as long as he works hard. Come on!

Who is responsible for receiving the goods? Is it still the original Lao Yang? If Lao Yang, it would be easy to talk. Just thinking, the tractor stopped and said, "here it is."

There was a lively scene of production in the factory. When Zhang Xiangyang said that delivery was the direction machine they most needed, he drove directly outside the production workshop.

Zhang Xiangyang is happy at this time. When he enters the production line, he will install it directly. If he encounters any problems in the future, he has nothing to do with himself! Who can tell where it was produced?

Besides, it's no big deal. It's just a bearing.

Zhang Xiangyang jumped out of the car and greeted the inside. He was really Lao Yang!

"Lao Yang, come and smoke." Zhang Xiangyang took out his cigarette and shouted to Lao Yang.

Lao Yang shook his head: "no, there is a system in the workshop. You can't smoke."

"Unload the goods here, just under the shed." Lao Yang said to Zhang Xiangyang, "where's your stevedore?"

Stevedores? Zhang Xiangyang was disheartened: "I'm a stevedore."

When loading, the master of the tractor also loaded the truck with Zhang Xiangyang. However, people told Zhang Xiangyang in advance that it was a trade rule to manage loading regardless of unloading.

So, when unloading, only Zhang Xiangyang himself. Fortunately, these directional machines are not heavy, and Zhang Xiangyang can carry them.

"Oh, Lao Zhang, it's hard." Lao Yang looked at Zhang Xiangyang and couldn't help saying, "forget it, take a break and I'll call some people to unload the truck for you."

Not seen for months, the leadership style of Zhang Xiangyang has disappeared. Now Zhang Xiangyang has become more simple and more acceptable.

Society is a melting pot.

"Thank you, Lao Yang." Zhang Xiangyang took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. "This is not a bribe. The people who help me give them points and smoke after work."

The factory has strict rules and can't accept anything. Now, Zhang Xiangyang just thanks, not bribery. He made it clear in advance.

"That won't work," said Lao Yang. "I dare not make mistakes. Come on, you guys, come and help."

Lao Yang greeted people and began to unload for Zhang Xiangyang. Zhang Xiangyang stood there, feeling the temperature of the heating in the workshop, and his frozen face began to soften slowly.

Just then, Zhang Xiangyang heard strange footsteps.

"GADA, GADA." is that the sound of high heels? In the factory, everyone wears comfortable yellow rubber shoes. Who wears high heels?

Zhang Xiangyang looked at her voice and saw a blonde foreign girl. Her body curve was still so exquisite and her attitude was still so arrogant.

Ocean horse, haven't you left yet?

At this time, Zhang Xiangyang was shocked. He knew how expensive the salary of Dayang horse was. At that time, the high-level meeting in the factory discussed that as long as Dayang horse taught its own workers, he would let her go immediately.

Now, haven't you left yet?

"Here comes the quality director." Lao Yang said, "Sang is always good."

Quality director? Zhang Xiangyang doesn't understand. Lao Yang doesn't have time to explain to him. In short, in this factory, Zhang Xiangyang's previous domineering and arrogant role has been replaced by Sandra.

When Sandra first came here, she asked for a terrible salary to operate CNC machine tools. Later, with the agreement reached with Steyr company, Sandra also began to seriously teach her workers. When her workers could operate CNC machine tools, Sandra became idle.

At this time, the factory had a special discussion on how to deal with Sandra. Later, after Pierre who helped them get familiar with the quality management system left, Sandra became the quality director with the strong support of he ribala.

According to Qin Guan's arrangement before leaving, the whole factory should introduce advanced quality management system and a full set of Steyr's quality management. How can these terms be implemented? It is most appropriate to find someone familiar with ocean horse.

She knows what to do. At the same time, she won't talk about human feelings. If anyone does something wrong, she's impolite. She'll punish it if she should.

At that time, Sandra was not very willing, but when she heard that it was when Bara arranged, she agreed. It was really exciting to do.

In addition to being the quality director, Sandra is also the technical director. Now, the engine test bench of the factory has been built, and the research and development of the factory will be carried out in an orderly manner.

Now, Sandra came over and looked at Lao Yang: "is this the new steering gear?"

"Yes, our production line is in short supply of steering gear, so we outsourced it," said Lao Yang.

"Lao Yang, from the outsourcing factory, carries out the inspection in strict accordance with our quality management system. After passing the inspection, put on the nameplate and number," Sandra said.

This sentence surprised Zhang Xiangyang. Won't they open it for inspection? What if something goes wrong in the test? Their sky high compensation!

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