1132 plant is also in intensive production at this time.

Yes, the country is going to undergo economic transformation, but the country still needs air defense. Therefore, the J-7 fighters of plant 1132 are still in production.

At the same time, after returning from the meeting in the capital, 1132 factory also had new people.

Engines, radars, avionics and so on. If you don't have them now, leave them empty first, but the body must be out first!

Under this request, 1132 plant is also urgently producing super seven prototypes.

Yes, this is simply not in line with the law of fighter R & D, but they must do so!

It's the best way to sell the Jian-7, go abroad and exchange valuable wealth for the country. If not, the other party only likes chao-7, then beat chao-7 out!

The research and development of a fighter must go through scientific research. Only the initial shape needs to go through tens of thousands of wind tunnel experiments.

At the same time, the detailed design can be carried out only when the engine is available.

From this point of view, the current 1132 plant is absolutely playing the piano.

However, this is actually certain.

After the super-7 was exchanged by Qin Guan, it was placed in the 6611 Research Institute. They have completely mapped out the fighter. In fact, the airframe is almost the same as that of the J-7, which is completely within their ability. Therefore, they can use the existing equipment for production.

What static test and what simulated assembly are not needed now. The most powerful thing in the Han Dynasty is the Shanzhai ability. Shanzhai is an organism. It's easy.

A fighter plane looks very advanced, but as long as the outer skin is disassembled, you can see that the inner structure is the same as the frame structure, just like the steel bars of the building.

Of course, these are not steel bars, but lightweight aluminum alloy frames. In later generations, titanium alloy is used in many places in order to increase strength.

According to the mapping shape, process the frames one by one and assemble them into the shape of the body. Then, no matter how the equipment is in place, knock the outer skin first!

They fought hard for half a month, and finally, in a corner of the factory, a new super seven came out.

In terms of appearance, it already has the characteristics of the third generation aircraft. The side wing extends to the lower part of the cockpit, to the rear, and smoothly transitions to the wing. The bulge of the air inlet below looks so strange.

Mr. Tu has been watching for several days. In the division of labor of 6611 Research Institute, Mr. Tu is always responsible for the J-7 and the improvement project of the J-7. He is quite familiar with this super-7.

"Tu Lao, the cockpit we ordered is covered!" said a voice behind him.

Now, the cockpit of Han country is still the structure of the front three-piece windshield, which looks too backward. Of course, it can not meet the needs of foreign customers. Therefore, subordinate glass enterprises have received new orders to produce bubble cockpit!

Is it strong enough? Put it aside first, at least save it first!

Tu Lao stood aside and watched the bubble cockpit cover installed in place. In this way, he suddenly looked powerful and majestic.

Well, the cabin is still empty. What should I do?

"First load the cockpit of our J-7 fighter," said Tu.

It's certainly not good to do so, but if we can't get the recognition of visitors from the date country, there will be problems in the research and development of this fighter.

Although Qin Guan said he would provide funds to support the project, if the factory could win foreign orders, it would certainly be the best result.

"Mr. Tu, there is news from the superior department. After getting off the plane in the capital, a team of NiuGuo investigation team did not go to the scheduled 4430 factory for investigation, but came to us for investigation. Now, they are on their way to make preparations."

Just when he put up the super seven shelf, old Tu received the news.

Niu Guo's delegation? What's the origin? Go to 4430 factory to investigate. Is it from Luoluo company? What are they doing here?

Tu Lao's mind was full of fog. Did he come for his own fighter plane? To tell you the truth, it really fooled a group of people.

However, how to continue to deceive them is not our own strength.

"Where's general manager Qin Guan? When will he arrive?" old Tu hurriedly asked.

"Also on the road."

I hope Qin Guan will arrive first. Otherwise, I can't cope with how to entertain myself!


"I'm really worried about the safety of your highness, but I don't listen." at this time, on a certain road, a motorcade is moving forward.

Most of them are cars, black cars, with black license plates hanging on them. They belong to the cattle embassy.

If you can recognize one of the cars, it looks very grand and noble. The sign of the flying goddess in front of the car glitters in the sun.

Rolls Royce, the most noble car, even in NiuGuo, is also sky high, while there is only one such car in the Chinese embassy.

This car is for Prince Andrew.

However, Prince Andrew did not ride comfortably in the car.

This made them very worried. The bodyguards in the car kept looking out at the front of the team and several motorcycles in charge of opening the road.

The riders on the car are turning the accelerator and riding skillfully. They wear special riding clothes and symbolic white helmets.

In later generations, when it comes to motorcycles, the first thing people think of is Xiangguo. Every military parade or something. Like performing acrobatics, Xiangguo can go up to a dozen people on a motorcycle.

This stunt of Xiangguo actually comes from NiuGuo. After all, Xiangguo was once a vassal of NiuGuo and claimed to be the second cow.

The Royal motorcycle riders of NiuGuo were born in 1927. They performed twice a day, five days a week. They impressed countless audiences with their exquisite motorcycle performances. They always wear the iconic white helmets, so they have the nickname of White Helmets.

Growing up in the royal family, Andrew is also very interested in riding motorcycles. In fact, most men in the royal family of NiuGuo like motorcycles.

However, Andrew is subject to too many restrictions in NiuGuo because he is still a minor. Now, Prince Andrew will not give up this opportunity.

The foremost knight is Andrew. At this time, he is riding a royal Enfield motorcycle. This bullet motorcycle is the most popular style in previous years.

In the roar of the motorcycle, Andrew had a restless heart.

Because, as the deputy of Qin Guan, Xiang Jing is said to go to factory 1132!

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