Han's own 59 tanks are not suitable for the combat situation in the hot desert. If the sun is there for a day, you can directly beat eggs on the armor and eat scrambled eggs.

Without an air conditioning system, it would be a tragedy.

6617 factory attached great importance to this. After receiving Qin Guan's request, they started work immediately.

Now, the time is just in time.

Hearing that this tank has a sample car, the visitors from the date country are of course very happy. Amir's face is full of a smile: "really? Where? Let's go and have a look!"

The motorcade only stopped at the gate of the plant, then went straight into the plant and went to the test site.

Qin Guan is no stranger to the testing ground. When Qin Guan first came here, he tested the newly produced 62 tanks in the testing ground, a light tank urgently needed in the border war.

Here, after the 59 tank is manufactured, it cannot be delivered to the army immediately. Under the supervision of the representative of the army stationed in the factory, it must pass the acceptance after complete testing. Whether each system is intact and where the produced products have defects, it can be delivered only after strict inspection. Otherwise, if there is an accident in the army, it will be investigated for responsibility.

Now, on the testing ground, a tank painted with desert camouflage is particularly conspicuous.

Most of the tanks produced in the Han country are military green, which is suitable for the surrounding environment of the Han country. If the military green tanks go to the desert, they are definitely the best targets.

Now, as long as you see this tank with desert yellow, you know it was specially developed for the date country.

From the appearance, it is roughly similar to the 59 tank in the Han Dynasty, but the main gun has been replaced. The majestic 105mm tank gun with a smoker in the middle is the most powerful existence of this tank.

It can penetrate the main armor of all main battle tanks in service!

Compared with the Han's own, there is no reactive armor outside. Since the air conditioning system consumes the energy of the engine, the self weight of the tank cannot be too large.

Streaking is not terrible. As long as you can kill the enemy's tanks, aren't you safe?

Now, the 59 tank is quietly on the test site, waiting for its users.

"We have made 129 improvements to the original 59 tanks." director Zheng introduced to you: "For example, our main gun adopts the 105mm tank gun first developed by us. When using the 105mm tail stable shelling armor piercing projectile produced by ourselves, it can penetrate the 300mm thick homogeneous armor at a distance of more than 2000 meters and the front of the T-72 body at a distance of 1500 meters."

As a tank, the first thing is to have firepower indicators. If the firepower is not enough, everything will be useless.

The scientific and technological personnel of Han country have always been very dedicated. After obtaining the technology of 105mm tank gun from Niu country, they have mastered all processing technologies in only half a year, and have also developed their own new tank gun.

Yes, lengthen the gun barrel to avoid export restrictions!

The original 105mm gun can only be used for its own use and cannot be exported, but you can't control the tank gun I developed by myself, can you?

At the same time, after lengthening the barrel, the power of the gun has also increased. After using the tungsten alloy armor piercing projectile produced according to the license, such a terrible number has been reached.

You can easily deal with all kinds of tanks produced by bear country!

Now, the T-72 being imported by Iraq has felt to be the most powerful tank. Even if it is not originated from bear country and is a second-hand product produced from satellite countries, it is also T-72 after all. The 125mm tank gun looks too powerful.

However, the armor piercing ability of the monkey version of T-72 is almost the same as that of the current 105mm tank gun, and the cost is definitely much higher.

When hearing the performance of the 105mm gun, the army officers following Amir were immediately excited and could break through the T-72?

"At the same time, we have also made many improvements inside the turret, so that the improved gun can be installed. Therefore, we have also installed some new shooting and aiming systems to greatly improve the shooting accuracy."

These have to be improved. The original 59 tank uses a 100mm gun. Now it is 105mm. The tail of the tank gun is also different. It can be installed only after improvement.

Last year, in order to practice, they faked by making a thin sheet of iron outside the original tank gun, but now it is a real 105mm gun.

The performance of this gun is absolutely powerful!

Mohammed, with a beard, climbed in with great interest and got into the turret. He looked at the equipment inside and said, "are these systems difficult to train?"

Although yezao country is rich, education has just begun. Now many soldiers in the army can't understand too complex things. If the operation is difficult, the training will be very troublesome.

"The more advanced the system is, the easier it is to aim." director Zheng said, "if you order, you can send someone to study here as a seed. After learning, you can go back and teach it to others."

Tank aiming is very complex. It needs ranging, calculation of advance, etc. it can be said that at least there must be a high school education level. However, when it develops to the future information age, a few buttons will be solved automatically.

Of course, the operation is convenient and the maintenance is more complicated.

"Are these air conditioners?" Mohammed said, turning his head and looking at an additional air outlet in the back.

"Yes, we have specially purchased a batch of special air conditioners for vehicles, improved its pipelines and assembled them to tanks," factory director Zheng said.

The basic principle of air conditioning is that the refrigerant carries heat. A compressor is needed to circulate the refrigerant, and this compressor is the focus of improvement.

The interior of the tank, every inch of land and every inch of gold, and the interior of the engine compartment are almost full. Several engineers lie prone and study for two days before finding a suitable position and installing the air-conditioning compressor.

The pipeline and heat dissipation device also cost a lot of brains. Fortunately, they have been solved.

Unfortunately, the weather is still very cold, so it is impossible to detect the efficiency of the air conditioner. In short, as long as you open it for a few minutes, the interior of the tank will be as cold as an ice cellar.

"It's not enough to test here." at this time, Qin Guan said: "in order to test the performance of the tank, I suggest driving the tank to yezao country for practical test. We send a capable engineer team to deal with the problem at any time."

Practice is the only criterion to test the truth. Whether this tank is suitable for the date country or not, we have to test it.

Qin Guan's proposal satisfied the guests of the date country.

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