"President Qin, I think you may have misunderstood." Jamal continued to explain to Qin Guan: "we have always been best friends with the Han state. We just have a business relationship with the eagle state, but we think the eagle state's technology is better."

This is the second time Jamal has reiterated. Yes, the holy state and the Han state have indeed always been best friends. However, brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Of course, Qin Guan knows what the other party is thinking.

Lieutenant general Jamal's heart is to let the eagle company lead. In his eyes, this seems to be more smooth. In the final analysis, they still don't believe in their own strength.

In their eyes, Yingguo company is capable of everything. Even if the J-7 aircraft originally not produced by him is modified by him, there is no problem. For example, to extend the life of the body, Yingguo company believes that there is no need to redesign, as long as it can be extended by strengthening. We should accept their help. Of course, in the final analysis, they are still skeptical about their ability to change their style.

After all, this is a big change. The super seven can't explain anything, it's just an emergency plan.

Of course, this is only one reason, and more, there are political and economic reasons.

For example, general Jamal had talked with Grumman about this project before he came. One of the prerequisites of Grumman is to send the super seven fighters to Grumman for refitting.

In other words, Grumman is the general contractor, so that Grumman can say upstream and downstream to ask the eagle government to approve the plan. At the same time, Grumman will make a lot of profits by general assembly and purchasing engines and avionics equipment.

This is necessary because the holy country has no money. For the project that has obtained the code of "Sabre II" before he leaves, the expenses are paid from the expenses of the eagle country's military assistance project to the holy country. Therefore, the project must be approved by the eagle government and most of the money must be thrown into the hands of Eagle businessmen. Otherwise, the eagle country will create obstacles, increase trouble and even stifle the project.

This is general Jamal's worry, but his worry is useless. Now Qin Guan has made up his mind to promote this project with a holy country. Of course, it is the best. Even if there is no holy country to promote this project, his own side should do it by itself.

Eagle country provides engines, which is the best. If Eagle country does not provide engines, then use NiuGuo's gale fighter engines. Even if the price is more expensive, they must not succeed. Let them see their own determination, that is, their own independently developed projects, and they can only be suppliers.

Take the initiative, which is the most important.

Now, Qin Guan still insists: "General Jamal, please understand our concerns. It is impossible for us to send our hard-developed super-7 airframe abroad to other aircraft companies. We only need suppliers of avionics and engines. We still have many choices. By the way, since you are so interested today, we will go to 6611 Institute tomorrow to see what is under development there How about super seven? "

Qin Guan insisted, so general Jamal couldn't object any more. He could only follow Qin Guan's suggestion and say, "really? In that case, it would be great."

"Maybe there will be some surprises," Qin Guan continued.

This unexpected surprise, of course, is the Raptor. Qin Guan knows that if he gives the Raptor to 6611 Institute, they will immediately enter the imitation, because this is their own positive R & D project, so the progress will be quite fast. He also wants to have a look.

However, because this is a top secret project of the state, whether it can be seen by the guests of the holy country requires the consent of the superior department. Qin Guan's surprise first refers to this. If the superior does not agree, you can change it for an individual.

In history, the J-10 was still in the R & D stage. It once invited friends of the holy state to visit, but the price of this aircraft is too expensive for the holy state to afford.

General Jamal is looking forward to this surprise. Qin Guan has always been the best at creating surprises, but he doesn't know. The next words will make him full of expectations.

"If the cooperation of our super seven project is successful, have you considered introducing our production line for independent production in your country?"

In order to get the other party to agree, Qin Guan certainly has to constantly throw out bait. Now this bait is the ultimate scheme.

Independent production! This is what any aspiring country is looking forward to!

The holy state also has the idea of independent production. In history, it has been transformed into an Xiaolong project, which is produced in the holy state's own country. Even the holy state is still actively trying to sell it to a third party.

There is also the Khalid tank project, which is also produced by the holy country after introducing the technology of the Han country.

Holy state now owns Kamla aircraft factory. This factory is actually a J-6 overhaul factory, which was also built with the assistance of Han state at that time. People in holy state will not refuse to transform this factory to produce super-7 fighters. Compared with the general assembly in Eagle state, it certainly makes them more excited in holy state.

Looking at the eyes of general Jamal and other holy people, Qin Guan knew that he had moved them.

No matter how friendly a country is, it also needs to exchange interests.

After the banquet, general Jamal and others stayed in the hotel to rest, and Qin Guan also began to report to his superiors urgently.

Of course, there is no need for Qin Guan to deal with this matter personally. There is a person specially responsible for contacting the superior around Qin Guan.

"Brother Yang, please contact your superiors and ask them to allow the holy nation and its people to visit the Raptors we have developed." Qin Guan said to major Yang.

Although major Yang is the chairman of the board, Qin Guan still likes to call him brother Yang, which makes him more friendly.

After hearing Qin Guan's request, major Yang said, "why?"

Yes, major Yang doesn't know Qin Guan's reason, so it's easy to be rejected if he reports to his superiors without sufficient reason.

"Let the holy people believe that we have the ability to plug the imported engine into our self-developed fighter, and our scientific research technology has become stronger."

Although Qin Guan always insisted that even if he asked the holy people to give up the project, he would also insist on his own dominance, of course, he would still strive to promote the project in a good direction if he could match the project.

Yang Shao nodded.

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