Qin Guan met Wu Lei. When those anxious people who wanted to pick up the car rushed into the factory, Wu Lei ran to the workshop and planned to drive the car away from the production line. Of course, Qin Guan and others stopped it at that time. After that, the situation calmed down.

Qin Guan remembered this young man. He was not tall, but he was strong and flexible. Especially his eyes were full of longing for future life.

But now, when Qin Guan came to Wu Lei, the young man with scars and unkempt face was completely different from the man at that time, especially his eyes were extremely gray and could not see the light.

"Wu Lei, do you remember me? I'm Qin Guan, factory director Qin. I've brought my companions to save you." Qin Guan said, "go, come with us."

Wu Lei looked at Qin Guan and tilted his head to the other side: "I don't know you, and my name is not Wu Lei."

Are you kidding? That night, I stayed at the gate of your factory all day, helpless and desperate. Where were you at that time? Was it not your idea that I was kidnapped and sold here?

Now, you're talking about saving me? If I believe you, is that ok? How did these people fall around? Maybe I'll get up next minute and beat me to death.

Of course, Wu Lei won't believe it. He can't stand it any day here. Just wait for death.

"Wu Lei, come with us. Your mother is still waiting for you to go home!" Qin Guan certainly won't admit his mistake. The spirit point scanning system says it clearly. It's him.

Qin Guan was worried. His side came here not to fight, but to save people. After the spirit point was harvested, it will slowly recover.

When hearing Qin Guan mention his mother, Wu Leidun's heart just clicked. Yes, what should he do if he doesn't have his mother?

But how can I trust the person in front of me? It was their factory that caused it!

Just as Qin Guan explained to Wu Lei, the scholar had already pulled out a thin steel wire and stabbed the shackles on Wu Lei's feet several times. Then the shackles opened.

This thing is self-made, which is even simpler.

His feet suddenly relaxed. Wu Lei felt that his feet were free again. He immediately felt a sense of joy. Did they really come to save themselves?

Qin Guan did this for the first time. Now he has encountered some difficulties. How can he prove that he really came to save them?

The scholar was much more skilled. First he untied his shackles, so Wu Lei began to believe it in his heart. Then the scholar went to the man with the whip.

Such a person, damn it!

Who could have thought that there would be such a slave scene in the Han state? When the thug hit Wu Lei hard with a whip, it was almost like hitting an animal.

In their eyes, these black workers are not people at all, but their tools.

The scholar walked up to the thug, then squatted down, facing the man's hand and yanked it twice with his own hand.

"Click, click." there was a clear sound inside. With the sound, it hurt the beater's nerves. He immediately woke up before he could open his mouth and cry. Then, his head tilted again and fell down.

The scholar went to the left and continued to fiddle with his left hand. Only two times, his two hands were useless from now on.

It's still light to waste only his two hands. If it weren't for being in China, the scholar had broken his neck.

Seeing the scholar's action, Wu Lei finally believes that this thug is the most trusted subordinate of the coal mine owner. He usually hits people the hardest, and there must be a homicide case in his hand. Now, it's a lesson that his hands are abandoned.

"OK, I'll go with you, but I have to save them too." Wu Lei pointed to other illegal workers. There are dozens of people who have been deprived of their personal freedom.

It seems that they don't care about what just happened here. They only care about whether they can eat, even if it's just a mouthful of vegetable soup.

These people are completely numb.

Qin Guan nodded.

It's their plan to save Wu Lei only. But now, if they walk away like this, when these people wake up, they will certainly send their anger on other illegal workers. I'm afraid their lives will be in danger.

"Well, save them too," Qin Guan said.

It's a waste of time just to open shackles for these people, but now Qin Guan has no choice. It's a big deal to harvest more energy and let them continue to sleep.

Qin Guan thought like this. Looking at these black workers, his eyes were full of pity and anger.

In these remote areas, this kind of black ore exists. When civilization has evolved to the present, there are still slaves 2000 years ago. This is a social problem. I can't solve it all by myself, but as long as I see it, I have to intervene.

"Thank you." a black worker was untied. He was very happy and whispered to the scholar.

The scholar continued to untie the shackles for other black workers. At this time, a black worker who had just untied danced and shouted, "great, great!"

Mentally retarded! Qin Guan could not help swearing in his heart. Don't you know to keep your voice down?

The black worker actually began to kick the guy with a whip and his wrist was broken!

Incomplete intelligence, absolute incomplete intelligence! Several free black workers around him grabbed him and put their hands in front of their mouth: "Shh!"

"Shh!" he followed.

"After coming here, he was mentally abnormal." Wu Lei said, "but he was mentally retarded."

When the labor force is insufficient, the first thing they catch is the mentally retarded. They use the whip to make the mentally retarded work. Later, they turn to labor trafficking.

Wu Lei is also observing these people these days.

Qin Guan nodded. At the same time, the spirit point scanning system was constantly turned on. As long as anyone's spirit point recovered, it would continue to be cut off.

The scholar's hand was also very fast. Finally, the shackles of the last man were broken.

"Go, let's go right away. There's a tractor outside." Qin Guan said, "let's leave in a tractor."

The coal in the mop can be put up and thrown directly to the side of the road. When I came, I specially found a tipper to have this effect.

Now that everyone has been saved, it's time to go.

"Bang, bang!" just then, suddenly, at the entrance of the village in front, there were two sounds of shotguns, followed by someone shouting: "everyone come out, there's a situation!"

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