Someone must be scolding Qin Guan behind his back, but Qin Guan doesn't care.

He is used to carrying the pot. Qin Guan can do anything for the sake of the factory and the progress of the whole industry.

At the same time, for Qin Guan, the factory is just a small thing. He has more things to wait for.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, Qin Guan received a call from the capital and hurried to the capital.

Now, Qin Guan's deployment is almost a supporting three person group. Xiang Jing and scholar protect Qin Guan. At the same time, they have also received strict orders from their superiors. Qin Guan must not take risks again. Similar to the last black coal mine, there must be no second time!

Qin Guan didn't do anything, but Xiang Jing has been scolded again. Therefore, the new year has not relieved Xiang Jing's good mood. Now, Xiang Jing's foot is firmly stepping on the accelerator and feels the engine roaring hard, but the speed can't get up.

After getting off the airport, there is still a way to the destination. You can only drive there.

This kind of broken 212 is really too difficult to drive. Xiang Jing frowned and said to Qin Guan, "Qin Guan, we used to drive that off-road vehicle and were sent to what unit for research? It's been half a year and we haven't sent it to us."

At the beginning, when Qin Guan first came to this era, he went out with Xiang Jing and exchanged a Hummer. At that time, Qin Guan was still impressed. Now, it seems that a century has passed.

Too much has happened in the past six months.

The whole society is still a slow pace of life, while Qin Guan's pace of life is quite fast.

"I don't know," Qin Guan said. "It seems that it's impossible to let other units study. It's better for us to study by ourselves. We'll start a military vehicle production line next year."

Qin Guan knows that, like himself, he has promoted the transformation of the whole military factory, improved efficiency and introduced foreign advanced management schemes. It is absolutely quite courageous. In China, people like himself are absolutely rare.

Those factories with slow response are still mixing in the big pot at this time. I don't know how many years it will take to study their own car before they can produce results. In later generations, I have also seen the efficiency of these so-called state-owned enterprises.

I'm not afraid of R & D failure. Anyway, there is a higher-level allocation. If it fails, it's better. It can then allocate funds. Such enterprises are not competitive and raise idle people.

We still have to rely on ourselves. The original positioning of the North heavy truck factory was to produce heavy trucks. It seems that it will have to be developed in the future. There is also a great demand for military off-road vehicles. If Hummers can be imitated, it goes without saying that domestic military orders can be sold internationally. Those desert countries must like them.

"Qin Guan, do you know? You are famous all over the country." Xiang Jing drove and the scholar was behind. At this time, he was holding a newspaper with the front page headline, which was Qin Guan's speech in the court at that time.

Title: quality is the first vitality.

Qin Guan glanced: "if I can be heard by other factories and enterprises, I will be a villain this time."

The court's sentence was not heavy. Factory director Wang was sentenced to two years' imprisonment and suspended for two years, which is equivalent to a verbal punishment. However, this time is of great significance.

With this momentum, Qin Guan thoroughly removed all these old stubborn, retired retirees, expulsion from the company and resignation. Now the factory has the final say of Qin Guan, and no one else is on the head.

Qin Guan didn't show up at ordinary times, so all the big and small affairs were handed over to he ribala.

Even if Bala's ideal was to graze on the grassland, he had to do all this seriously. Qin Guan began to think about expanding the factory and finding a place for Hummer.

"By the way, what is it about going to the capital this time?" Qin Guan asked.

The telegram is very simple. Qin Guan knows that Xiang Jing and scholars must know more.

"Yezao country will send personnel to visit China's military system recently. The country attaches great importance to it and thinks it may be an important foreign arms sales." the scholar said: "at the same time, yezao country indicated that it wants you to accompany it. Therefore, before their guests arrive, please go to the capital and discuss it."

Yezao people, are you coming so soon? Qin Guan remembered that when he was in Europe years ago, he formed a good friend with Amir, the equipment Minister of the date country. At that time, he said he would invite him to visit the state of Han. Unexpectedly, this friend was so interesting. He was coming just after the new year.

People don't celebrate the new year, but they are still celebrating the new year here. No, what they promised him at that time was just the moon in the mirror and flowers in the water. At that time, they only talked casually and didn't implement it.

If people come and find that what they say is different from what they see, it won't work!

Qin Guan immediately felt nervous. Recently, he only focused on dealing with the bad things in the automobile factory, but he actually forgot the major event of foreign arms sales!

I also boasted about my air-cooled single-crystal turbine blades in Luoluo company. I'm afraid that those guys of Luoluo company will be eager to come after the New Year!

Many things have to be dealt with by himself. Qin Guan suddenly found that they were a little messy. What should he do first?

Look at your superiors.

When Qin Guan arrived at his destination, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. When he opened the door, it was full of people's heads.

The first aircraft department, the third aircraft department and the fifth aircraft department are all ministerial leaders. Seeing these people, Qin Guan knew that today's meeting would be quite long.

Sitting in the front of the conference room is the leader presiding over the conference, general Zhang. In a corner of the conference room, you can also see the figure of major Yang.

"Well, comrade Qin Guan is here, and our meeting officially begins." General Zhang said, "Comrade Qin Guan, come and sit next to me."

Therefore, Qin Guan could only walk over and sit next to General Zhang in the attention of everyone. This scene is always the same as where he has seen it.

At the beginning, factory director Sun helped himself up in this way in the factory. Although his rise in factory 4447 was related to his own efforts, it was absolutely inseparable from the support of factory director Sun. In the end, factory director Sun even took the initiative to give way. From this point of view, factory director sun still knew the general.

Now, Qin Guan is valued again. Sitting next to General Zhang, Qin Guan knows that he must not live up to General Zhang's love. The vigorous arms sales will begin soon!

"Comrade Qin Guan's visit to Europe has brought us a lot of good news." General Zhang said, "now let Comrade Qin Guan talk about the guests of the date country."

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