Originally, when I said yesterday, I wanted to visit the breeder reactor to produce weapons grade nuclear raw materials, but now, because the Han people visit together, the chicken country has converged a little. What I brought you is the ordinary makur nuclear power plant.

This is the earliest nuclear power plant in Jiguo. At the beginning, the first nuclear reactor was put into operation in makur in 56. At the same time, the nuclear power plant was decommissioned in 68.

After that, two other nuclear reactors were established in 59 and 60 years respectively, and these two nuclear reactors, historically in 80 and 84 years, have also been out of operation.

This is the first generation of nuclear reactors, using graphite as a reducer.

The energy of the nucleus comes from the mass loss, which is due to the division of the nucleus under the impact of neutrons. However, only slow neutrons can easily impact, and the effect of fast neutrons is very poor. (speed refers to speed)

Therefore, it is necessary to change fast neutrons into slow neutrons, which is the function of retarder.

At that time, during World War II, Hans was developing nuclear reactors, but at that time, they all thought that heavy water could be used as a deceleration agent, while Niu sent people to blow up Hans' heavy water plant, making them unable to carry out production.

In fact, Hans did not know that apart from heavy water, the most common graphite could be used as a reducer, and most of the first generation nuclear reactors used graphite as a reducer.

The first generation of nuclear reactors developed by Jiguo are graphite gas cooled reactors, and the second generation is pressurized water reactors.

Now, these first generation nuclear reactors are almost about to be shut down. Therefore, even if Han people are invited to visit, there will be no big problem. At the same time, these people from date palm country have even less knowledge. The main reason to bring them here is to urge them to build nuclear reactors. Do you want to do it?

Now, as a representative, Morris took them into the control room of the nuclear power plant.

"What you can see is that we have safely operated nuclear power plants for 20 years. Our chicken country's nuclear power technology is quite reliable, effective and safe. We are also willing to export our nuclear power technology to any country with energy shortage," Morris said.

Does Han lack energy? It may not be lacking now. China is still an oil exporter. However, China has started reform and opening up. This is a country with a huge population. Once developed, the demand for energy is quite large. Therefore, although Morris is is the chief of staff of the air force, he can't beat eight poles, he is also trying his best to serve the interests of the chicken country.

If you persuade han to import nuclear reactors from chicken, you can make another profit.

Safe? Hearing that Morris said it was safe, Qin Guan couldn't help laughing. Others didn't know it, but he knew it. The most unsafe is the graphite reactor. The nuclear reactors here are all graphite reactors.

Why is it called pile? Because graphite is piled up piece by piece, which is similar to stacking bricks. That's the name of the reactor. Graphite can be used as a reducer, but graphite is not easy to dissipate heat. Therefore, core melting and other things are dried by graphite reactor.

"This nuclear power technology can be exported for civilian purposes. At the same time, it can also export raw materials for nuclear weapons." Qin Guan said with a smile: "this nuclear reactor can produce plutonium for nuclear bombs."

Hearing this, the people of yezao country suddenly changed their faces. Qin Guan was right in the word.

There are two kinds of raw materials for making nuclear bombs, uranium 235 and plutonium 239.

Among them, the content of uranium 235 in natural uranium ore is only 0.715%, and the remaining 99% is uranium 238 that can not be used for fission. To make an atomic bomb, it is necessary to process pure uranium 235 with a content of 93.5%.

This is quite difficult because they are isotopes with exactly the same chemical properties. It is impossible to distinguish them by any chemical means. They can only be separated and refined by centrifugation with a slight difference in their specific gravity.

In this way, to extract 1kg of pure uranium 235, it needs at least 200 tons of high-quality natural uranium ore, and tens of thousands of centrifuges rotate day and night, consuming a lot of power and financial resources.

Specifically, just look at the Sabbath. In more than 20 years, more than 100000 centrifuges have been operated. Until later generations, only 20% uranium 235 with a concentration of less than 10 kg has been produced.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to build a nuclear bomb with uranium 235. In contrast, it is much easier to build an atomic bomb with plutonium 239.

Plutonium 239 hardly exists in nature. It is obtained by bombarding uranium 238 with fast neutrons in nuclear reactors.

Because plutonium 239 and uranium are two completely different elements, plutonium 239 can be extracted and purified from reactor spent fuel by simple chemical methods!

The only way to get plutonium 239 is to build nuclear reactors to make it manually.

Making plutonium bombs is much simpler than uranium bombs, and exporting nuclear reactors means exporting nuclear weapons raw materials to target countries!

When Qin Guan said this, Morris shook his head: "how could that be? We have always advocated the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The exported nuclear reactors should be supervised by the International Atomic Energy Organization. Moreover, we also have a complete set of technologies for dealing with nuclear waste. Now, I'll take you to see how to deal with nuclear waste."

Nuclear power is beneficial to mankind, but how to deal with radioactive nuclear waste is another difficult problem.

Makur nuclear power station was first established and has been in commercial operation for more than 20 years. At the same time, the first batch of nuclear reactors will soon be eliminated.

Therefore, Jiguo simply used waste and set up nuclear waste treatment plants in the places of these nuclear reactors.

Now, the first nuclear reactor has been shut down, and several large furnaces have been built in the original location.

At this time, the snowflakes outside were still boiling underground, and the ground had begun to freeze. When he came out of the control room and looked at the silver and plain world outside, Amir controlled his surprise, but his eyes exposed everything.

The other people of yezao began to cheer.

"There are two nuclear waste disposal furnaces over there." looking at the steamed buns from the tropics, Morris was so surprised by the snow. "We can walk over. Of course, if you like, we can roll a snowball in the past."

Walking on the snow, the feet creak. If you haven't experienced it, you will feel very interesting. At the same time, snowball rolling is also a unique activity in the snow.

As for snowball fights? Forget it. Adults don't play this game well, and they are from many countries.

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