"Is it your rb199 engine?" Qin Guan said: "now, rb199 engine is one of the options that can meet our demand for this aircraft. We only introduce the whole engine, but we need the export license of a third country."

This is the most important. In later generations, the Xiaolong fighter was built. The engine adopts the rd93 engine improved by Xiong Guo on the basis of the RD33 engine of MiG-29. However, it is only distributed to the holy country. Therefore, if it is exported to other countries, it needs the consent of Xiong Guo.

Of course, Xiong Guo will not let the Xiaolong fighter affect their own MiG-29 exports. Therefore, although the foreign trade teams of later generations continue to sell, the effect is quite poor.

There are not as many orders as expected.

Now, Qin Guan would not let such a thing happen.

If there is no export license from a third country, it can only be used in China. This aircraft is originally a foreign trade aircraft, and China does not use it for its own use at all. If the engine has no export license, everything will be in vain.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, Stanley frowned and exported to a third country? Will it affect the exit of the strong wind? Will it bring problems to the national strategy of NiuGuo, such as exporting to the enemy country of NiuGuo?

This condition can't be freely agreed!

However, before he could say more, Qin Guan went on: "in fact, we prefer eagle's f404 engine. Eagle also took the initiative to find us and want to carry out f404 engine negotiations."

Unfortunately, Jiguo has no plan to launch a gust fighter. The supporting M88 engine has not been approved yet. Otherwise, Jiguo can also be brought in.

Let's compare and see who has the lowest quotation.

Yes, I don't care about the performance. Anyway, the performance of your engines is the same. I'll see the quotation. Who gives the lowest price? Anyway, I don't use it for my own use.

This is the real thought of Qin Guan at this time.

When Qin Guan said f404 engine, Stanley immediately changed his attitude: "of course, no problem. We can allow exports to third countries."

Only the export of the complete engine can be controlled. For example, the corresponding parts of the engine can jam the other party's neck. As long as the other party adopts its own engine, the engine parts and the medium-term overhaul of the engine can make money.

Now, once the sun never sets, the Empire has declined, the cow country's economy is depressed, and how long can they live without the colonies to cut wool?

In this case, although the cow country has always been politically attached to the eagle country, this kind of competition is normal in export trade!

"If you are sure, we can leave the Engineer in charge of rb199 project now. We can negotiate some details to see if there is any problem in installing this engine on the fighter and how complex the project is. Then we can discuss it further," Stanley said.

It's just a matter of time to study the aircraft made by the Han people. It's a very complex project to install the engine. The preliminary research determines the progress of the project. For example, if the inlet does not match the engine, there will be constant setbacks in the subsequent test flight.

"Of course," said Qin Guan.

Without Tu Lao's hands, Qin Guan decided the matter.

Some engine technicians from NiuGuo are left to study together. In the process of research, they will certainly figure out this aircraft, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it is a foreign trade aircraft.

At the same time, in the research, our own technicians will also learn a lot of knowledge, which is good for our own side.

At the same time, as long as the news gets out and reaches the ears of the eagle people, see if they are in a hurry!

Let them quote a high price!

Engine, imported from NiuGuo, is it suitable? Looking at these people talking, people from yezao country began to think. After all, yezao country is not a weapon exporting country of cow country. It has not used cow country's weapon system, either bear country or chicken country. I'm afraid this new equipment will face the problem of system guarantee.

They waited quietly and watched Qin Guan continue to communicate with each other.

Qin Guan is not omnipotent. In terms of weapon output, Qin Guan can't wait to push Chao Qi out, but he ignores the affordability of the people of yezao.

Yezao people can not care about money, but they must care about the equipment system, which is more critical.

Now, after mentioning the engine, Qin Guan mentioned another more important project.

Semi active radar missile.

Han's own electronic technology is quite poor, so accordingly, Han also seriously lacks air-to-air missiles.

Up to now, the fighter planes of the Han Dynasty are almost still dominated by air guns. Although there are thunderbolt-2 missiles imitating rattlesnakes, they have too close range and limited seeker performance, so they can only chase and attack. Therefore, they are better than nothing. Fighter pilots are almost practicing the technique of fighting bayonets in the air.

This is a pity. In this era, the eagle country has long begun to use semi-active sparrow air-to-air missiles, while the Han country is still using machine guns for fighting. Even if the sparrow is not mature, it is stronger than machine guns.

Without advanced aircraft and missiles, once there is a real war, the air force will almost take a deadly posture to fight.

In fact, Qin Guan wanted to talk about it when he went to Niu state last time, but he was delayed at that time. Now that the representative of Niu state came, he just put forward this request.

"We also hope to introduce your sky flash missile," Qin Guan said. "Introduce a full set of technology."

Sky flash missile! Hearing Qin Guan's request, everyone present was shocked. The appetite of the Han people is really not small!

Sky flash is unknown in future generations. When talking about medium-range air-to-air missiles, the first thing people think of is sparrow missiles. However, no one knows that sparrow missiles that have worked stably in future generations still use sky flash technology.

This missile is developed on the basis of "sparrow" aim-7e-2 missile. It adopts the mature aerodynamic shape and guidance law of aim-7e-2, follows the rear body of aim-7e-2, including steering gear, warhead and engine, and improves the front body of aim-7e-2, including seeker, fuse, control rudder and power supply.

Yes, it looks similar to the sparrow missile in appearance, but the warhead is different. It adopts the world's first monopulse semi-active radar seeker.

This seeker is developed by Marconi Company and works in J-band. It has better anti-electronic interference ability and guidance accuracy than the conical scanning seeker adopted by aim-7e / - 7e-2. The rotation speed of the seeker antenna is very fast. At the same time, the receiver adopts inverted type and has high sensitivity. The reliability of the seeker is also good.

In short, the air-to-air missile newly developed by NiuGuo makes them stand in the forefront of the world from scratch. As soon as Yingguo looks good, it also introduces technology to improve its sparrow missile and becomes an aim-7m missile.

If the Chinese air force can have this kind of missile, it will suddenly transition from the backward fight with machine guns to the era of medium-range air combat!

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