Prince Andrew, after being repeatedly humiliated by Xiang Jing, did not give up his thoughts. Later, he decided to attack from the side, found a scholar and decided what method he wanted to use to impress Xiang Jing.

After that, Andrew left. Xiang Jing took a long breath and thought that this guy was finally out of his sight, but he didn't expect that Andrew was even risking his life for what he was doing for her.

Andrew was swimming hard. Several people behind him were chasing after him quickly. He saw it getting closer and closer. Andrew heard the sound of rowing in front of him.

In the night, a rubber boat was rowing from a distance. Andrew looked up at the figure above during the swimming. It was so familiar. God, thank you!

Andrew didn't expect that he could meet Xiang Jing here. Xiang Jing was rowing a rubber boat and was coming to save him.

God must have been moved by his sincerity! Andrew was very excited in his heart. He shouted to the rubber boat, "quiet, quiet, I'm here!"

How could it be you? What moth is coming out again? Is it a hero to save the United States? But the man and the woman are upside down? Xiang Jing even thought of these at this moment.

However, there was no room for her to think more. No matter how much she hated Andrew and wanted to blow his enthusiasm, she couldn't die.

Xiang Jing rowed the rubber boat, getting closer and closer. Then, he began to paddle one side of the oar by hand, and the bow began to tilt. When Xiang Jing's boat body just improved 180 degrees, he just aligned the stern with Andrew.

Andrew felt that all his strength was going to be exhausted, but at this moment, the moment he saw Xiang Jing, he immediately regained his energy. Looking at Xiang Jing's hands, Andrew was full of joy in his heart. He felt that Xiang Jing's hands were so soft, so warm and cold.

"Sneeze!" when Andrew came out of the water, he immediately sneezed and soaked in the sea for half an hour. His physical strength was almost overdrawn and his body temperature came down. Now, after coming up, the water evaporated and continued to take away the heat, which made him feel uncomfortable in an instant.

At this time, he was lying in the rubber boat, breathing heavily and looking at the sky. His favorite woman was rowing hard.

Moonlight, boat, sea, everything is so artistic conception.

The things behind him were uncomfortable. He untied the belt on his chest, put the long strip-shaped things behind him aside, and then continued to enjoy Xiang Jing.

Then, Xiang Jing took off her outer clothes while rowing.

Yes, Xiang Jing is taking off her clothes. When the outer clothes come down, only the inner vest is left. She has the same shoulder vest as a man. This takes off, revealing that her body is full of muscles. Her two arms pull the oar hard. Then, the rubber boat swishes and enters a large section.

"Cover it." Xiang Jing took off her coat and threw it right on Andrew. On it, with Xiang Jing's unique female fragrance, Andrew felt like melting in an instant. In addition to the reversal of men and women, the scene was really warm.

In fact, Andrew is an illusion. Xiang Jing doesn't have any smell. In the past, if there was a smell in the special forces, they would expose themselves. They deliberately made themselves smell like mud. Even now, even if he has left the special forces and has lived a normal life, he still does not love perfume. That smell is just the smell of Xiang Jing's sweat.

"Aren't you cold? Well, you'd better put it on." Andrew covered Xiang Jing's clothes. Although it's very warm, will Xiang Jing freeze her by wearing only her vest at such a night?

"Shut up!" Xiang Jing breathed steadily and continued to row hard. When she heard Andrew's words, she was still as rude as before. However, this attitude made Andrew very useful. Yes, he liked to be scolded. He was scolded by Xiang Jing. He was comfortable all over.

Covered with Xiang Jing's clothes, Andrew's frozen body gradually began to warm up. He was still looking at Xiang Jing affectionately. At this time, the muscles on Xiang Jing's arm were so strong.

I really want to be held in my arms by such an arm.

At this time, Xiang Jing suddenly started. She suddenly pulled out the oar on one side and pushed it into the sea until all the oars were submerged. When she pulled out the oar again, the tip was full of blood.

Want to dive under your rubber boat and cut the leak? There are no doors!

Some incomplete internal organs and pieces of meat float slowly from the sea. Xiang Jing's paddle is specially made. Under the paddle, you can shovel soil or people!

She just made that effort. Although the other party would not be shoveled in half, she had accurately pierced the lower part of the other party's chest and almost shoveled out part of the internal organs in the upper part of the hip bone.

A bloody smell began to spread slowly around. Soon, fierce sharks would come.

At this time, Xiang Jing continued to row with the oar again. After Andrew smelled the smell, he immediately turned pale: "you, you killed someone?"

This smell makes Xiang Jing feel that every cell is excited. This familiar feeling makes her too excited.

But then she frowned, damn it!

Before he died, the guy tried his best to plunge the dagger into the rubber boat!

The rubber boat was specially made. Although it was pierced with a hole, the gas leaked very slowly.

In front, we can see the land in shadow.

Xiang Jing shook the oar hard. Before the rubber boat leaked, the rubber boat finally hit the shore.

"Come on, get up!" Xiang Jing said to Andrew.

After lying down for a while, Andrew also regained his vitality. Now Andrew took his long article in his hand, stood up and was about to jump ashore.

However, those people have landed in advance.

In the water, the speed of rowing is not as fast as that of professional people swimming. After they found that their companions were killed, they became cautious and did not continue to chase the rubber boat, but went ashore first.

The rubber boat was punctured. The other party could not run far. They would certainly go ashore along the shortest path. They hung their fins behind them and took out their weapons.

UZ submachine gun.

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