No matter how hard it is, researchers can't suffer.

At that time, with the country's economic transformation, some people in society began to get rich, but the living standard of scientific researchers who should have become the pillars of the country was very low. For a time, the society was full of the trend that it was better to sell tea eggs than to build an atomic bomb.

This is quite wrong. Those smart minds should have been used in the country's scientific and technological development. As a result, they all went to the sea to do business and promote economic progress, and some scientific researchers are still sticking to their positions. However, their meager salary can not meet the needs of their families and live a poor life.

This is a very special era, and now that Qin Guan has come to this era, he will never let such a thing happen!

Now, but then?

There is interest on this loan, and how to repay it?

According to Qin Guan's thinking, the current J-7 cannot be exported directly. It also needs to replace avionics on a large scale and negotiate with foreign companies. This capital gap will become larger and larger. Can't we borrow from banks?

Qin Guan put forward the plan, and Tu Lao asked, "how can we repay the loan? It may take us half a year to complete the improvement plan of the J-7, and it will take at least a year to win foreign orders and complete production and export. In this case, we will still have no profit in this year."

There is also the Raptor project, which needs to invest a lot of money. I'm afraid I can't even pay the interest for this first loan!

In this era, most people are honest. Before borrowing money, they first think about how to repay it. Unlike later generations, they never want to repay it. Why should they repay the money borrowed by their ability?

TU was always cautious, but here in Qin Guan, he was dismissed by a sentence: "don't worry, it's all up to the company, and the company will continue to provide funds. As for how the funds operate, you don't have to worry. You just need to do a good job in scientific research. Now, let's talk about the next thing, the improvement of the J-7, which is urgent."

The business of the company is the business of Qin Guan. He has a money cemetery. What are you afraid of? There are so many dead money in future generations that he can use it!

Of course, Qin Guan is cautious. After all, the Han country has few foreign exchange reserves, which are well known abroad. Now Qin Guan's first development is foreign trade. With foreign trade, there will be foreign exchange. In this way, his side will suddenly come up with a large amount of foreign exchange, which will not attract international attention.

Exchange foreign exchange and then exchange foreign exchange with banks for domestic currency, which not only increases the country's foreign exchange reserves, but also increases the funds of its own companies. These foreign exchange can also be under the banner of foreign trade. Therefore, everything will be watertight.

Therefore, although Qin Guan's currency cemetery has been opened for a long time, it has not been exchanged. It is for this reason that now, with the achievements of the negotiations on the export of military equipment with yezao country, it doesn't matter.

Qin Guan can exchange freely and boldly.

Money, I have it, it's not a problem!

The following is the key. It is not easy to greatly improve the J-7, especially what Qin Guan said, to achieve the same short-range fighting ability as the F-16!

After all, when hawk came to sell the F-16, it used the original F100 engine. Everyone saw the performance near the capital. The outstanding hovering characteristics can not be achieved by ordinary aircraft. Can it be achieved by its own J-7, a second-generation aircraft?

"Well, the others can go out. Now, Tu Lao and the factory director stay."

When everyone else went out, Qin Guan spoke to the two left behind.

"I need an ordinary J-7 fighter, and then give me an independent hangar. Tonight, I will transform this aircraft. Then, we will carry out surveying and mapping according to my transformation, look for the corresponding subsystem internationally, and use the deposit of yezao country to copy one first."

Qin Guan's super power is still a secret. Those who know these things will never dare to talk nonsense. Now, Qin Guan needs the help of the two people in front of him.

In fact, the double delta wing and leading-edge maneuvering flap are not new. The saab-35 in Sweden has them, but how to place them on the J-7 is very complicated.

Of course, Qin Guan doesn't understand these complex things, but Qin Guan has a system. As long as he has exchanged one and asked these technicians to study it, it's OK.

In 2020, the J-7 fighters, known as the seventh master, finally embarked on the road of elimination after ups and downs. Before and after, there were many J-7 models that were produced until 2006. In 16 years, the number of J-7 fighters in the army was quite small. In 2020, they had all been retired.

These retired seventh masters are treated almost the same as sixth masters. They are sent to the weapons cemetery and sealed up. Among them, those in good condition are improved into UAVs to wait for future consumption in the war.

Therefore, it is actually easy for Qin Guan to exchange Jian-7 fighters from the weapons cemetery. The key problem is that his exchange cannot be too detached from the times.

The progress of technology is changing with each passing day. For example, the electronic system will be updated every few years. Therefore, if the fighters exchanged are too advanced and exceed the level of this era, they can not be refitted quickly and handed over to Tu Lao for imitation. They should meet the level of this era.

Which one do you choose?

The J-7 m should be the core. After all, this aircraft is the main export, but it is not equipped with double delta wings. The aircraft equipped with double delta wings should start from the J-7 E.

What should I do?

It seems that one is not enough, or just exchange two?

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