Last year, Qin Guan exchanged two planes, the old Su-27SK and the J-10 prototype. At that time, the 6601 Research Institute represented by general Gu chose the Su-27SK, while song chose the remaining J-10 raptors.

According to the plan put forward by Qin Guan at that time, the reverse imitation was carried out, the technology was thoroughly understood, and the two fighters were finally developed based on the existing Spey engine.

Song is always confident. After all, they have studied duck layout for more than ten years, and the plane originally appeared in their hands.

However, Gu Zong, they are lack of confidence.

In history, the 6601 Research Institute and subordinate factories led by general Gu produced a series of J-10 based on the Su-27SK. However, the production of this aircraft has gone through a long process.

At the beginning, it is to assemble the incoming parts first, then slowly increase the proportion of self-made parts, continuously improve the localization rate, and then make improvements by yourself.

After more than 20 years of use, has the 6601 Research Institute thoroughly understood the technology of this aircraft? I'm afraid only their own hearts know.

This is still the situation of future generations. Now, relying on their own strength, they must know that the surveying and mapping research and development of this aircraft will take many years.

Therefore, President Gu, they absolutely have no confidence.

And now, a great opportunity has come!

The eagle people have come to sell their F-16. If they reach the introduction plan of this kind of fighter, it will certainly be developed in the 6601 Research Institute. In this way, they can throw away the hard bone and sleep directly on the F-16 fighter.

In history, Gu always opposed the introduction of the F-16. In addition to spending a huge amount of foreign exchange, another reason is that their j-8-2 has been developed.

They are full of confidence in this aircraft. They think that this beautiful man in the air is enough to protect the sky of the country. Why do they introduce the F-16? As long as a subsystem of F-16 is introduced, it is enough to install it on J-8 2.

This is the model project of peace. Build a radar with medium-range interception capability and install it on the nose of the j-8-2, so that the j-8-2 can launch medium-range missiles.

This project, in later generations, also makes people sigh. For some reasons, the project finally miscarried, and the eagle people did not return the funds previously delivered to the eagle country. On the contrary, they detained a j-8-2 that flew to the eagle country for modification, which once again explains the essence of hooliganism.

This is a shameful page in the history of military industry. For the Han country, if it has to say anything good, it is to see clearly the essence of western countries. It must not return fantasy. It can only rely on its own to engage in R & D.

Moreover, when refitting with Eagle country, I also learned some ideas from the West.

Thinking of this, Qin Guan already had an idea. Yes, isn't this a good opportunity?

Now, what is the most lacking in China? It's the radar fire control system, it's the engine system. The super-7 fighter that plans to export can't continue to be built because of the lack of these subsystems. It can only continue to use the previous J-7.

Now, since the eagle people have come to the door, we can talk about it. Your radar is good. Can we study it?

General Zhang said, "we have just received news from the eagle country. Their fighters will fly to the airport near our capital tomorrow to give us a flight performance."

Eagle people, come so fast! Qin Guan couldn't help thinking that their reaction was so slow? Or does Dassault want to take action, so let the eagle people take action in advance?

Well, in this case, it's more interesting. It can let both sides compete with each other.

"Now, we just want to determine in advance what attitude we will take towards the arrival of this eagle aircraft," General Zhang said.

I didn't know before. After Qin Guan brought chao-7, everyone realized that his side was backward in fighter planes. However, it took too long to rely on his own technological progress.

Now, it's just a good opportunity. Eagle fighters come here to perform. Of course, they hope Han can order. What should Han do?

"If the performance is appropriate, we can buy their production license and produce it in our factory." sure enough, after general Zhang finished, President Gu already spoke.

Eagle people are here to sell. However, if they only buy the whole machine, they can't afford it. Therefore, they can only use the purchase license for production.

Of course, it should be produced in 6601 Institute!

Now, their J-8 is out of date. No one wants to improve the J-8. They all think about it on the third generation aircraft. This is a good opportunity!

President Gu couldn't wait to express his views. Hearing his views, old song couldn't help frowning.

If this project is really carried out, how much valuable foreign exchange reserves will be wasted? Besides, can you understand the core technology? Moreover, the Han state has always been the system of the bear state. Can it bear to change into the western system?

However, song Lao didn't speak, and his influence was not big enough.

"Qin Guan, what's your opinion?" General Zhang asked Qin Guan.

"I don't think so. We'll wait until we see the flight show tomorrow," Qin Guan said.

What's the use here? The assassin's mace is the last to be used. Now let's talk about it. What if someone runs to the eagle people to leak the secret?

Qin Guanke has to be prepared.

Qin Guan had no opinion. General Zhang began to take the next step: "now, please introduce this aircraft of Eagle country to you."

Grandma, it seems that people already know this information? Qin Guan was stunned, but he didn't say it before. He didn't start to sharpen his gun until the eagle people were coming. Isn't this guy too bad?

Qin Guan secretly thought of it in his mind, and general Gu turned on the slide projector. When the light in the room went dark, a smooth fighter appeared on the front screen.

Eagle people have always been engaged in conventional pneumatic layout, but what others have made is still beautiful and good-looking. For example, this F-16, with striped wings, air combat flaps and wing body integration, is very similar to the appearance of the owl dragon if you don't look at the fixed leather drag air inlet in the abdomen.

This is also a typical feature of the third generation.

"The plane of Eagle Kingdom has a smooth aerodynamic layout. Now, let me tell you our views." President Gu talked like an ordinary military observer in front of this picture.

Qin Guan yawned. How sleepy!

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