Chen Yutong still lives in Qin Guan's original single dormitory. Chen Yutong's parents still live next door. Because Qin Guan is not there and Qin Guan's parents are not there, Chen Yutong's parents are making arrangements during the whole confinement period.

The room is warm.

Grassland city is already cold. The heating in the factory is very warm for production. It is still cold outside, but it is as warm as spring in the room.

On the radiator, there is a trail of urine mustard. The whole room is full of a unique smell of milk.

When he opened the door, Qin Guan was stunned: "Sandra, why are you here?"

Qin Guan didn't expect that Sandra, who was entrusted with an important task by himself, would come here instead of supervising the production line?

"I've come to say goodbye to Yutong," Sandra said.

Hearing Sandra's words, Qin Guan immediately changed his face: "what, goodbye? Are you going back?"

I can't live without Sandra. Although she has experienced many twists and turns, she is definitely a good worker. She has congenital advantages in CNC machine tools. She still has a lot of work to do in the future. Why should she leave?

"Is He Ri Bala a stubborn donkey or a lukewarm look? I'll clean him up for you." Qin Guan couldn't help saying that at this time, even if he RI Bala was sacrificed, he would have to keep Sandra!

Hearing Qin Guan's words, Sandra suddenly smiled like a flower: "are you retaining me?"

"Yes, you are an indispensable technical expert in our factory. How can you go?"

"Don't worry, I won't go." Sandra said, "I'm going on a business trip to say goodbye. I'm also very interested in the 1500 horsepower diesel engine. Therefore, I've arranged things for the factory. I've brought several people and plan to go on a business trip to investigate."

Qin Guan breathed a long sigh. You scared me to death.

Machines and equipment can be obtained by ourselves, but the personnel operating the machines are really difficult to do now. The country is completely blank in the field of high-tech machine tools.

Qin Guan had too many things to do. He forgot about this. The 1500 horsepower diesel engine technology introduced from Hans was produced by himself, but it was less than 1000 horsepower. Zhu was always in a hurry, and Qin Guan volunteered to let the experts of his own factory go and have a look. That's it.

"The baby is so cute. I really want one, too. Unfortunately, Bala has always said that work is important." Sandra said to Qin Guan.

Of course, Qin Guan knew what Sandra meant: "don't worry, it's up to me. I work for he ribala. The work in the factory is important. It's also very important to have the next generation."

"Thank you!" Sandra suddenly leaned over and tiptoed to kiss Qin Guan's forehead.

In an instant, the air in the whole room solidified.

What are you doing? What are you doing? I came back to see my wife and children. Will you kiss me in front of my wife and children? No, I want to complain, I want to complain!

Sandra had left with laughter: "thank you, Qin Guan, I'm looking forward to it!"

With that, Sandra has left, leaving Qin Guan, Chen Yutong, the child, and Xiang Jing with an ignorant face. Fortunately, Chen Yutong's parents are not here at this time.

Qin Guan was embarrassed. How to explain? This is clearly a misunderstanding caused by cultural differences.

Now the country is very open. There is no disrespect. When you see someone else's bare legs and belly, you must marry someone else, but this kiss can still be made between lovers.

Sandra is a foreigner. People are open there. It's polite for a man to kiss the back of a woman's hand. It's also an ordinary daily behavior for a woman to kiss a man's forehead.

To be more disgusting than this, there are also men's kisses, especially the Burt kiss, general secretary of Xiong Guo, which is two men holding and gnawing together. That's disgusting.

Xiang Jing took the lead in breaking the embarrassment. She had gone to bed and looked at the child.

At this time, the whole child just a few days old has woke up and is opening her big eyes to continue looking at the world, the unknown world, which makes her very curious.

"Well, it looks like sister Yutong." Xiang Jing said, "Yutong, I've named my child. Her name is Ruoxi. How about it?"

Xiang Jing said, listening to Yutong's silence, are you still angry about what just happened? As you can see, it was the ocean horse who took the initiative and had nothing to do with Qin Guan.

Chen Yutong's lips wriggled twice and said, "I, I gave birth to a girl. Are you unhappy, brother Guan?"

It's been a long time. It's this!

In this era, the idea of son preference is still very serious. The first child is a boy and everyone is absolutely happy. However, if the first child is a girl, most men will have a gloomy face and even ignore their wives in confinement. They are already planning to have a second child.

If the second child is still a girl, the woman, even if she has no status at all, the third and fourth children, what family planning, go away, when to give birth to a son, and when it can end.

Although Chen Yutong has received modern education and is in free love with Qin Guan, now Chen Yutong is still worried. What's the expression of Qin Guan if he knows it's a daughter?

"How can it be?" Qin Guan had already sat down, sat down beside Chen Yutong, touched Chen Yutong's hand with his own hand, and said, "whether it's boys or girls, aren't they all my children? In fact, I prefer girls. My daughter is my father's most intimate little cotton padded jacket. Come on, can I hug?"

In fact, Chen Yutong doesn't feel much about the action of the ocean horse just now. That's what that woman is like. It's the same in the West. Last time Chen Yutong and Xiang Jing went to the West and saw how open the west is. What she just did was that Qin Guan promised to have a child with Bala and her on what day.

It's not that Qin Guan is greasy. Chen Yutong is worried about this daughter.

If Qin Guan is such an important figure, what if he also wants to have a descendant?

"Hey, be careful. Hold your head with one hand." at this time, Qin Guan, a big man, was going to hold the child. Looking at Qin Guan's performance, Chen Yutong immediately exclaimed. You are holding a newly born child. Your neck is soft. You can't hold your head and will break off!

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